#zine pdf issues



So, for those of you who purchased the zine PDF - it should currently be available in a download link that came from the Gumroad store, sent to the email associated with your purchase!

However, we did just upload the PDF zine to Gumroad recently for PDF+physical-content bundles. Thus, if you have previously received a link to download digital content, the PDF zine should now also be available for download using that same link.

If you did NOT receive a previous email, and you don’t get one soon - please let us know so we can get your PDF copy to you right away!

Thank you!

~Milestones Zine Mods

There have been some technical difficulties with Gumroad, it seems, so we’ve gone with our backup plan and emailed a PDF of the zine directly to those who have ordered one of the physical-merch bundles from the Milestones Zine gmail. (PDF-only orders are as of yet unaffected)

If you have any further trouble accessing it after this - i.e. if you click the shared link and receive an “Access Denied” message, or similar - please request access to the PDF. Google Drive should offer the option for this on the PDF document. Once you click that “request access” button, an admin should be able to correct the problem with no trouble whatsoever.

If you are still experiencing technical difficulties with the PDF portion of your order following this, the zine’s tumblr will be maintained for an as-of-yet indefinite period of time - please feel free to send us an ask. (we will respond privately if you indicate for us to do so)
