#yukimura x reader


jealous S/O

characters: Ieyasu, mitsuhide, kenshin, shingen and yukimura

genre: angst with fluff end

warnings: suggestive on Ieyasu’s part, and mostly the boys being affectionate and showing how much they love you, also I think I went a little overboard with yuki and shingen ahahahha

ieyasu’s body froze when he saw you curled on the bed and hearing sniffles coming from you; following his heart, he walked towards the futon and embracing you with a tight grip he stood there until you calmed yourself, some time passed until you looked at him, puffy eyes full of regret and sadness, two feelings that he swore he would never let you to feel, but there you were.

a few moments before arriving at his manor hideyoshi called for him, the lord told him that early that day he was talking to you, and you confessed to him that lately you have been feeling that you weren’t worthy enough to be with ieyasu, hideyoshi tried to persuade you, but you were to blinded to see the real truth and that’s how everything ended up.

nowieyasu was looking at you with such a soft and loving gaze that you swore that never in your life someone looked at you in that way “don’t ever think again that you’re not worthy of being with me, you’re the person that I most love in this world and the only one I would ever” his voice was serious but his gaze held that intense gaze “I love you too Ieyasu and I’m so sorry that I made you worry” you said while trying to contain your tears again “don’t be sorry, now let me show you how much I love you” and with that you let yourselves get lost on the pleasure of your bodies, showing the love and the affection that could be said through words.

mitsuhide knew that something was wrong with you when he found himself another night in his room alone. few days prior he asked one of the maids if the saw you, and all of them had the same answer “lady (y/n) is on her room”, but it’s been three days since that and he still didn’t saw any trace of your persona. once he finished his work he went towards your room and knocked “who is it?” your voice was merely a whisper it was so weak that it wasn’t for his good audition he would thought that you were already asleep. you made him enter, his eyes widened at the sight in front of him, pale face and dark bags under your eyes, your lips were dried and your eyes didn’t had the same sparkle that he was used to.

“I don’t know who did this to you, but I’ll make sure that they will pay the price” his eyes were full of anger but everything stoped when you talked “it was me” you said “lately I’ve been thinking about us and that I’m not enough and that–” a pair of arms enveloped your tired body, even thought that you were on you bedroom for the past few days your energy drained at the feeling of losing mitsuhide.

“don’t” he whispered “if we have to talk in terms of who isn’t enough for each other, that one is me, but the merely thought of you being gone it breaks my heart” he tightened his grip on you “so don’t leave me, because you’re the only one I love”

walking through the garden kenshin saw looking at some flowers but something the way you looked at them seemed off the sadness and melancholy that were dancing in your eyes disappeared once you saw him and with a smile you made a sign to him to approach. a smile that didn’t reach your eyes.

“did something happen?” your eyes widened at his question “well…” you started “for some time I’ve been feeling a little bit down, sometimes I think about our relationship and how I don’t deserve you and that someday you’ll find someone better to be with”

you knew that kenshin wasn’t a man of words but actions; carefully he took your hands with his and placed them on his chest, right where you could feel his heart. “Im the one who should be saying this, I love you so much that sometimes I just want to lock you up somewhere were none would snatch you of my arms” his gaze met yours and you saw softness in them “so don’t ever dare to feel like that again” you laughed “but kenshin that doesn’t work lik–”“I told you to not” something in the way he said those words made you feel much better, because even if kenshin didn’t said out loud how much he loved you, instead his actions would always spoke for him.

it wasn’t any secret that shingen was popular with women, every time the two of you would go in town, many women approached him, and even though that you knew he loved you, there were some ladies that didn’t accept that.

it was a sunny day when you decided to go to the market and buy some new fabrics for your next work. everything was going smoothly until you saw a young lady approaching you with a innocent smile plastered on her face “you’re lady (y/n) aren’t you?” you smiled at her “yes, so you need something?”

