#you name it its in there


To all you SPN shitbeetles out there who waged campaigns against Jared’s ‘Walker’ before it even launched, with claims of copaganda and racism and working with the “nasty c/w”, you look like absolute fools right now.

(Yeah, I know, I know, but I promise I’ll post more entertaining fare in the weeks to come…)

How’s that “White Walker” campaign working out for ya? “They Silenced Us” and “BoycottTheCW”?

What clumsy tap dancing are you doing as we speak to excuse Jensen playing not one, but TWO cops? Or the fact that both he and Misha are once again, on the CW? Oh, and Misha… poor, poor, straight Misha. Who for literal yearsobfuscated his orientation so he could make like he was One Of Us, teasing Destiel and Cockles, and keeping his fandom gaggle on the hook to buy his Stands merch that pimps not only a queer ship, but Hellers, who are responsible for so much toxicity in the SPN fandom right now.

For the record, a Heller is someone who blindly ships Destiel and with increasing frequency Cockles, and actively attacks “w*” and Jared. Or jpeg or jarpiss or j*red or any number of code words they use because they like to talk garbage about people in public without repercussions. Wear the badge with this full knowledge that this is what it means.

And don’t even get me started on the cishet woman managing Stands, who puts her foot in her mouth on the regular, thinking she’s trying to be funny or edgy or whateverthefuck, to move merch that caters to queer fans.

Y'all are mad at Jared because he dared to say SPN wasn’t about romance. No, he didn’t do it artfully, but at least he doesn’t lie. Sometimes I do wish he’d be a little less honest and just say nothing, but oh well. I ain’t his mama.

There’s been nothing but good word coming out of Jared’s projects from the people working on them. He not only casts variety in his actors, but behind the scenes as well, in the crew and writers. He runs positive, successful companies that feature good work/life balances. He repeatedly asks for peace and calm in the fandom. He seems to be doing better managing his MHIs. He doesn’t puff up to suit his ego. And he’s not trying to milk the SPN cash cow dry and risk destroying established canon (such as it is). Jensen, bud, I love you but this is probably a mistake on a couple different fronts. It didn’t get off to a glowing start, but we shall see. I do like the New Orleans setting.

Anyway. Yeah, more ranting. I’ve ranted more this week than I have all year, but it’s been percolating in my brain for way too long, has now brewed to a lovely dark roast, and must be served. Also, I’m gonna be AFK for the weekend, tending to my mom’s garden and health, so if I don’t respond immediately, that’s why. It’s not because I don’t like you. Even tho, I may not like you. Or I may. It’ll be a gamble. 
