#you chodes




ACK! I got hit!

Hi, Simblr community. Murf here, from murfeelee.tumblr,com

As I effing expected, Tumblr terminated my account today too, over the exact same nonsense that recently hit @katsujiiccfindshereand@desiree-ukhere.

I contacted @staff at Tumblr Support about it today, and even tried to make a backup account to tell y’all about it earlier today, but Tumblr banned that account too, so now I’m trying to get BOTH accounts back, FML.

This frikkin SUCKS, Tumblr–WHY are y’all making it so dang hard to make people want to even BOTHER with this site anymore? PLEASE do something about these nasty instant-terminations–at least the Flagging system warns us in advance, and just hides posts that aren’t allowed anymore, so do the same thing for posts with hyperlinks to outside websites you don’t want us linking to and clicking!!! 

How is it acceptable that are you are insta-banning simmers for reblogging content y’all LET US reblog in the first place? It’s THE SIMS, Tumblr–we’re not reblogging anything graphic or hateful or anything; we’re just trying to play with virtual Barbie dolls. (What on earth did that site (starting with a D) which shall not be named evendo? O_O It was YEARS OLD reblogs of LACE DOILIES, DECORATIVE AIR CONDITIONERS, and GLASS FURNITURE, for crissakes! HIDE THE CHILDREN!)

I actually tried to delete the compromised posts on my CC Finds sideblogs, but lo and behold, the stupid posts wouldn’t even delete, and kept popping back up!

(Fun fact: I couldn’t even get my account termination letters at the Contact Support page to go through – I had to keep resubmitting them before the buttons would stop getting stuck in an endless loop–like REALLY? I can’t even do what you all tell us to do@staff.It’s not even watching what we reblog (the whole frikkin point of Tumblr, jfc) – it’s watching what we’ve ALREADY reblogged and are trying to get rid of, that can set Tumblr’s trigger-happy algorithm off.

So yeah, that’s my frikkin life right now, y’all. (-‸ლ)

Just in case they ban this account too, y'all can still see my archived CC posts at the Wayback Machine: (it might load super slow at first, at least for me it did?)

Build/Buy Page:

CAS CC Page:

And my SFS backups are all here&here.

Thank you to everyone who’s reaching out and letting people know, both here at Tumblr and at Mod The Sims!

@staff You need to restore this account!
