

I did a prompt ask in my IG and got this request. I honestly loved it and went overboard. I want to share it here.

Disclaimer: One Piece (and its characters) belongs to Eiichiro Oda-sensei.

Reminder: I have no beta-reader. Any grammatical and spelling errors are solely mine.

Warning: OOC possible. One shot.

Rating: T (Some swearing as usual)

Note:Happy Valentine’s Day everyone! And of course, I have something for ZoNa today! So here it is. Light and fluffy!

Summary:AllNami wants is to win the 100 million beli prize in an arm wrestling. So why did Zoro end up mad at her?

“One hundred million belis.”


“That’s what’s on the betting pool,” Nami grinned mischievously as she slid the flyer across the table so the man in front of her can see what she’s talking about.

It had been scattered all over town—this flyer—a challenge for anyone who are confident enough to gamble their strength.

And with money involved… Nami will also be involved of course.

She flipped her orange locks over her shoulder. “All you need to do is win against that strong armed monster who’s knocking down every macho man here in town in arm wrestling.” She tapped one perfectly-manicured nail (thanks to Sanji-kun) on the paper before her.

Zoro slammed down his tankard on the table as he cocked an eyebrow at her. “And why would I do that?”

“Because we need the money.” Nami did not miss a beat. “And here an opportunity is presenting itself that’s too good to pass.”

Zoro snorted. “You mean you need the money.”

Nami grinned wider. “I said weZoro.”

“That definitely doesn’t mean us.” The green-haired man signaled at the bar waitress for another drink.

The navigator chortled. Oh he knows her so well. “Glad to know you still haven’t forgotten that my money is my money. But my agreements are your agreements.” She had the gall to wink as she pointed her cheeky finger at him.

And Zoro frowned as remembered that awful night in Whiskey Peak when this sea witch callously blackmailed him into doing something for her.

“Why don’t you ask your stupid shit cook to do this?” Zoro grumbled. “I’m pretty sure he’d do anything for you.”

“But Sanji-kun’s hands are only for cooking.”

“Bull shit!” Zoro cursed. Somehow he’s not happy with the thought that she’s like, favoring that perverted swirly brows over him.

“Come on Zoro,” Nami cajoled. “Do it! We both know this is just child’s play to you.”

“I don’t arm wrestle.”

“Liar! We just had an arm wrestling competition a few days ago at Luffy’s insistence!”

“It’s just a waste of time.”

“No it’s not!” Nami slammed her hands down the table. “I will not sail away from this island until I get those belis! Do not make me sic Luffy and Chopper on you!”

Zoro folded his arms over his chest and stared her down. “Why not ask Luffy then?”

Nami stared back, defiant as ever. “I want a low key win Zoro! Not an all-out battle! Besides I don’t want get chased out of town!”


“Come on we’ll split it eighty-twenty.”

Zoro looked at her incredulously.

“Seventy-thirty? No wait! Seventy-five-twenty-five!” Nami bargained, trying to find a way to get him to agree.

But the swordsman only continued to gaze at her intensely, looking absolutely not amused.

“And I buy you booze afterwards?” The map-maker added in a sweet tone.


“All I want?”

Nami’s face immediately crumpled into a frown. All he wants? Zoro’s appetite for alcohol is enormous! She might as well spend all their winnings on his liquor.

But wait! So is his appetite for battles right?

Maybe she can instigate a fight with some of the town’s ruffians to distract him and save her future winnings from being depleted.

She can think of the particulars later. For now she needs him to agree to do it.

Nami stared at the bulging muscles of his arms and unconsciously licked her lips.

Zoro is strong—monstrously strong. It would be a waste not to use that wisely.

She finally found a good use for those stupid extremities of his that he toned religiously. One where she’ll definitely benefit!

Plus she’s pretty sure it wouldn’t even take him ten seconds to beat that guy… and break his arm in the process.

“Zoro come on!” She whined. “I promise I’ll be good to you for the next weeks! Months!”

Zoro scoffed. Fat chance of that happening.

“Buy me booze on the next islands we dock,” he offered his own terms.


“And steal me some from twirly brows secret stash whenever I want it.”

Nami grimaced at his request. What a demanding man!

And Zoro grinned viciously at her, waiting for her to throw the towel down between them and forget this whole stupid idea of hers.

Like that would happen. He was underestimating her love for money.

