#zayn malik dirty imagine


Clouded -Chapter 1: Blurred

My mind’s in a blur so I hold it to try to keep it steady and kneel until my ass hits the floor.

A thin stream of light peaks into a nearby window and I breath again when my back touches the side of the restroom sink. My head hearts and my stomach pounds with the floor. Muted music demands to be heard through the thick bathroom wall. I’m in a ran-down looking bathroom, water marks scarring the walls on either side of me.

How the fuck did I end up here?

I’d found my way into a 24 hour party tonight and from what I can remember, I’d made good use of the ‘ladies free before 9’ promotion. A huff of warm air escapes my mouth as I sit there; trying to find a reason to get up-  the world just seems to weigh me too heavily tonight. 

I can feel it pushing again my back as I try to stand and I can hear bones crack under pressure when I finally do. I stumble towards the bathroom door again, holding onto the wall to find my way there. 

The club is just the way I’d left it, bodies merging with bodies, colours and light and the trace  smells of BO and weed in every direction.

I pushed my way through the crowd, swaying away from grinding bodies, just trying to make my way out. Maybe it wouldn’t have been so hard if I weren’t so freaking out of it. 

Strong hands found their way around me and my hips started moving before I could get away; Nice and slow at first, then faster as the music sped up. 

The base vibrated through my bones and the music soaked up into my liver, sending tingles through my body that I hadn’t noticed were just buzzes from my phone. 

“How about I take you home? ” A deep, low whisper called right into my ear. The words seemed disconnected, I couldn’t focus.  All I could hear were the sounds of distant moans creeping through my lips while forge in hands slid across my body. 

Then I couldn’t hear those. Then I was moving. 

So I opened my eyes and saw that someone was pulling me. Pulling me to the exit. 

“What the fuck, Amelia. I’ve been trying to call you for a fucking year! ” He seemed mad. He seemed familiar.  I just stared it the familiar face, then I wasn’t staring at his face, I was staring at his blonde hair and the way it seemed to light at the end, like dynamite. Like fireworks. Like tiny fireworks that lit up the dark night’s sky. 

Then it was all blank.


Hey guys. Its been a while, like a long while, but here I am! New Fanfic that I really hope you guys ready despite how how its been coming. Its 1d as always. 10 points to the first one to tell me if they like this so far. JUST CLICK HERE

Part 2
