#zine proposal


Hi all, the code Lyoko zine is going to move forward (yay)! However, does anyone have any suggestions on some good programs to make a zine? I noticed InDesign was recommended a lot, but if there are any alternatives (preferably free, but whatever works) please let me know!

Dan and I are finalizing some of the details, so submissions should be available soon, (I’ll pin the post)!

See below please

@huntermoebius responded to your post: There was a similar idea on here last year, but that would be fun. I could probably contribute in some way.

I didn’t know there was one proposed last year until after I made the original post, but I am hoping maybe to contact the mod of that zine to see if maybe they would want to join this one! Happy to know that there might be other CL zines out there 

@tomoe-yukina respnded to your post: I want to, but I suck at drawing digital art

Thats ok! I am considering this zine more of a labor of love vs one that requires someone to apply and possibly be denied. My co-mod and I are also going to allow fics and cosplay photos once we figure out a cohesive theme, so if those other areas are more comfortable that works as well!

@quality-purple-trash responded to your post: I said yes on Twitter but the answer is still yes

hell yeah! :D

@kittygirl255 responded to your post: I would be down to join!

Perfect! More the merrier

@godshaped responded to your post: yes! this would be incredible

I am happy that there has been such a postive response, Dan and I will try our best to get this off the ground!

@some-messy-portuguese-lesbean​ reblogged your post-previous tags-

I honestly didn’t know that the CL subreddit was a thing (I don’t use/go on reddit) but I might make an account and pop over to see whats up! Thank you for the suggestion (and I am down to see some memes lol)

Thank you for all the responses so far! We’re going to do our best to get this project off the ground and have already started discussing what direction we would like to go in. Once pre-production is all set up, Dan and I will follow up with details and submissions :) 
