
tiny-potatos:⛅️  Zimbits Cloud theme Lockscreens↳SO soft. SO fluffy.  Like or reblog if you downtiny-potatos:⛅️  Zimbits Cloud theme Lockscreens↳SO soft. SO fluffy.  Like or reblog if you downtiny-potatos:⛅️  Zimbits Cloud theme Lockscreens↳SO soft. SO fluffy.  Like or reblog if you downtiny-potatos:⛅️  Zimbits Cloud theme Lockscreens↳SO soft. SO fluffy.  Like or reblog if you downtiny-potatos:⛅️  Zimbits Cloud theme Lockscreens↳SO soft. SO fluffy.  Like or reblog if you downtiny-potatos:⛅️  Zimbits Cloud theme Lockscreens↳SO soft. SO fluffy.  Like or reblog if you downtiny-potatos:⛅️  Zimbits Cloud theme Lockscreens↳SO soft. SO fluffy.  Like or reblog if you downtiny-potatos:⛅️  Zimbits Cloud theme Lockscreens↳SO soft. SO fluffy.  Like or reblog if you downtiny-potatos:⛅️  Zimbits Cloud theme Lockscreens↳SO soft. SO fluffy.  Like or reblog if you down


⛅️  Zimbits Cloud theme Lockscreens

↳SO soft. SO fluffy.  Like or reblog if you download.

Requested by and made for @strozzzi. Sorry these took so long, life got in the way. Im still working on the Kent Parson ones.(hope you like em). 

Credit, and my love, to Ngozi for webcomic.

If you if you would like to request an edit(icon or lockscreen) send me a chat or a inbox and i will see what i can do.

Installation for non iphones under the cut.

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I just really love the idea of NHL Jack (AU where he never went to Samwell) taking a check into the glass way too hard during a game and the glass shatters and he goes completely through and is suddenly in the lap of our wonderful Southern Bell Eric Bittle
And Eric of course is just like “???????? are you ok????”
And Jack is just looking at him like “holy shit who are you and why have we never met”

But alternatively, I love Eric being like “!!!!!!AHHHHHH!!!!!” (Because when that shit happens in real hockey holy shit it gets fucking hype like 0 to 100 real fast) and just smiling and laughing and screaming
And Jack is still just in awe

But like, Jack is tough. He’s dealt with stress fractures, bruising, [insert sports injury here]. The glass shattering was a fluke, he hit it at just the right angle so it looked a lot worse than it actually was. The impact was the worst part, and really, if you can’t take a hit from a check what are you even doing playing hockey (*cough*EricBittle*cough*).

So Jack shatters the glass and tumbles on through (the clip of this happens to go viral and he’s forced to listen to his teammates sing “He came in like a wrecking ball!!!!!” for the next two weeks). He’s struggling to right himself when he looks up and there is Human Sun™️ Eric Bittle looking completely horrified (I mean the boy is scared of checking. I would think being checked through arena glass is probably his worst nightmare). It’s basically Bitty losing his mind and Jack trying to work the Zimmermann charm.


“Nice jersey *(It’s Jack’s)*. You’re a big Zimmermann fan, eh?”

“Lord help me. There’s GLASS!! IN! YOUR! FACE!”

Jack stands up and is trying to very seriously talk and flirt with Bitty but Bitty is literally pressed against his seat, still losing his shit.

“I’m fine, really. Looks like the extra lifting from this week paid off. *(READ: I’m strong. Look how strong I am. Notice me.)”


*Climbing back over the barrier onto the ice despite both Bitty’s and the medic’s (who has now arrived) protestations* “Maybe we’ll get to talk later. I have to go finish something.” 


Even after being forced off the ice by a combination of Guy and the medic in order to patch his face up, Jack was still kind of in a daze.

“Did you see him, did you catch his name, how many points do we have now?”

“Jack you have to stop talking, its making it hard for me to stitch your face up.”

