#yuzuru tomomi


Summary: After meeting the headmaster, Yuzuru meets Ace, Deuce and Cater. They get to know who’s behind the tournament for now.

Prologue part 5 - Info dump by yours truly

All according to the planning schedule, the birdman called the magicless prefect and the monster Grimm, into his office two after their regular classes the very next day. He congratulated them for the hard work they have put through for the distribution of the flyers. All thanks to the Queen of Hearts’s dorm leader, the preparations and enthusiasm for their future newcomer it would be a piece of cake.

“As requested, my henchman and I came per your demand. Now, where’s the reward?!” The little gray cat-like monster demanded rather harshly. “I won’t fall for your tricks again!” 

“Come on, Grim, this is not that bad.” Yuzuru said with a small smile on his face. 

“Before giving you the right reward for all this work, I need one small last favor. We need a good photograph to be on the first line to see the upcoming event’s fight. As per saying, I also refrain Grim from doing anything reckless. This is our only chance to have a new student from outside. I wouldn’t like any trouble on their first time arriving here.” 

“I don’t wanna look at people fighting! I want to do something physical! Interact with the crowd!” Grim protested. 

“Well, you can still help the Heartsybul with the ticket booth,” Crowley added. “I heard Mr. Diamond would be giving some tarts for free…” 

“I’M IN!!” The monster danced, overjoyed by the thought of food. 

“He got him by the stomach again.” Yuzuru thought. “Headmaster.” Crowley turned around to meet the young student behind him. “Have you got any news for a way back home?” 

“I’ve been busy with this event, even in-between minutes, seem fruitless. Don’t worry, young one; I will surely find something about it soon enough.” He encouraged. Yuzuru smiled sadly and nodded. He took Grim by the scruff and dragged him out on the headmaster’s order. 

“Prefect!” The young dorm leader turned around with Grim on his shoulder when they left Dire Crowley’s office, closing the door.

“Ace! Deuce!” They greeted them with a small smile while they slowed beside the duo with their arms full of trinkets. 

“Riddle put us into the tents building around the coliseum. We are taking care of that construction monstrosity for only a one-day event.” Ace sighed, taking a break by a corridor bench, whining. “Why is it this important all of sudden?!” 

“You sure look busy,” Grim added.

“I’d rather clean your entire dorm than build something.” Ace drawled. 

“It’s fun to build,” Deuce said unphased. 

“Says the one with the magic hands.” Carter popped with his phone. “Deuce-kun truly has the work into the body, if you know what I mean.” 

“Cater-senpai.” The prefect greeted me too. “Do you have any ideas of who will be hosting the event?” 

“Sure do!” He made his signature pose with his peace fingers, fishing out his phone. “From all I know, they come from an outside land from Twisted Wonderland. Each of them has a background of mages and they are from a well-known knight training academy.” He pauses. “Also, they are from the same land as one percilar student in Diasomnia.” 

“What’S the land’s name?” Ace questioned. “It’s not like we are this popular? What is the point of organizing a tournament for a one-day event?” 

“Well, A-kun.” Cater smiles caging the red head against the wall. “It will be the decision of the students and dorm leaders to decide which mage will make it out at the very end. “It works out as a small tournament.”

“Sounds hardcore,” Deuce said as he looked at the screen, scrolling down to look at the canditates. It was composed of females and males. There were no pictures available but most of their information of their names, professions and age. Carter closed his phone, catching the trio by surprise. 

“Alright, you two, let’s get going. We have to build the info booth on the main street. Unless you want Riddle to get you collared again.” The two first years gulped. “It was nice to see you two, Prefect, Grim. See you at the event.” 

A-Deuce apologized for the short conversation they were able to do. Yuzuru waved at them while they got pulled in the other direction; Grim was a bit more demanding than usual.
