#youngopie winston


gif credit to @gifsofanarchy&@followthereaper

Request: imagine Jax and Opie being aged 13-14 and going to Chibs for advice on girls 
Warnings: language
Authors Note: ive been struggling to write lately and found this request from like two years ago from @evie001​  . hope it’s okay and I’m sorry it took me so long! i’ve also used a combined soa taglist from a couple years ago so if you wish to be added or removed from it please let me know ♡
Word Count: 1020

“Go on.”

“No you go.”

“I can’t even understand him, you do it.”

Chibs rolled his eyes and folded the newpaper he had been reading before tossing it onto the table in front of him.

“What the hell do you two wan’?”

Jax and Opie exchanged a nervous glance before Opie pushed Jax forward.
He stumbled out from their position behind the wall and Jax shot his friend a glare before adjusting his stance and swaggering his way over to Chibs.
Opie followed behind him sheepishly, his eyes darting around the room in hopes that no one else would enter.

“We uh.. we wanted to ask you something.”

Chibs looked between the boys, studying the uncomfortable expression on their youthful faces.

“Well go on, Jackie Boy, spit it out.”

Jax rubbed his neck and brushed his light blond locks out of his face.

“There’s this girl,”

“Ah.” Chibs nodded and removed his reading glasses. “So you’ve come to the master for advice.”

Opie raised an eyebrow at that, with a tilt of his head and he glanced side eyed to Jax. He cleared his throat and nodded.

“What’s her name?”


Chibs nodded and glanced between the two boys once more.

“Christ, you two aren’t after the same girl, are ye?”

“No, no, I like Donna.” Opie explained.

Chibs let out a breath of relief and leant back in his chair.

“‘Ave a seat, boys, an’ I’ll tell ye all abou’ the language of love.”

The following Tuesday, Jax and Opie stood huddled together on the school field. Last period had been released, and most of the students were headed home.
After much debate, they had agreed that Jax would try out his newly taught skills first.

It hadn’t taken much convincing, Jax had been spending a lot of time at home in front of the mirror and was rather proud of his appearance, even taking extra care to style his hair with some of his mother’s products this morning.

He had even gone the extra mile, dousing himself in his father’s cologne before leaving the house.
His teachers, and most of his class mates, however had been rather unimpressed by this act and had spent most of the day pinching their noses or opening the classroom windows as wide as possible.
Thankfully, the two boys had planned their approach meticulously and by the end of the school day most of the cologne had worn off.

Opie had been laying great ground work, doing something which Chibs had labeled “sticky eyes” in which he made eye contact with his crush, Donna, before looking away. He then glanced back in her direction, as if his eyes were stuck on her, and smiled subtly.

He had practiced his smile in the mirror this morning, but not for long as his father stumbled upon him and had been rather alarmed to find his son grinning like a mad man at his own reflection.

His first attempt at Sticky Eyes was during Chemistry Class, which he found rather fitting and it had been a success, sending Donna into a blushing flurry and knocking various items over. Poor David Hale ended up with a beaker of diluted hydrochloric acid spilt on his trousers and was quickly escorted to the emergency shower, to be on the safe side.
The debacle had Opie questioning his tactics, but a thumbs up from Jax reassured him.

The last bell had finally rung, and the boys had been quick to meet on the edge of the field, knowing that Tara often took this shortcut on her way home.

After mere minutes Opie nudged Jax when he spotted Tara walking out of the corridor, alongside two of her friends. She held a binder in her arms, her backpack slung loosely over her shoulder and she giggled at something her friend said, unaware of the watching eyes.
Taking a deep breath, and reminding himself that confidence was key, he strode forward towards the trio.


She looked up, a blush immediately rising to her cheeks as her friends watched eagerly.

“Can i have a minute alone with ye, lass?”

Opie watched, a smirk on his face as Taras expression changed to one of confusion but she nodded, ushering her friends to carry on without her.

“What’s up, Jackson?” She asked, tucking a strand of hair behind her ears.

Jax hooked his thumbs into the belt holes of his jeans and took a stance, unaware that the cool composure he was aiming for was failing.

Tara eyes darted down, her confusion only growing by his posture.

“I think there’s somethin’ wrong with me eyes.” Jax said in his best Scottish accent.

Tara, though confused, immediately grew concerned.

“Oh are you okay? Do you need a doctor?”

“I can’t take ‘em off of ye” Jax finished, flashing her a wink.


Jax didn’t say anything else, just grinned almost maniacally and winked once more.

“Are you feeling okay, Jax?” Tara whispered. “Why are you talking like that?”

It was his turn to blush now, his confidence faltering for only a moment, but he remembered what Chibs had said, about faking it til you make it.

“Aye, lass. I just think ye dropped somethin’”

“Oh,” Tara glanced around her feet, wondering if it was the maths homework she had received only moments before.

“My jaw.”

Glancing up, Tara was met by another wink and a lopsided grin.

“Jax what is going on? Why are you talking like that? And why is Opie hiding behind that tree?”

Alarmed, Jax turned around just in time to see Opies sniggering face ducking behind the aforementioned tree, which was frankly an awful hiding space considering Opies size.

Jax rubbed his neck and turned his attention back to Tara, whose puzzled face was watching him with raised brows.

He sighed. “I was uh.. I was trying to ask you out.”

“Oh. Oh!” Taras cheeks flushed pink. “Okay.”


She cleared her throat nervously. “I’d like that.”

Jax smiled widely. “Yeah?”

Tara nodded, a shy smile on her face. “But please don’t talk in that accent.”

He laughed, albeit rather awkwardly but nodded.