“Easy peasy,” she smirked confidently and crossed her arms over her chest.

Zoro’s brows drew together at her answer. Nami really means serious business if she’s agreeing to his demands this easily.

“And also you are not to disturb me for the next months with your inane orders especially when I’m sleeping.”

Nami’s smirk disappeared instantly. “You sure have a lot of requests.”

The swordsman shrugged. “Then go find Luffy or that pervert cook to do your bidding.”

Nami lost her temper and kicked him under the table.


“Fine!” She agreed through gritted teeth. She doesn’t have time to go around looking for their other crewmates. She wants her money now! Right now!

“It’s a deal Zoro,” she stated in a business-like tone. Her hand suddenly shot up and snatched the tankard that was supposedly Zoro’s new drink from the surprised waitress that was about to pass her by.

She drank it all in one gulp, eyes never leaving Zoro’s—much to his irritation and admiration.

Nami slammed it down the table once she emptied every single drop of the drink inside it.

“You win me this money Zoro, and I’ll say yes to everything you want.”

Everything he wants?

Zoro clicked his tongue against the roof of his mouth. Not a bad deal really.

Even if it’s made with a devil.

“Fine. Let’s go!”


They stood in front of the noisy crowd circling the makeshift stage with a wooden table and two chairs at the middle. A really huge man was sitting on one of the chairs, with arms that looked like it was more of muscles than actual arms—thick as logs and hard-looking.

And looks really heavy… Nami thought. Like it’s capable of crushing one’s head just by accidentally landing on it.

She shuddered slightly and stole a glance at the green-haired man beside him, who was looking absolutely…


Nami frowned. Zoro didn’t even look like the strong man piqued his interest at all.

Could it mean…?

She grinned inwardly. It’s just a piece of cake for him.

Zoro took a step forward to head towards the man, thinking that the sooner he finishes it, the better.

Nami suddenly placed a hand on his chest to stop him.

“We go last.”

“Huh?” Zoro blinked stupidly at her, and then he looked towards where his supposed opponent, who is currently welcoming his next challenger, are. “Why?”

“Because by then, everyone’s money will be in that betting pot!” Nami hissed at him. “And that’s what I want!”

Zoro scratched his head, yawning. “Fine. Just wake me up when it’s my turn.”

“Oh no you don’t,” Nami reached out to pinch his arm before he can walk away from her. “Stay where you are!”

“Hey ouch! Don’t pinch me!”

“And leave your swords with me.”


“You don’t need them Zoro!” Nami glowered at him. “You’ll just arm wrestle him, not cut him to shreds.”

Zoro was looking at her like he wants to use them to cut her into tiny, little bits instead.

Like he could actually do that to her.

“Come on,” Nami tugged at the front of his coat. “We go in anonymous alright?”

Thekatana wielder scoffed. “How is that possible? We are wanted pirates. Our faces are in wanted posters on display for the world to see!”

“That is why we’re gonna try to tone it down a bit,” Nami was already tugging at the sash around his waist. “Like ‘we look like them but they are not them’ kind of appearance. So give me your swords!”


Nami sighed. His katanas are like his babies. His pride and joy. “I swear I’ll protect them with my life.” She promised just to appease him a bit, placing a hand over her heart to convey her sincerity.

Zoro looked reluctant still, but finally handed his weapons to her.

“Keep them close,” he ordered her grudgingly. “That means you stay close to me as possible. In case I need them.”

Nami nodded. “Yes master,” she cheekily answered.

“Damn you!”

“Take off your robe too Zoro.”

“Huh? WHAT?!”

Nami looked at him like he was the biggest idiot that ever walked the New World lands. “I need to wrap them up with something. I’ll just use your clothes.”

“Why do you need to wrap them up?!” Zoro almost shouted at her. “How am I gonna—”

Nami cut him off by pinching his nose.

“I already said anonymous right? They’d know immediately that you’re pirate hunter Zoro who uses three swords!” She hissed at him, looking left and right in case someone hears them.

“I really hate you.”

“I knoooow,” Nami cooed as he took off his green garb and threw it at her. “You’ll drag me to hell and I look forward to it, king of hell.” She emphasized the last words teasingly and watched as Zoro turned red, from anger or embarrassment because she knew that king of hell shit he spewed in Onigashima, she’s not sure.

She expertly wrapped the swords using his clothing and tied his red sash around it so it looks like she was just carrying an innocent package.

