


YunaAki~ Clear CardS1 Ep 11~



Originally, this was supposed to be part of Analysis #3 but since that post was so long understatement and discussed multiple things at once, I decided to write this separately for better coherency. 


Any CLAMP fan who calls themselves a true CLAMP fan knows this is a staple trait of all their works. TRC was pretty much the authors’ massive statement that “these connections between certain characters are immovable even across different realities”.

With the introduction of the phrase “私だけの人” (“The only person for me”) in chapter 60, it warrants a deeper study into that aspect of Akiho and Kaito’s relationship.

Because if there’s one thing CLAMP doesn’t joke around about, it’s the ships they bring to the table as the maincourses.

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Akiho and Kaito.

I’ve talked about their characters separately in these twoanalysis posts and now I think it’s time I did one focusing on their relationship as well.

And frankly, you’d have to be very shallow-minded and stupid to not acknowledge that their story IS all about acceptance and consent.

(also, please note the ENG version of Clear Card has a lot of translation errors. Read the JPN version or meimi-haneoka’s summaries of the chapters for the correct narrative)

Acceptance especially because it reinforces the authors’ message on love: it’s not about WHATa person is but WHOthey are to you personally that matters the most.

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An usual day at Shinomoto’s home.

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