#you were right im too impulsive



Imagine having to leave one of the few people who you trust, who you grew up with and went through all the miseries in life, not because you wanted, but because you were the only hope that was left for the two of you.

You leave and your only purpose is to become stronger to keep you and that person safe for the rest of your lives. You are given a rare chance and grab it with all your might, but your time is running short, every day you stay away, that person suffers more and more.

You become impatient, frustrated, and enraged with yourself and in that moment, you lose control of and go into a spiral of rage. When you ‘wake up’ you realize that you have hurt yourself way beyond salvation, you’ll never be the same again, you not only ruined your life, but also the life of that person that was waiting for you, because you were all they had.

Would you, knowing that, still face that person with a straight face, if fate brought you both together? Would you really tell them that, because of you, that person had to suffer even further? 

I don’t think so, in the end, you would do just like Yue Qingyuan too.

The utter nonsense I see being thrown at this character is ridiculous, he deserved better, so did Shen Jiu.
