#yume oukoku to nemureru 100 nin no ouji-sama


Yume Oukoku to Nemureru 100 Nin no Ouji-sama - The heroine is a normal girl, until one day she is invited to another world and becomes the princess of the dream world, where people use dreams as the energy to live. One day, the dream world is being attacked by something called “yumekui” (“dream eater”), and many princes are being attacked by it. The heroine must wake them up to save the dream world, as the princes are unable to wake up due to having their dreams stolen.(MyAnimeList)

 : No more comment other than the guys are HOT!! Nyahahaha.. It’s one of those girls who will have all the boys by herself. And here I am wanting to marry either an anime character or idol. Nyahahaha… But I enjoy the adventure so far of the gang.

Senjuushi - Despair War is a battle between ancient guns and contemporary guns. Due to a nuclear war, the world was destroyed. Under the full governance of a world empire, people are living with their freedom taken. Despite the forbidden rule of owning any weapons, there is a resistance that secretly fights against the world empire. They own ancient guns left as art and fight using these. Then, the Kijuushi appear as the souls of the ancient guns. Proud and magnificent, the “Absolute Royal” are the only ones that can give hope to this world. The story depicts the everyday life of the Kijuushi. Laughter, despair, happiness, confusion, pain; they would still pursue their own absolute loyalty to fight. What do they fight for? What should they protect? (MyAnimeList)

: Reminds me of  Hanamaru guys but different era. Guns became hots guys and protect those who are important to them. I guess I’m curious for the others types of guns and Napoleon’s crazy idea.

Shichisei no Subaru -  In the popular MMORPG world ‘Union’ there existed a legendary party named Subaru. This party, made up of a group of childhood friends and elementary schoolers, exceeded the limits of the game with their various senses. However, due to an incident which resulted in a death, 'Union’ ended its service and the group of childhood friends went separate ways. Six years later, highschooler Haruto logged into the new 'Reunion’ and reunited with a single girl. Asahi—one of old 'Subaru’ party members, and his childhood friend who should have died six years ago. Is she a digital ghost, or…?(MyAnimeList)

: A sci-fi and virtual game where a people trapped inside the game. Somehow like those SAO, Overlord, Log Horizon anime-like, but this time someone died but trapped inside the game. I would like to know where this anime will lead so I continue watching.
