#youngjae fanfiction


Word Count: 140

Pairing:Youngjae x gn!Reader


Summary:Don’t eat crackers if you’re full.


This is a PSA to @birbdae, she kept me up because she was eating crackers and didn’t feel well afterwards.

“You really shouldn’t have eaten that much,” you say without looking up from your laptop. Youngjae whines pitifully into the couch cushions. “I told you not to eat so many crackers. What in heaven’s name possessed you?”

Youngjae turns his face to barely glance at you. “It wasn’t bad at the moment, it hurts now,” he groans, turning back into the couch cushions.

You just roll your eyes, sparking a look at your suffering boyfriend whining on the couch. With a sigh, you leave your warm and comfy spot on the beanbag and sit on the edge of the couch. Youngjae stops his groaning for a moment to peek at you curiously. Your hand comes to rest at his shoulder blade, patting it gently as you talk about nothing in particular. It’s just relaxing as Youngjae melts into your touch.
