#yunn reads



[5:37pm] ✩ huang renjun

request from my precious anon kyu : Hmmm can you do 41 with renjun please?

41 — kisses shared under an umbrella.

author’s note : i usually dont write for nct, but this one is for a special person so !

send me an idol and a number and i’ll write a timestamps to try to stop my writer’s block!

at this time of year, the weather definitely didn’t know what it wanted. it could be very sunny in the morning, then suddenly an incessant rain in the middle of the afternoon : just like today. while the students were running towards the exit of your school, trying so hard to pass between the raindrops, you waited patiently under the latter’s porch, watching the graying, water-filled sky. suddenly, your view was blocked by a black fabric, belonging to an umbrella, which belonged to no one but your boyfriend. gently swiveling your head towards him, you were greeted by renjun’s beautiful smile, which caused you to smile tenderly in turn. without waiting, his fingers slipped into yours, muttering a short « let’s go », while starting to walk towards the nearest bus stop. the natural warmth of his hand warmed yours, slightly cooled by the outside coolness, in perfect contrast to the warmth that lived in your heart at that precise moment. silently waiting for the arrival of the bus, you turned around to let your pupils observe your boyfriend’s face, who, feeling observed, did the same, plunging his chocolate gaze into yours with a soft smile clinging to his lips. after a moment’s thought, you stood on your tiptoes, hooking your free hand over his, which held the umbrella. and in less time than it takes for a raindrop to land on the ground, your lips joined his, sharing a tender and warm kiss under a spring rain.
