

Me: Happy Zaundads AU where Vander decides to get over his self-loathing and just love Silco (cuz Vander hates Silco because Sil reminds him of all the parts he hates about himself) and they team up to fight Piltover and raise Jinx together.

Also me: As a result, Ekko loses all faith in humanity because he always idolized Vander and he can’t believe that Vander would shack up with the man who murdered Benzo. He becomes a crazed rat person avenger in the sewers where he meets and teams up with Zac and Twitch from the games.

Jinx: I want that one! Yes, the seething deranged mad scientist avenger one who hangs out with a talking rat and a living slime. I know you hate my evil monster dads, but when can you come over for dinner? I promise I give blowjobs.

Ekko: *hisssssses* *scowls* *shows up anyway because blowjobs* *Jinx makes him shower first* [because she’s not *that* crazy]

Vander and Silco things that I would love to happen in season 2 and that will never happen, but I feel like talking about it anyway.

I did something comparable with timebomb, so I figured I would do one for Warwick & Silco as well.

I have some hope

  • Some additional context to “the betrayal” (though the flashback might not be Vander’s)
  • No implied romances in the flashbacks (ie no Vander x Grayson, no Vander x Camille, no Vander or Silco with Sevika)
  • We see “the knife” again and maybe even get some backstory on it

No chance in hell, but wow would it make me happy

  • Young!Silco’s manbun becomes canon
  • Any flashback with any suggestion of flirting
  • Somebody builds a Silco statue and stands it either next to face or to face with the Vander statue
  • Any pre-betrayal or even how they first met flashbacks (I feel it’s unlikely because gratuitous, if there are flashbacks with young Silco my guess it is gonna be about the battle on the bridge)
  • Any hints that Silco did interact with Warwick when he was still alive, whether it was during the timeskip (ie Warwick stalking him but not revealing himself) or Silco running right past him in Singed’s lab
  • Vander remembers Silco, either the betrayal or the night of his “death”.
  • Any hints of ghost or vision Silco in people other than Jinx.
  • Fishbone!Silco talking to Jinx about Vander and it’s not just “don’t you dare to talk to him, I hate him”.
  • Vander’s betrayal of Silco and how he feels about it and why he did it and how it does or does not mirror Vi and Jinx is a core part of Warwick’s season 2 storyline.

Again, I don’t think that they would ever do it, but I do feel imo if they wanted giving Warwick a past with a boyfriend (whether it’s Benzo or Silco) would be a lot easier for them to get away with. Yes, JayVik are popular, but the point is, they are champions that people play and have invested years and years into playing. I think if you ruin people’s perception of something they have poured thousands of hours and a ton of skin money into it could ruffle some feathers.

But Warwick, I think people could be a lot more indifferent if the implication was “yeah, so maybe he was gay before he became Warwick”, it would be more easy to ignore (the way it is with Varus), especially if Arcane doesn’t go into much detail.


Did the Exes chart for act I Silco and Vander. It’s fun seeing how others see them 100% differently.

Huhuhu… So glad you think so… It’s basically my “dark Vander” take and should reflect the two fics I wrote for them after the drowning. Monster WithinandMonster Without. Although those are set right after the drowning and the chart is more for right at the start of canon.

I know this is a wildly different take from that of fans who believe Silco was an evil shit and Vander was a misguided but well meaning man, or however they excuse him drowning Silco. I really like the idea of a slightly older, far more dedicated and put together Silco taking a lost and aimless Vander in with him. Giving him a direction to channel his anger in, giving him enemies to unleash his violence on.

Silco, being a lot more idealistic, would think Vander was totally buying the Dreamtm but Vander wasn’t, not fully. It was a nice thing. A goal he could leave when a better opportunity presented itself. And when forced to chose between his lover and his dreams of Zaun, or a future as the respected ruler of the Lanes, Vander took the later and betrayed Silco.

Silco would be 100% pikachu face. It’s also the backstory I decided to go for in Fathers and Daughters. I just love how that puts conflict on Silco for not truly knowing Vander, and his misgivings are reflected in Vi who doubly didn’t know Vander, as she knew neither the Hound who betrayed Silco nor the Hound who loved him. She only knows post bridge Vander, and that leaves a lot of room for doubt and character drama. Also makes Vander more complex and dynamic imo.

Wow I’m prattling…

Did the Exes chart for act I Silco and Vander. It’s fun seeing how others see them 100% differently.