“Don’t worry it doesn’t hurt-ow!”

“There, Zimmboni, you’re lucky that you don’t have a concussion you only needed two stitches.”

“Good, let me back on the ice.”

Except Jack forgot that 1) they had given him some pain killers that reacts with his anxiety meds and makes him kind of loopy so even if the situation allowed it he’d have to wait until the last period to actually get on the ice and 2) the situation didnt allow for anyone to be on the ice because the glass is being fixed because SOMEONE HULK SMASHED INTO IT

He almost fucking sprints into the rink. The score hasn’t changed, mostly because the part of the rink with the broken glass was still being fixed. The blonde boy was still sitting there, and jack feels himself getting one (getting gone is a phrase i just made up it’s a thing now you get gone on someone). Fucking skates up there despite everyone going “Jack no stop” and tries to wink at the cute blond (it fails, one eyelid immediately follows the other eyelid)

“Hi I’m Jack Zimmermann.”

Bitty doesn’t know whether to laugh or to scream so he just laughs. “I know.”

“Nice game we have here tonight, eh?” at which point he’s being led away from the warmest sunniest looking boy he’s ever seen by Guy again. it’s like one of those youtube videos where the father leads his tiny toddler across the ice, except the toddler is a 6′1′’ giant and is trying to wink. “Guy i don’t know his name, and i have a hockey game to finish stop dragging me away from the ice.”

and then after the game jack goes and finds bitty before even getting out of his skates and almost slips before beginning to chat up bitty who’s all like ??? why me ??? and then bitty is like “ok ok what’s your number” and jack is so whipped and still a little loopy that he fuckign says the number on his jersey and they says what’s yours and bitty just mutters “at least you’re cute” while scrawling his number on a piece of paper for jack to take and jack has never been happier with a hockey injury



Jack: *wears socks with sandals*

Bitty: honey this is why I thought you were straight

It’s Only a Change of Time (2446 words) by Sophia_Prester
Chapters: 1/15
Fandom:Check Please! (Webcomic)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Relationships: Eric “Bitty” Bittle/Jack Zimmermann, past jack/kent - Relationship, offscreen Jack Zimmermann/Camilla Collins
Characters: Jack Zimmermann, John Johnson (Check Please!), Eric “Bitty” Bittle, Shitty Knight, Kent “Parse” Parson, Coach Hall (Check Please!), Bob Zimmermann, Alicia Zimmermann
Additional Tags: Stanley Cup magic AU, Angst with a Happy Ending, Psychological Horror, Non-Linear Narrative, Alternate Histories, Metaphysical Shenanigans, references to drug abuse, Rehab, memory problems, Anxiety, Panic Attacks, Unrequited Love, Temporary Character Death, Violence, Injury, hockey history, RL players are mentioned/used for plot purposes but do not actually appear, Fluff

Every hockey player knows the Stanley Cup is supposed to be magic.

Most of them know the stories about wishes and curses and visions of things that never happened.

A few players know for themselves what the Cup’s magic can do.

What no one knows is what the Cup’s magic is.

What it is, is old. Powerful. Dangerous.

And it has been waiting for someone like Jack Zimmermann for a very long time.

Too bad Jack can’t remember why. Or what he’s supposed to do about it.

Paradise Found

A Zimbits AU by Wrath of the Stag(@wrathofthestag)

Summary:  When Jack met Bitty at the Paradise Found club, he thought he had found a perfect dance partner—then one misunderstanding caused things to fall apart.  A story about what happens when you misjudge someone but eventually open yourself up to friendship and love.

Characters:  Jack Zimmermann, Eric Bittle, Shitty Knight, Lardo Duan, Tater Mashkov

Tags: Enemies to Friends, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, First Impressions, falling in like, Bitty is a Little Shit, tater is a wingman, shitty and lardo are wingpeople, getting to know people a tiny Pride and Prejudice influence, pining, Awkward Jack, they both eventually get with the program

Rating:  Teen and Up.

