#z2 postlude



I still want to write a fic where Zed fully zombies out and just absolutely destroys Wyatt…

“Addison?”  Zed took Addison’s hand, and everything stopped when she didn’t respond. Her heartbeat was slower, her face nearly as white as her hair.  “Addy, I’m here,” he whispered, kneeling at her side.  “Addison.”

“That stone could have killed her,” he growled, tempering his seething anger.  “You had no idea what would happen if she put it on and she wasn’t your Great Alpha.  You convinced her that she was a monster, when that couldn’t be further from the truth.” His eyes flashed as he looked back at Addison, laying helplessly in her father’s arms, the moonstone pulsing on her chest.

Wyatt’s hand was hovering over his own moonstone.  Zed moved to match the threat, ready to unclasp his Z-band.

Wyatt bared his teeth, snarling.  Zed’s hand hovered over his Z-band.  Whatever people behind him were saying, it was all a blur.  His dad, Eliza and Bonzo, Bree, the rest of the wolves… none of it mattered.  His only focus was Addison and the wolf that had nearly killed her.

“She’shuman.  Look what your moonstone did to her.”

“It was a risk she was willing to take,” Wyatt retaliated.  “Ever since we came to Seabrook, Addison tried to help us. Maybe fitting in was what zombies wanted.  But we’re wolves.  We wanted to survive.”

“Even if it meant hurting innocent people?”

“Wearing the moonstone was Addison’s choice, zombie,” Willa said savagely.

“Yeah, and who convinced her that she needed to put it on?  That she was your Great Alpha?”

“Well maybe if you hadn’t stormed into our den, ready to attack us for something we didn’t do,” Wyatt started, but Zed cut him off:

“Maybe if you had tried to adapt to us instead of literally ripping up our school, this wouldn’t have happened in the first place.”

Wyatt smirked. “You mean maybe Addison wouldn’t have left you if you had listened to her.”

Zed’s Z-band lay on the den floor, discarded, as he launched himself at the werewolf.
