

I remember seeing memes for years about how Gary Come Home was a really good song and I didn’t believed it bu neither bothered to check, until a few months ago someone posted a meme video with the actual song and… it is actually really good omg???

I just got reminded of The Office Type and like, it really show how much we progressed in a few years regarding non binary rep because if the concept of picking 3 gender version of a character (feminine woman, masculine man, androgenous enby) was released today people would be quicker to call it out, damn maybe with what we know now the devs wouldn’t even tried and just stuck in one character per idea.

Like not saying that back then people didn’t critique it because they did, but it took the racist stereotype character(s) to be revealed for it get harsher criticism and overall hated.

Also I did a small searching and apparently it still got like, some people talking positively about it? Mainly those “your fave is _” blogs with ppl celebrating some canon aroace and nonbinary rep, do might be just “idk this media but love rep ” than ppl who actually wanna play the game (if it wasn’t cancelled?).

like something that gets me about “latinx” and other “-x” words is that atleast from my experience they werent even terms made to be “non binary inclusive”, when i saw it used the first years, its because since spanish is super gendered some people would say “compañerxs” or “compañer@s” than “compañeros y compañeras” was just like, its was like, if you instead of saying “he or she” you cut the middleman and said “(s)he” except that “they”pronouns dont exist in ur language and nobody minded too much.

much later when i entered college i started seeing the inclusive “-x”. but in general, it was a way of typing that i seen for years and not something that “gringos invented”, and yea i do think the awareness that the difference between latines who know of “-x” vs the ones who dont is cultural and generational… and of, how welcome you are of the idea of inclusive language.

liiike im just saying when i have a bunch of feminist argentineans who “yea, we saw it used in posters and letters everywhere in college and feminist events” vs if you’re a 18yo who never went to pride “no latino likes being called -x).

yea ideally we’re changing “-e” as genderneutral term, but let’s erase were this deal started.

I didn’t knew the masochist tango was such an old song … It sounds and reads like someone that could came out from 2005-2015 that made people make hundreds of AMVs and animatics … Like, wow respect.

(warning that the song other than risky is bit too violent graphic at times.)


i went to a few computer related stores and holy hell those prices …….. 

since legally i cant move i decided to like, use the money on atleast making my work space more liveable and so i need a epic pc so i can stream / edit videos and art timelapses / 3d art but damn…………

i went to a few computer related stores and holy hell those prices …….. 

Haddie Kaur ,,, my friend !!

Haddie Kaur ,,, my friend !!

Post link



Accidentally deleted my personal account so I’m remaking!!

Zaid || 20s || Argentina || nonbinary lesbian

I like Transformers, Dead by Daylight, TMNT, Cartoons and Videa Games…

my art is at @zxid

heyy this is my personal account, so im more talkative there, i wanna find my mutuals again!


I’m posting 1min long or less art timelapses!! so if you wanna see art progress its here



tomorrow!! 11PM or midnight EST will do some streming games and art, ideally more art with one dbd match in the middle, we will see,,, anyways




tomorrow!! 11PM or midnight EST will do some streming games and art, ideally more art with one dbd match in the middle, we will see,,, anyways


tomorrow!! 11PM or midnight EST will do some streming games and art, ideally more art with one dbd match in the middle, we will see,,, anyways




Accidentally deleted my personal account so I’m remaking!!

Zaid || 20s || Argentina || nonbinary lesbian

I like Transformers, Dead by Daylight, TMNT, Cartoons and Videa Games…

my art is at @zxid

heyy this is my personal account, so im more talkative there, i wanna find my mutuals again!
