



Go to my pinned to see how to fight this

what fresh liberal nonsense is this?

fixed that for you


having adhd is sooo fun because i get to experience malicious boredom. it’s like normal boredom, but it hates u personally and wants to harm u


I know the Skamiverse fandoms can get ahead of itself but if your social media team has to explicitly explain that no, our main character actually isn’t reacting to previous trauma nor is she asexual,,, then I think there’s a major problem in the writing, directing, and acting cause what else could it mean when large swaths of fans genuinely can not tell that the main character is experiencing like, a sexual awakening and instead read her reactions ranging from repulsion to apathy


remember in season 1 when fatin immediately caught up on shelby’s feelings for toni? in season 3 i’m gonna need shelby to reverse uno card fatin about leah
