#yup this is canon



broke: Percy and Annabeth move to New Rome and go to college and “retire” there.

woke: Percy “look at what they did to my city” Jackson and Annabeth “CHB is my home” Chase would never leave New York. Momma’s boy would not dare move to the other side of the country away from his family. Annabeth would not stop designing mount Olympus, her literal dream job, to go to New Rome. PJO did not establish chb/New York as percy and annabeth’s home just to have them so easily leave it in the next series.

bespoke: Percy and Annabeth do not leave New York. Eventually, Annabeth designs the “New Rome” equivalent* to CHB. This is the clear and obvious natural progression if following the pjo characterizations of percy and annabeth. It satisfies Annabeth’s desire to build something permanent. Also, by helping to establish a sanctuary for demigods to live safely, it satisfies Percy’s promise to Luke to change the lives of demigods for the better. Percy and Annabeth would never “retire” from what they perceived as their responsibilities to their camp and would pave the way to a better future for demigods.

*It does not function off of a child military.


reblog and put in the tags what comes up when you type the word “canon”
