#yuri on ice events



Also on AO3.@chubbyyuuriweek

Yuuri shot upright in bed, “I’m late!” He threw his legs over the side and started to scramble out when a long pale arm tightened its grip on his waist.

“Issa res day,” Victor mumbled from where he had his face planted in between their two pillows.


Victor turned his head just enough to remove his mouth from the mattress, “Technically, as of three days ago, they’re all rest days.”

Yuuri stilled. That’s right. He’d announced his retirement at World’s three days ago. He didn’t have to get up at o’dark a clock and run to the rink and work out for six hours. Yuuri flopped backwards, landing on Victor and tugging the covers up over their heads.

“I’m eating katsudon every night this week and no nutritionist can stop me,” he whispered to Victor. “And chips. And I want a bag of candy.”

Victor laughed, “There’s my cutlet bowl. Now sleep for another three hours and then we’ll go do something.” He wrapped both arms around Yuuri and tugged him closer, snuggling them together under the covers.

Yuuri nodded, already drifting back off. He did have retirement plans beyond eating, but they didn’t start for another week. This time was for sleeping and holding Victor. The best way to start the rest of his life.

I checked out this whole work today and it left me with a HUGE smile! If you like domestic Victuuri, I definitely suggest checking out the whole work on Ao3!

(Life and Love Enjoyedby@thtrelady)

I haven’t had the chance to read other works posted, but @chubbyyuuriweek has lots of new works if anyone is looking for new stories to read!!

