#zendaya who i had no clue of before just killed it



25 reasons to love Michelle Jones

1.She has no filter and deadpans. If you like Tony Stark, real bold of you to have a problem with this specific trait of hers

2.She doesn’t have any friends. Hardly gets more relatable

3.She is so observant that she knows Peter is Spider-Man. While nobody has it figured out. Not even Ned had it figured out. And yet she also says nothing. A clever and caring woman

4.She loves reading so much that she does it during PE class. Aren’t you lowkey a nerd who’d rather be reading than running laps at the gym? So is she

5.She doesn’t read just any books. ‘Of Human Bondage’ is about an orphan who has to live with his aunt and uncle and also falls in love with a girl that doesn’t always reciprocate his feelings. Reminds you of someone? Then later in the bus: ‘Invitation to a beholden’, is the story of a man who gets imprisoned and is unable to blend in the society he lives in because he is gnostic. So 1. She wants to know how Peter feels 2. She doesn’t feel like she blends in the society she lives in

6. “Am I?”. Think about it. Is she?

7.Her looks say “screw your idea of what is “well dressed” and pretty”. She will look however tf she wants. No makeup at 15 yo is absolute realistic even if society stays lowering the age at which you should start looking like a doll

8.Her purple hair streak. Why purple? Is it her favorite color? Does it mean something specific to her? Was it an attempt from her to get noticed by her classmates without it being too obvious?

9.She wanted to/did some light protesting in front of one of the embassies in DC. At 15 yo. Jot it down

10.She made the acadec team win the competition. We don’t see her answer questions be it at school or during the trip but clearly she has the brains to be successful by putting little to no efforts into training

11.She made the acadec team win and yet she didn’t claim the trophy. Too shy or too humble, or both

12.She is a character needed in our time, a SJW trademark. She has a moral code and principles and is socially aware. Fanboys are triggered. Note that while everyone ended up being in danger, respecting her ancestors is what made her able to stay on the ground, safe

13.“MY FRIENDS ARE UP THERE!” I thought you didn’t have any friends? So you do have feelings. And now I am soft and want to protect you at all cost

[Deleted footage entirely: NOBODY came to pick her up after they got back from DC. Why? And who do I have to fight for being awful parents and why are they awful? What is her family like etc?]

14.She goes to detention to “sketch people in crisis”. But only when Peter is there, it seems. Could it also be because she doesn’t want to go home anyways? And if so why?

15.She can draw. Talent

16.Sketching Peter’s sad detentioned ass and showing him. I want to know where the audacity stops

17.The middle finger. Enough said

18.She was appointed new captain of the decathlon team. See point 8. She is clever as hell, it’s canon

19.The look Peter gave her. We love foreshadowing

20.“My friends call me ‘MJ’. However way you feel about this reveal, big or not, disappointing or not, it was well done

21.“I didn’t.” [Have any friends]. From "I don’t have any friends” to “I didn’t”. She has come full circle

22.Point 21 makes you realize that she had a mini arc of her own that was not centered around Peter and her evil dad. I certainly wish it had been Liz’s case

23.“What are you hiding, Peter? Just kidding, I don’t care, bye”. But the look she gave to Peter right after? We love foreshadowing

24.She is a gift to meta culture. I wrote all of this based on roughly 3 mins screen time tops with deleted scenes and non included footage

Btw see this is how you hype a character you like. Coming up with original shit and metas and fics and fanarts. Running down a character you dislike does nothing, shocker

25.She is gorgeous. Yes that is a valid reason, y'all implicitly pull it with white characters all time & it is really hilarious she was supposed to not be attractive. One of the most unrealistic thing in this movie

Bonus:It’s because it’s Zendaya

And ultimately, because she is 'MJ’. Had she been white and a red hair, big silence about how “it’s just because” since y'all would have decided that as SUCH a lore character, she’d have been deserving of support. Lots of screen time or not. Why can’t y'all do the same thing here? Is why “it’s because it’s Zendaya” is going to lowkey be a thing, indeed. Deny it all you want, we know this is a matter of race. She still is and was racially attacked the day the news of her casting dropped, while she is an amazing talent that had been looking for a movie role and did what she had to do to get cast before she even left the room. Tom Holland’s words, not mine. She auditioned for this role, you didn’t. She got it and conveyed all of the above in 2 mins and 57 seconds. Michelle is a breath of fresh air both in her characterisation and interpretation of a female character and a love interest and that is why she was so instantly loved. We love not only one but two icons. Let it be known
