#you nailed it maree






just so yall know

art block is your brain telling you to do studies.

draw a still life. practice some poses. sketch some naked people. do a color study. try out a different technique on a basic shape.

art block doesnt stop you from drawing, it stops you from making your drawings look the way you want them to. and thats because you need to push your skills to the next level so you can preform at that standard

think of it as level grinding for your next work.

As a scientific illustrator- this is 100% true and going to review your basics will fix it every goddamn time.  Not only does it keep your skills sharp, when you’re not emotionally invested in the final product of a piece, you relax and your brain makes more/better art juice for you.  So, when you get back to that big/important piece?  You’ll know what to do and how to do it.

Nothing in nature blooms all year round.  Rest, and take care of yourself.

i want someone to put this into writer’s blocks now

Writers block version.

Writer’s block tells you you’re not good enough. (putting aside the sort that comes from exhaustion, depression etc. I’m talking about work based blocks here) So stop being afraid.

Collect reference material. Pick up books that you admire, that execute the techniques well. Transcribe them, word for word. Own the scene by writing it out with your own hands.

Journal. Make observations about the world around you. Describe your immediate vicinity using all 5 senses.

Try a different form. Write a poem. A short story. A character study. Write it from the perspective of another character.

And then when you return to your work it will have a depth you’re barely aware of and the words will flow.
