#zio talks



Im so upset. Kind of oversharing but my dad got covid and im just so fucking angry with him. I can’t bring myself to be sad for him, he did this to himself. Dude was so proudly anti mask and anti vaxx and now hes sick and brought this fuckin illness back home and is exposing us to this. I’ve literally fuckin spent like 2 years in quarantine, created this safe haven and followed strict procedures all to hopefully protect my mom from covid- cuz shes INCREDIBLY immuno-compromised and it will fucking kill her! and he just??? shows up and tries to hide his test so we don’t know hes positive! because he wants things to go back to normal!
How selfish can you get? To put our lives and his wife’s life at risk because he wants to proudly spew some garbage anti mask bullshit but also be lovey dovey? fuck that! this is his own fault and I hate that I have to be nice and do things for him.
SO now, not only is the only place in the world i thought was safe completely compromised, but now im at risk, my moms at risk, my dad can’t think about anyone but himself and we still have to take care of him???
Hes ruining everything and turned my whole fuckin system upside down and throws this fucking pity party whenever I am not weeping over him being sick. News flash motherfucker, you don’t get to beat me and belittle me for years and expect me to be crying on my knees when you did this to yourself. karmas a fucking bitch. He locked me in my room for years and now he can’t fucking handle being in a room for two weeks! what the fuck! what the fuck!
and this stresses me out so much because i am extremely germaphobic and i can’t even breathe on the same floor as him without wanting to fucking spiral. Everything is contaminated, my room isn’t even safe anymore. I feel like i need to wash my skin with bleach when i interact with him and its making me fucking itch and feel disgusting.
I’ll delete this in a few hours but im just so upset. I feel so angry and i just need some form of validation to just tell me im not overreacting. Im not crazy for being angry about this, right?  Like im not a bad person for being angry about this? I feel like im expected to be crying and scared but im just angry and stressed.

oh btw follow my reblog acc @seraphghosts

i want to fall in love with someone who sends me naruto posts just bc i love it even if they never watched the show

hey guys

need an s/o teehee ! any volunteers !

oh also i’m making obey me charms

part of me has considered writing switched au a fanfic to go along with it but i am very insecure about my writing so hm

hi hi send me some asks!!! talk to me i need a breather

when i see ppl reblog my art i get all blushy and twirl my hair like omg… u saw that…? thats so embarrassing… lets kiss

gimme characters to make pride icons for

someone gimme a show to watch

u guys know any obey me discord servers i can join ;;;w;;

i really want to talk to ppl about my headcanons and mc and stuff like that but i’m sitting in my own lil corner for now


hey guys

need an s/o teehee ! any volunteers !

if u liked this post ur required to kiss me on the mouth