“There, all done!” She patted them almost lovingly. “Ok. Put your bandanna on and go get him now!” She pointed towards the strong man, who just defeated another chap again. A loud cheer erupted from the viewers and now everyone’s fighting to put their money on the betting pot.

Zoro’s glare was icy as he stared at orange-haired woman in front of him.

“You don’t order me around!”

Nami rolled her eyes at him. “Yes I do!” The witch declared haughtily and it irked him. “Well unless you were able to deduce that that guy is waaaay stronger than you and you don’t want to—”

Temee…” Zoro growled. “I dare you to say that again!”

Nami opened her mouth again to indulge him.

“Shut up!” He abruptly and rudely cut her off knowing that she’ll do it! This crazy, wicked sea witch will do it! He flicked his gaze toward the guy who was now howling and flexing his arms amidst the hollering of the spectators.


They both turned towards the direction of the voice. A sultry-looking woman had approached them.

“I see you are also going to join the betting game.” Her eyes traveled back and forth the two pirates.

Nami nodded slightly.

The woman nonchalantly brought out a cigarette and lit it up. She took a drag from it and very slowly—as if she had all the time in the world—blew the smoke out as she continued to eye them.

“What a feast for the eyes,” she murmured sensuously, scrutinizing Zoro from head to toe. She then turned to Nami. “But it seems like your boyfriend’s kinda scared,” the grin that appeared on her lips was mocking. “As he should be. My Dutrov is the strongest after all.”

Both Zoro and Nami raised an eyebrow at that and looked at each other. Apparently this woman hasn’t explored the entirety of the New World to say that.

The navigator then tilted her head towards Zoro.

“See honey,” she said in the most innocent voice she can muster. “She thinks you are a wimp.”

Zoro’s features darkened at that and he scowled at her.

Nami only smiled in reply. Oh she knows that that is all the push Zoro needs.

“Let’s go,” he grunted looking ready to kill and he glared at the woman, who seemed to realize she made an error of riling the green-haired man up.

Nami’s smile widened some more. A poke on Zoro’s ego is really effective.

“Sure…” she patted his chest condescendingly as he glared down at her. “Wipe the floor… or the ground with him babe.”

She stood on tiptoes and pecked him on the lips.

When she drew back from him… Zoro face was so red…

…and he was spluttering.

“Wha… why… wha… the hell Nami!” He finally roared at her face before he stormed off to arm wrestle Dutrov, the strongest man, leaving her alone and blinking at his outburst.


A few minutes later, a happy Nami was counting the last of the price belis from the pot and dropping them inside another bag as she cattily grinned at the sultry woman who approached her and Zoro earlier.

“Thanks for this!” Nami said waving cheerfully, making the woman scowl at her before she stormed off to take care of her totally beaten boyfriend… whose arm actually got broken when Zoro slammed it—rather hard, she might add—down the table earlier.

Strongest man or not… he’s nothing compared to their green-haired, grouchy swordsman—who was standing beside her, glowering at her.

“Great job Zoro! I know I can really count on you!” She praised him, her smile was so bright and her eyes were twinkling at thought of the winning money prize now carefully in her hands.

He grunted something under his breath and without even waiting for her, he started walking away.

“Hey! Wait for me you idiot. You’ll get lost!” Nami called out, as she hurriedly followed the tall man.

“I don’t get lost!” He snarled back at her.

Nami narrowed her eyes at him as he continued walking. “Why are you mad Zoro? Aren’t you happy we won? Some of this are yours,” she jiggled the money bag. “Plus free drinks!”

He grumbled though he didn’t bother to stop or even look at her.


He swiveled at her irritably, almost gritting his teeth.


“Why are you mad?”

“Just shut up.”

Nami frowned and she stopped walking. Why is he mad at her? Was it because she forced him to arm wrestle so they could get some money?

But she thought they already struck a deal!

She wonderingly watched Zoro as he trudged forward. And it suddenly it dawned onto Nami.

“Wait Zoro!” She hastily ran towards him.

Still the ever-stoic sword master ignored her.

When Nami finally caught up to him, she suddenly blurted out:

“Was that your first kiss?”

She could swear Zoro almost tripped at her question.

He spun around and glared at her.

Nami fought the urge to roll her eyes. All these time, sailing together and Zoro still hasn’t learned that his glare doesn’t work with her.

