#you can still understand her


I was on Facebook and there was a post about Sofia Vergara and people were commenting on her accent, even supposed Latina people, saying her accent is “too strong” and “it’s embarrassing, her accent shouldn’t be that strong it makes us other Latinas seem stupid” and somebody even said she should “get a teacher” like… first off, you can’t teach an accent in the sense it will change it for life, you can “teach” an accent for the purpose of say, acting but you can’t teach somebody to permanently change their accent and that would be erasing their culture and where they come from just because you don’t like their accent being so strong in the great Ol’ America.

As for the people who said the accent is too strong and embarrassing for Latina people I’m sorry but like… some people really just never lose their accent (my old boss has an incredibly strong accent and he’s been in Australia for like 20 years) and yeah hers is strong but you can still clearly understand the things she says (which I know is why a lot of people struggle with the accent thing bc they can’t understand the other person properly unless they try a little harder) and I think it’s wrong for people to shame her or complain about her accent, it’s a beautiful accent. In fact I’m yet to hear a “horrible” accent because it symbolises where somebody comes from, it’s who they are and it’s their roots and we shouldn’t make people feel bad for sounding “different” especially if they’ve had to learn a second language just so you will only slightly accept that they’re from somewhere else.

Honestly, somebody having an accent shouldn’t bother you that much, who cares if you have to “listen a little harder” or make more of an effort to understand them, it’s all part of accepting other people and after a while, you get pretty good at understanding even the strongest accents bc listening carefully starts to come more naturally. It’s wrong to tell someone their accent is too strong or too hard to understand because they shouldn’t need to hide who they are or erase part of themselves just bc ur lazy ass doesn’t want to put in the effort to listen to them properly. If it’s that much of a problem for you how about you go learn their language so you can speak in their language rather than “struggle with their accent”.
