#yushiro x reader


Demon Slayer general relationship headcannons. Warning: Mild warnings here and there but nothing serious. All characters are 18+ inherently!


  • Mainly, dating Tanjy is a two-in-one kind of deal.
  • Being around him so much also means you’re around Nezuko and if she doesn’t like you, well, it’s not going to work.
  • Good for you she immediately takes a liking to you and I mean immediately and by liking I mean love.
  • She pops out of her box when he attempts to introduce you two and she’s smitten immediately. Loves to sit in your lap and hug you, it happens every moment possible. Its a lap stack. You on Tanjiro’s lap and Nezuko on yours. Its adorable and makes them happy they can keep you warm and make sure you’re protected!
  • On yeah, about that, its scary how protective they are of you. Even if you are a Demon Slayer too and are more than capable of protecting yourself, its how they express their love for you! They want to be with you so they’ll do whatever they can to ensure your safety!
  • Tanjiro is a very patient person, almost too patient, but if someone tests him he’s terrifying. He’s the textbook definition of be wary the wrath of a patient man.
  • Secretly a fan of matching or complimentary outfits so get ready for him to show up with a haori that matches with theirs! Pink checkers or green florals all the way!


  • We all know how this would begin.
  • Doesn’t matter if you’re a man, woman, it, or think you look horrible because this man will beg for your hand in marriage.
  • Grabbing your hand, on his knees, crying and begging for you to marry him before he dies a horrible death. He’s not the most graceful or subtle man but you humor him. Does that dance behind you as he calls out your name over and over day and night, he’s so happy someone finally agreed to his request he can’t help but want to smother you in love!
  • He might be unreliable in combat until he passes out but that isn’t the case in every other instance, he’s got the ability to remember just about everything you say. From the date of your birth, your favorite color, and everything you love and hate. Pops on in at random times to give you thing’s he’s “found”.
  • Zenitsu totally has a fear of lightning storms, the booming thunder and trembling lightning has him running to you whenever one shows up. Frankly any random, loud sound makes him hide himself behind you. It would be quite if it wasn’t for the fact that generally puts you in harms way. He’ll apologize profusely once its all over and promise to not do it again but what happens the next time? He’s cowering behind you.
  • Its quite the whiplash when he does faint and his other, more capable, romantic personality comes out. Saves you, gives you a smirk, and sweeps you off your feet. Quite literally and takes you somewhere safe. Which you get all the praise for when he wakes up, he bows down before you and kisses your feet as his way of praise. Crying as he thanks you for saving him.
  • He’s a crybaby dumbass but at least he’s your crybaby dumbass with a secret side. Now how to figure to get that out outside of him sleeping!


  • Feral man has no idea what’s going on most of the time so your presence would go right over his head.
  • When he did notice he couldn’t understand the sudden feelings that gave him butterflies in his stomach, stupid bugs, how did they get in there?
  • You’re the one person who he calls by the right name. Everyone else gets theirs messed up and butchered, but yours? He gets accurately. It baffles Tanjiro and Zenitsu when they hear the un-mumbled name that you were given at birth.
  • Competitive as fuck. Every little thing turns into who can do it better, even breathing, you’re doing your normal tasks, chores or hobbies and he’s next to you trying to outdo himself. It’s quite endearing once you get past the shouting match. And when he claims he’s superior and does everything better than you? He regrets it a little when he sees your face dip into gloominess. Though he quickly assumes it’s because you want to go another round.
  • He doesn’t understand, the poor boy.
  • It takes him being shouted at by Mr. Lightning Boi to finally get a grasp of the situation and even then its a vague, basic understanding at best. In his feral mindset is that you two aren’t rivals, eternal competitors for him to gload over, but rather “mates”. He chuckles his mad little laugh and dashes into the woods with his swords raised.
  • His return is late that evening, pulling a prey item he hunted himself and its dragged to you. No one else is allowed to touch it, much less eat it. That’s yours and by extension his.
  • From that moment on his glued to your side and being uncharacteristically quiet, enjoying your presence as he comes to term that you’re his mate. Whether you like it or not but you sigh in annoyance, all the little hints you’ve dropped and this is what he does? Sounds about right, don’t you think?


  • Silent fury and annoyance.
  • He’s so hard to read, he’s the god of poker face. That hot, smoldering, poker face.
  • A bleeding heart and refuses to acknowledge it, he realized he had it when seeing Tanjiro for the first time in the snow, crying, begging and that’s when he knew he was a softie.
  • Tries to ignore it to the best of his ability, tries to be stoic, stubborn hardass self but it gets harder and harder with you around.
  • Finds you so cute he can’t function. Not like you’d ever know when he is or isn’t functioning. He’s too good at hiding it.
  • Really a low effort kind of guy.
  • Unless it’s one of his stories then you have to beg him to shut up. Uses them as punishment.
  • And out of spite, sometimes he just likes hearing himself talk.
  • Really, truly can’t handle seeing someone cry, especially if its someone he knows and cares about. Goes right to his soft side.
  • Especially if its you, in any way.
  • Seeing you cry because you got hurt to simply feeling to much and having it overflow always make him nervous, he’s not used to consoling people so if and when he tries, it’s less than stellar. Its the thought that counts right?
  • His guilty pleasure is having his hair brushed and played with. Have you seen it? Luscious but barely manageable being a Demon Hunter and all. When he returns to you after a mission, sit him down on the tatami mat, release his hair from the tie and brush it. Anything will do, a comb or your fingers though the latter is preferred since he lives for scalp massages. If he needs rest this is the most way to lull him into a peaceful sleep.


  • Give yourself a medal to be the first person to actually get his attention away from Lady Tamayo.
  • He has tunnel vision for her that when he sees something that doesn’t have to do with her is a miracle…or curse.
  • But now you have to deal with him following you around like a lost puppy.
  • Very tsundere at first…okay he’s always tsundere but varying degrees depending on the state of your relationship.
  • Stalks you a bit too, hides behind trees and around corners, peeking around them to get a look at you and goes invisible when you look over your shoulder.
  • Wondering why he feels this way about you and he has to make sure you aren’t a threat. Little does he know he falls a little more in love with you every time he sees you.
  • When you do interact, he’s cold and distant. He buffs, crosses his arms and looks away…trying to hide the fact that when you smile at him his ears go red.
  • Finally, finally, after he stops his tip-toeing around you oh you’re in for trouble. He’s stepped up his game and he’s more dedicated to you than he is to Tamayo.
  • Like most demons he’s inherently over-protective and possessive so good luck talking with people aside from the patients at the secret clinic and if you have to go out, he’s creating a parchment that protects you as well and of course not without him at your side as well.
  • Loves when you kiss his forehead or cheek, his favorites are Eskimo, he can give you affection and you don’t taste the blood he has to consume!
  • Careful though that too many kisses does make him go into his tsundere mode.