“Whoa!” She gasped when he didn’t answer. “You mean… I’m your first kiss?”

His face turned to a deeper shade of red and he just continued glaring at her.

“I am?” Nami asked again as her eyes twinkled at the revelation and she beamed a smile at him. “Zoro… I’m very flattered.” A hand flew to her chest, gasping exaggeratedly as his frown turned sour.

“Shut it woman!” He finally snarled at her.

She winked at him. Truth be told, she IS flattered.

“Aaww… I’m your first kiss!” Nami sing-songed as her hands, cradled both of her cheeks.

She’s totally amused that she is his first

Actually, scratch that. She loved that she is the first!

Zoro was still giving her an I’m-going-to-kill-you look.

“Wipe that scowl off your face Zoro! It’s not that bad!”

He was still red and muttering curses under his breath as she walked barely past him.

And Nami went in for the kill.

She abruptly stopped, stood on tiptoes and kissed him again.

A bit longer this time.

Grinning she stepped back immediately as Zoro started spluttering again, turning redder than she actually thought possible.

And before he can chastised her, she was already moving forward, heading back to their ship.

“Come on Zoro we don’t have all day!”

“Stop stealing kisses you damn woman!” He was barking from behind her.

Nami just laughed, gloating at the fact that she now knows a way to make the formidable man a sputtering putty in her hands.

She sniggered at him.

“I’m a thief Zoro remember?”


One-shot #: 31

Disclaimer: One Piece (and its characters) belongs to Eiichiro Oda-sensei.

Reminder: I have no beta-reader. Any grammatical and spelling errors are solely mine.

Warning: OOC possible. One shot scribble.

Rating: M (Just suggestive)

Note:One more for the road. Because, yeah, I forgot I had this prompt list! From the Winter Whimsies: Winter/Holiday/Christmas Prompt List. Prompt # 13 - Naughty or Nice. 

This is pret-ty straightforward. Merry Christmas!

Summary:Because in all honestly, neither one of them falls under the nice category.

“You in there?”

Nami bent down slightly, drawing the festively designed blanket that covered the entrance of the pillow fort to the side to peer in.

She only got a low grunt for answer. But that is enough to confirm where their swordsman is after he vanished from their party earlier.

The navigator straightened up as she studied the makeshift fort in front of her. No use asking Zoro what he is doing inside it because if you really know the man at all… it’s damn pretty obvious.​​

Considering how all the Sunny’s library lights are off and the place was only illuminated by the Christmas tree lights… she’s sure the green-haired man had just found his new—but temporary—sleeping spot.

​It was probably Usopp’s idea to build the fort. A good decision too really. Luffy and Chopper were so excited for their Christmas party later that night that they went hyperactive and got in everyone’s way and preparations (particularly Sanji who has been slaving in the kitchen all day) instead of actually helping out.

And Nami clearly remembered she delegated the task of baby-sitting them to Zoro, who ‘accepted’ it with grunt and a scowl.

​​How Usopp ended up baby-sitting them (Zoro included) instead of helping Franky set up the tree in the library, she can only speculate. But from what she heard from Jinbei… Robin took over the Usopp’s task in assisting the shipwright.

That made Nami raised an eyebrow. Oh, she had her suspicions that something is going on between their older crewmates.

The sniper probably intended to join the two younger Mugiwaras in their antics, and ended up looking out and distracting the two, taking over Zoro’s supposedly responsibility.

Which is good, because honestly… the katana wielder is absolutely useless when it comes to Luffy and Chopper and their pleading eyes.   

Her eyes scrutinized the fluffy fort. She had no idea where they got all those pillows nor can she recall they had that many on board. There were also blankets from the ship’s storage closet that were tied to the library’s windows along with those that looked like the ones she and Robin bought from the town’s market yesterday.

They were so festive looking—with bright colors of red, green and white and scattered designs of snowflakes, reindeers, decorated pine trees and silhouettes of a fat man in a red ensemble. She and the archaeologist can’t help but think that they are perfect for tonight.

That is… if they didn’t end up part of the pillow fort her childish friends decided to build.

She sighed. She’ll just charge them the total cost of those new blankets.

But she had to admit. ​Usopp did a good job putting it up. Luffy and Chopper absolutely loved it. It actually held their interest long enough for them all to enjoy a few Luffy & Chopper free hours and finish their preparations for tonight.