Thisfic is completely written and will be posted every Wednesday.

You see, it feels like I’m starting to care By RabbitRunnah (@doggernaut) Rating: Teen And Up Audien

You see, it feels like I’m starting to care


Rating: Teen And Up Audiences

Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply

Relationships: Eric “Bitty” Bittle/Jack Zimmermann

Characters: Jack Zimmermann, Eric Bittle, Alicia Zimmermann, Bob Zimmermann

Additional Tags: Jack Zimmermann character study, 5+1 Things, Running, Running as a form of therapy, Mentions of Jack’s Overdose

Words: 4907

Summary: Jack’s always been most at home on the ice. But sometimes he does his best thinking while he’s running.

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sharpies and soulmates 

by@peach-p0t (peach_pot on ao3)

Fandom: Check Please!

Pairing: zimbits

Additional Tags: 

  • Alternate Universe - Soulmates
  • Alternate Universe - Different First Meeting
  • NHL Player Jack Zimmermann
  • Writing on Skin
  • One Shot

Words: 2030


“You’re trying to bribe me into makin’ a fool of myself in from of Jack Zimmermann?”
“Is it working?”

Bitty is offered $100 by his teammates if only he can get the Jack Zimmermann to sign his forehead after a Falcs game. He can’t just let that cash go down the drain.

universal guide on setting your friends up together by Blepbean

Fandoms:Check Please! (Webcomic)  

05 Apr 2021



It’s near the Screw dance and the frogs are on edge, just after Chowder bumps into Farmer, Nursey and Dex spin up a plan to set the two of them up together using a twitter thread from Bitty’s old twitter. It sends a chain reaction with everyone trying to set everyone up together, including Holster and Ransom. What follows as a simple plan turns into something that can be dangerous, with the chaos of everyone setting each other up and potentially letting some feelings come through.


“So you’re asking me for help,” Nursey points his finger at Chowder in the distance, “to set up Chowder with the girl.”


“—so we set them up!” Farmer says, her lips turning into a bright smile, her face lighting up like the sun, “or atleast get them closer together, and even if they don’t end up dating they’ll end—”


“Dude, he probably swings a bat at anyone that comes close to him. But what if we—”

“—try to set Nursey and Dex up. But also—”

“—Chowder and that other girl,” Ransom finishes, “setting up the frogs. Man, you like never run out of ideas.“

Language: English Words: 35,843 Chapters: 14/14 

Preview #15:


He glared at the desk, eyes widening when he saw a post-it with remember bittle scrawled on itin his own handwriting. For some unremembered reason, he had underlined it three times. He scoffed.

Right. ‘Remember Bittle.’ As if he could forget after yesterday’s shit-show.

Jack ignored the note (and the guilt) and prodded at his hand. He hoped like hell he hadn’t broken anything. That was the last thing he needed this early in the season. Not when he still had so much to prove. Not when he had to re-build the bridges he no doubt burned in Vancouver and Pittsburgh when he elected to stay at Samwell another year instead of accepting either team’s offer to play this season.

That, plus Papa’s visit yesterday, explained the dream he’d just woken from. Of course he would dream about winning the Cup. He rolled a phantom ache from his shoulder as he tried—and failed—to cling to the feeling of what it was like to hold the Cup overhead.

He laughed bitterly under his breath. Classic wish fulfillment, he heard in his therapist’s voice, even though he was fairly certain she had never said anything like that.

But if that was true, then how fucked up was it that he was wearing a Falconers jersey? The Falcs weren’t anywhere near being on his shortlist and the closest they had come to the Cup was last season. Not that squeaking past the Islanders into a wildcard spot only to be swept by the Pens in the first round counted as close.

He’d sooner go to Arizona than to Providence, so what the hell was his anxiety trying to get him to believe this time? That the best he could hope for anymore was a team that was halfway to being a punchline?

Posting for the FYFW event starts on April 5th, stay tuned !
