#zadr fanfiction


Snippets for Hybrid that may or may not make it in. Idk. I was having a night. Perhaps this is a bit pretentious …


Dib closed his eyes against the blinding colors, humming under his breath. Something that always took the air from his lungs and pushed his heart into his throat. A song that perfectly captured a time when he was entirely someone else.

“You used to play that all the time, that first summer when we were dating,” Zim said as he snuggled under Dib’s chin.

“I’ve got such weird, vivid memories from that time,” Dib murmured, stroking Zim’s antennae, unaware of how his movements synced to the rolling waves. “It was a time in my life when everything was so bright and loud and overwhelming…”

Zim poked him in the cheek without looking up. “Sensory overload.”

Dib chuckled softly. “Yeah. That was part of it. But it was also just … realizing that we live our lives in moments. And realizing that nothing would ever feel the same as I did right then. And I’m slowly learning to be okay with that.”

Now Zim looked up, perplexed. “That was back when we were terrible to each other and your dad kept threatening to disown you. Why would you want to go back to that?”

Dib sighed, leaning back against the warm stone behind him, enjoying the tingle from the places where it was almost too hot. “It’s not that I’m nostalgic. It’s more like … I’m honoring the pain, I guess.”

“Forget the pain,” Zim interjected. When Dib gave a dismissive sniff, Zim sat up and turned. “I’m serious, Dib. You’ve got no reason to dwell on the past.”

Dib ran a slightly sandy hand through his salty hair, letting the rest of his breath out as he slowly deflated. “Pain is the measure of the distance from where I was, and where I am now. And sometimes it’s nice to remember that.”