And apparently… Zoro likes it too. Why else would he sneak out of the party to doze off inside it when he can literally just fall asleep right there at the galley even with their noises.

Nami bent down her knees.

“Make some space Zoro!” That was her only warning to him as she started to crawl inside it.

She heard Zoro huffed in irritation at her demand. “There’s no room for another in here.” He answered back in a snide tone.​

​“You’re the only one inside!” She retorted as she continued to make her way in. What the hell was he saying? Luffy, Usopp and Chopper were all in there along with him earlier. That means it is spacious enough.

She realized what he meant when she saw him. Of course another person can’t fit in because the idiot swordsman was lying, spread eagled on the whole floor space as if he exclusively owns the place!

It wasn’t really that cramp. But since Zoro is a large man, he dominated the whole area of the fort easily (and selfishly, she might add).

She felt her ears heating at that.  

​So Nami decided to just crawl all over him… making sure to dig her elbows and knees as hard as she could on any available part of him.

She grinned wickedly when she heard an annoyed grunt from underneath her.

“Nami!” Zoro growled as he tried to move from his position. But it was too late. She already had him pinned beneath her. One of her knees dug into his leg as she wriggled her body above him trying to find a more comfortable position while draped all over him.
Oi careful!” Zoro warned and he immediately caught her other knee before it hit a rather sensitive spot.

Her grin immediately turned into a more dangerous smile.

​“Ooops…” Nami sing-songed as her face hovered over his. “My bad,” she said in a cheeky and obviously unapologetic tone.

Zoro looked at her irritably. “Damn it woman! Do you really have to do this?”

​“Yes because as usual, you’re being an ass.” She emphasized her answer by shifting above him in a totally careless manner… deliberately.

Zoro grumbled expletives under his breath. His body maybe tough and hard from all the training he was doing, but when Nami in intentionally moving like she was lying on a bumpy mattress and was trying to beat the lumps in using her elbows and knees… it’s a different story.

“Stop it!” He ordered before caging her to him using one arm.

​“Hey!” Nami complained. “No need to be so rough!”

Zoro bit back a defiant and rather salacious retort on how she sometimes likes it when he’s rough on her. Instead, he wrapped his other arm around her as well, before tackling her to the side as Nami squealed in surprise.


The green-haired man chuckled at her reaction. Yet he didn’t release her even as she tried to wiggle her body to free herself from him.

“Serves you right.”

Surprisingly, she easily gave up and childishly blew him a raspberry.

Zoro just smirked as he looked down her face. It was a bit dark inside the pillow fort, but he can still make out her puffed cheeks and pouting lips thanks to the brilliant Christmas tree lights Franky had set up earlier.

He bent down and swiftly stole a kiss from them.

And Nami immediately relaxed in his arms at that. He in turn loosened his hold around her. But he still kept her within his embrace, as she tilted her head to look at him.

And damn he did not like the way she’s looking at him right now.

“So… where are my presents?”

Zoro inwardly groaned. He should have known that was the reason why she was looking for him.

And did she say presents?

Nami was looking at him expectantly then her brows furrowed.

“Don’t tell me you don’t have anything for me?” She gasped exaggeratedly.

Well… it wasn’t like she was expecting something from him. But still… it’s Christmas right?

​Zoro gave her a curious look. “Depends… have you been naughty or nice?”

She blinked at his question. “What does that have to do with your gifts for me?”

“You heard Chopper’s story about that fat guy who slides down chimneys to give out gifts?”

​“Yeah,” Nami nodded. “He told us about it in the party earlier!”

“Well he has a naughty and nice list.”


Zoro looked her in the eye. “Only the nice ones can receive gifts,” he said in an almost somber tone as if he was talking to a petulant child. “You’ve been anything but nice Nami.”

​She almost shot up and out of his arms at that.

And Zoro laughed at her reaction.

“You!” Nami kicked his leg in retaliation. “I can’t believe you Zoro! I’ve been nothing but nice to you this week!”

“That’s because you are trying to wheedle a gift from me.”

“Because it’s Christmas!”

Nami scowled at him. “Look who’s being naughty now? I hope the fat guy doesn’t leave you with any presents!”

Zoro grinned. “Honestly, do you think I’m Luffy? Or Chopper?”

“You don’t get a gift from me as well.​”

“I really don’t mind not getting one.”

Nami stuck her tongue out at him. “That’s it! If you don’t have anything for me, screw being nice!”

