#yuhhfhh thanks for commissioning meeee


Matchup commission for @sugarandmelody!

I match you with…

Lilia Vanrouge!

  • Personally, I feel like Lilia would be a fitting candidate for you! If you’re a smiley, affectionate and lazy dog, then Lilia would be the mischievous bat who loves playing with you. Despite his old age, he isn’t short on energy to keep up with your own and that is what makes him suitable — he’ll walk with you, at your pace. He’s flexible after all. Time feels like nothing to him since he’s lived hundreds of years now but that doesn’t mean he shouldn’t be impatient when it comes to you. You’re still human and it wouldn’t do to have you match his pace instead.
  • Lilia’s chaotic energy would match your life experiences or even add more chaos into your life since there’s really no way of predicting what goes inside his head — one day, you’ll be walking around the halls of NRC and get greeted by Lilia hanging upside down from the ceiling! Plus, after living for so long, he has many stories to tell you. He’ll urge you to sit next to him and he’ll start rambling about his experiences. Maybe about that one time he fought a monster barehanded in the forest? Or how he found a thousand-year-old flower in a cave he was stuck in for a week? Or—? It was an endless list. In turn, he would always be happy to hear your experiences and laugh about them with you.
  • Lilia is a terrible cook. You guys are a match made in heaven. Whenever you guys are together you have no choice but to ask someone else to do the cooking or order food — of course, Lilia would still offer to cook but do you really want to risk your life like that?
  • He also belongs to the light music club! With your hobby and love for dancing, there could be times wherein he would play several instruments just for you to dance to — or even cast magic on them so he can dance with you himself. A scenery straight out of a fairytale.
  • Overall, both of you would complement each other pretty well with how your personality is. If it’s affection you want, Lilia can be affectionate with you! You’ll never be annoying to him and instead, will find it cute or endearing like an excited puppy. He’ll slow his steps down the path, just to match yours — perfectly in sync. After all, you both have all the time in the world.