“well it’s more that I want to give you an advice” she said while looking around and the approaching her face on your ear “before you realize, shingen will get bored of you and dump you as he had done with many other woman” even if she seemed serious the glint in her eyes told you something else “thank you for the advice” and with that you headed on the opposite direction where you came.

even if you wanted to keep your composure in front of the lady, something inside you made you question if what she said was really true. With her advice going through your mind you arrived at the castle where you went straight to your room. you of his popularity, who wouldn’t? you were only a normal girl who got stuck on a wormhole and went to the past, many ladies of this era were more worthy of being with him than you. your hands were trembling just like your lower lip, tears were on the edge of falling down, yes I’m another girl with whom he will be, and that’s all.

crying in silence, you curled yourself inside your futon, it wasn’t fair, your heart gutted so much and so your soul. too busy dealing with your burden, you didn’t realize the door sliding open and the figure of shingen entering. the sight he was meeting took him aback, his beautiful goddess, the angel of his life was crying if there was no tomorrow.

sliding the door closed, shingen appeared on your side on an inhuman pace, his strong arms met your body and your face on his chest. “shingen, I hope you can find someone on the future who can make you happy” your statement made his heart break, even if you couldn’t see his eyes started watering “how could you say something like that?” his voice sounded so offended “you’re my goddess and the person that I love the most in this world (y/n), seeing you thinking about yourself as someone who is just passing by in my life makes me want to cry, swear to my that you would never ever think like that again, I know my reputation doesn’t work on my favor but if I could see yourself the way that I see you I think it would make you change your way of thinking” his voice was low but the way he said everything without an ounce of hesitation made you want to bonk yourself to be so dumb and believe some random woman’s words “I love you (y/n)”

“I love you too shingen” and with that every doubt disappeared from your mind like dust does when the wind comes.

aahyuki poor soul, he was on the wrong place and the wrong time. since your birthday was approaching yuki decided to buy something that you’ve been looking everytime the two of you would take a walk near the shopping stands, it was a beautiful camelia brooch with a hair pin of the same color, but before purchasing it the flower of the brooch fell, the lady apologized to him saying that she would fix it before dark.

unbeknownst to yuki, you were on your room finishing a new kimono with a sad look on your face, something inside you made you feel like the world was against you, even if you tried your best to stay positive everything was blue. With the final touches were made you started to head out of the manor when you heard two maids talking between them.

“I just saw how he was giving the flower to that young lady” one said earning a gasp from the other “but yukimura-sama seems to love lady (y/n) so much… aah what should we do?” everything as silent until the first one talked again “perhaps… do you think he got bored of her?”

something broke inside you, probably that was right, it has been a while since the last time he came to see you, he always would make some time to meet with you, but lately he didn’t even bother to let you know if he would come. With your spirits down and a huge desire to cry you went back to your room and told one of the maids to deliver the kimono instead of you.

letting your body fell on the futon you eyes started to water and without even realizing you were a crying mess. on the other hand, yukimura was making his way towards the manor, when he saw on of the maids that you worked along with what it seemed a kimono, when the made saw him she tried to ignore him and change ways, yukimura stopped her; “did something happen?” the maid looked at him nervously, her hands shaking slightly “well… I think that there’s something wrong with the lady, but I don’t think it’s yukimura’s business, since you got tired of her” and with that the maid headed out.

Without a second thought yukimura ran to your room, where from outside he could hear you sobbing uncontrollably, he entered and sat next to you, his hand on each side of his body, his eyes wandering everywhere but you; his heart was aching. “look at me (y/n)” he said his hands now on your face “I don’t know what happened here while I was gone, but I swear that anything has happened” his eyes who were looking at the floor now connected to yours “I love you and I would never get bored or tired of you, I would prefer dying one hundred times before ever thinking about that, so please, believe me” you cried again, not because of the sadness that had left at the same time you saw yuki entering but because of your foolishness “I know yuki, thats why I will always love you too”
