#zexal month


Zexal Month Week 1 Day 3: Favorite Character:

Tsukumo Yuma ❤️❤️❤️

(Won’t be able to participate zexal month much this year )

Have lots of fun this year everyone

This is also a redraw since i ran out of ideas how to draw Yuma


Zexal Month 2021, Day 4

Who’s your favorite character? Which Zexal characters would you like to meet?



I think when it comes to Zexal, I’m a tad vocal about my favorite character.

Just a tad. u_u (I am Alit’s parent now.)

In terms of characters I’d like to meet, absolutely Alit. I would adopt my son on the spot.

But also, I would love to meet Astral. I feel like my ADHD ass getting into a conversation with him would be fun. Like, it would be a neverending conversation, I feel.

If I met Yuma and/or Durbe, I’m give them a hug, they both absolutely deserve all the hugs.


Zexal Month 2021, Day 5

Zexal has so many cool locations and backdrops. Where would you want to go in Zexal?


Absolutely Barian World and Astral World. They’re both so colorful and pretty to look at, and just the like, layout of them seems neato. But also, like… how deep does the ocean in Barian World go? How is the castle in Barian World designed? How does Astral World house all their people? Where do they get their clothes?! I’d love to go there and experience it all, figure it all out for myself!


Zexal Month, Week 5 Day 1-2

What’s in store for Zexal’s future? What are some memories you’ll always cherish?


Well, this Zexal Month is over as well! I want to close by answering the second question in today’s prompt.
Yu-Gi-Oh Zexal is a series I will always recall with fondness. I was fresh in high school when it aired here, so I was finally attending a school I liked, had far better friends than the ones I had before, and I felt free (and had more time) to delve into fanfics. Although by the time I was already writing, my most popular works to this day are Zexal ones. For those fanfics I created OC I still have.
Not to mention Zexal led me to making some great online friends.
So overall, only good things have come for me from this show!

Related to the show itself, I will never forget the night when I watched ep 112 without any kind of subs just because I knew Michael would return, And I downright jumped on my bed when he threw the sword at Mr. Heartland. Such a badass move.

So, I guess that’s all! Thanks to the mods for making this possible and a great hug for all the people who joined with their posts and works! Big thanks to whoever liked, commented and reblogged my own posts as well! :D
See you next year, and keep holding Zexal dear!


“Stop ◓⬡◭◊, Fan #◑●◗◸◶! Disembark!” calls the captain. 

You see your familiar home, the rooftop now repaired. A captain gives you a pair of finger guns. So they did do damage repair. 

“Ticket please,” the other captain calls. 

You offer them your ticket and they stamp it with a normal smiley face stamp that you could get pretty much anywhere. 

  “Budgeting issues,” added their partner helpfully. “But at least it’s purple. That’s my favorite color.” 

  You nod and take the ticket from the captain. They salute you as you disembark, the skies now darkened and filled with stars. 

“See you next year!” the captains cry in unison. 

Before you can turn around to reply, the ship has already vanished into the skies, a mere twinkle in the distance. Regardless, you raise your hand in farewell, hoping that someone on the ship saw.

Day 1 and 2: 30th and 31st of August

What’s in store for Zexal’s future? What are some memories you’ll always cherish?

Thank you to everyone who participated! There’s one day left and we hope to see you all there! Remember, late submissions are always welcome (even if it’s next April!) It’s Zexal Month always, as long as you keep the spirit of Zexal in your heart! Kattobingu!
