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The case of Saint Mary’s University and social media

So what DO you do when several disrespectful tweets from students make national news where you are trying to avoid the spotlight?

Do you pursue legal action or advice? Do you do what you think will please the public or do you stand by your own policies and procedure which may be, for argument’s sake, outdated? Do you have a lockdown on social media on campus - no messages sent in or out? Do you hunt down the suspected journalist who is going to extreme lengths to deface your institution (but honestly, who checks undergrads twitter accounts just ‘cause?)? Do you claim no responsibility because - after all you cannot muzzle another citizen - free speech is a known right in this country - no matter the content…?

The solution to these issues is albeit complex but a simple duty of care can be taken into account. Yet, how do you control a student’s freedom of speech?

Perhaps you make sure not to choose students with possible and probable questionable content on their social media channels - this includes screening all athletes, foreign students, etc.? But that would be discrimination, no? That is a silly question when you understand that a student’s university acceptance is based on discriminating values: grades, social activities, aptitude, previous education, previous school’s ranking, etc.  Perhaps discriminate a little more intently? Perhaps all students should write their social media handles on applications just as they would their email? Perhaps you change the perception of social media at a post secondary level? Perhaps you transform the application process to include both an assessment of wits and of social character? Perhaps all student-led programs, residence dons and coaches require their members or students to comply with a rigorous and binding code of conduct? This isn’t high school anymore - university is supposed to broaden your thinking and prepare you for the “real world”… Not just your use of “colourful” derogatory language.

This generation of university students need to realize that they have to mature with the world around them and perhaps they should start with being able to have access to places of higher learning only if they are socially mature enough to do so. Simply put: in a society where we push the need for a university education on everyone - maybe it shouldn’t be your age which determines your next step but your social maturity and intelligence?

Despite the recent media swarm that has encircled Saint Mary’s, there is hope yet.  The can be the game changer and turn the issue on it’s head by spearheading a new policy, approvals and application process.

Perhaps St. Mary’s and all other university institutions within Canada including Dalhousie, Mount Saint Vincent and Kings within the HRM - can spearhead a new “active” zero tolerance policy against online bullying or hate crimes or criminal or abusive language - one which includes active searching and policing of this material on campus (both online and off). This also engages the community and local police force.

Perhaps include a contract which all students must sign and abide by in order to be able to better enforce this policy through stricter, more comprehensible terms such as suspensions, public apologies, etc. This is separate from your acceptance letter or accepting your position at the school. This is held in the same level of regard but is kept distinctly separate as to increase the severity of the document in question. 

The policy is known to the students from the outright and is included in every syllabus and covered in EVERY introductory class.  Here the due diligence is taken care of… But is that enough? Could this policy include a yearly revision or random audit of 30% of the student body’s online performance i.e. their social media use - to ensure that these are people they really want to keep at the institution? I wouldn’t object to that if I were a student… But of course.. Some may.

This idea is a grey area… How do you do this without affecting “free speech?” The answer is simple - there is free speech but speech which enforces or reinforces or implies or condones actions of abuse, violence or any other slanderous or derogatory comments has no place in an institution of higher learning.

That’s what one could say for now, but as we all know - actions speak louder than words. If schools who have been embroiled in media dialogues want applicants - well-suited and desirable applicants - they need to change this process and quickly.

An active policy ensures, as best as the school can, a safe, online atmosphere for students.  It provides a security blanket for them in the online world - free from bullying and from any other offences against character or religion or background or gender, etc. This is a carved in stone consequence - do THISandTHIS happens. There is no excuse - it is a university law. Break the law and - you are out. No second chances. No “breaks.” Best of all it acquaints students with the realities of “real life.” It prepares students better to understand social norms and responsibilities such as accountability and respectfulness from the outset. It shouldn’t be a problem for students to sign - if they are truly there to learn.

How to you ensure that this is working? Publish yearly stats on the website about the policy’s effectiveness.  How many reported incidents… How many suspensions… This shows families and applicants that the university actually cares about its image and the perception of its school. And in business, that is the fundamental key to success - customer satisfaction.  Make sure the customers (parents, government officials, etc,) are happy - your long term outcome and return will be much greater.

A solution is desperately needed that is beyond a case by case basis or what is being perceived as taps on the wrist - perhaps, this is a simple solution to a problem that if not addressed properly will only abscess? Time will tell.

Impressive view on set for #zerotolerance the other day

Impressive view on set for #zerotolerance the other day

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