That only made him laugh louder. He didn’t doubt that for a second. Nami’s notorious for being ‘super kind’ when she wants to get something… especially from him.

Like that would work. He knows her too much. Almost like the back of his hands.

He smirked at her again, pulling her towards him, leaving no space between them as their bodies pressed close to each other.

“You are in no way a nice girl,” Zoro drawled as he watched her lips pursed. “But I actually prefer you naughty…” He whispered lowly at her ear before giving her butt a hearty slap, squeezing it a little,, before his laughter rumbled inside the fort again.

“YOU!” Nami stiffened against him, yet he felt her hands grasp the front of his jacket. A sure sign that she liked what he did. “Argh damn it!”

He cut off her incoming rant by pressing his lips against her. Soft, feather light kisses before shifting to light teasing nips that made her sigh contentedly.

“You’re not nice too you know.” Nami mumbled in between their kisses.

“I know.”

“Pirate hunters really not are.”

“Are cat burglars nice?”


Zoro chuckled as she feigned mulling over her answer.

Nami snickered. “Then we are both not getting any presents from Chopper’s fat chimney guy.”


They laugh a bit at their inside joke.

“Hey, Merry Christmas.” Nami greeted with a pretty smile on her face.

“Merry Christmas Nami.” Zoro returned her smile. “And yeah, I actually have something for you. Even if you haven’t been nice at all.”

“Really now?” She giggled excitedly. She ran her fingers through his hair. “How about we call truce for Christmas​?​”

“Truce.” He agreed as he tilted her chin with his finger to kiss her again.

“Hmm… how sturdy is this fort?” Nami suddenly asked, stopping him momentarily.

Zoro raised an eyebrow at her. “No idea.”

“Think we can be a bit naughty here?” Nami whispered suggestively as she hooked a leg on his waist.

The corner of his lips twitched up at her suggestion. “Let’s find out then.”

Disclaimer: One Piece (and its characters) belongs to Eiichiro Oda-sensei.

Reminder: I have no beta-reader. Any grammatical and spelling errors are solely mine.

Warning: OOC possible. One shot scribble.


Note:To aani_cos. My ZoNa secret santa for the ZoNa Holiday 2021 at @zonamievents. Hope you like it!

Happy Holidays! I hope everyone will have a blast celebrating Christmas and New Year!

Summary:The snow started to fall down softly on them as the temperature around them grew slightly colder. But the soft smile on their faces and their joined hands were enough to warm them both up.

Everything is white.

It was like they stepped inside one of those snow globes displayed in one of the store windows that Chopper was admiring earlier.

The town they were currently at is pretty laid-back. It was calm, quiet and just… white.

Everywhere. White.

Probably because it was the height of winter on this island.

It should’ve made the whole area plain… boring even. But somehow all that whiteness decorating anything and everything only gave the place a rather magical quality that wasn’t seen in any island before.

Zoro impatiently shifted his weight from one leg to the other, the soft crunch of snow under his boot reached his ears. He was standing in front of the store for a good half hour now… waiting. He let out a sigh and scratched his head in a frustrated manner.

The sound of a bell tinkling caught his attention as the door behind him opened. He swiveled around and was met by two of his crewmates—who both have bright smiles plastered on their faces.

“We’re done!” Nami announced as she took a step beside him.

Zoro noticed that there was a certain bounce in it… something that he usually sees whenever she bought something that made her really happy.

“And Zoro’s still here Chopper!” She gushed exaggeratedly. “He didn’t disappear nor did he get lost!”

A vein popped on his forehead at that.

“Wow!” Chopper was looking up at him in amazement. “It’s a miracle Nami!”

And another.

“I know right?” The navigator joshed, giving Zoro a wink before cheekily shoving the shopping bag she was holding at his direction.

Zoro just grabbed it from her without another word, an addition to the growing number of bags that he was already carrying.

“Chopper,” Nami sing-songed. “Just hand your shopping bag to Zoro. He’s our delegated hauler for the day and he is more than happy to help us.” The mapmaker instructed as she beamed a smile at him.

Zoro scowled at her. Yet he signaled to Chopper to give him the bag that he was holding.

Chopper blinked up at the swordsman, looking a little hesitant. The former bounty hunter crouched down and patted his head in an assuring manner before taking the bag from him.

“Thank you Zoro,” Chopper said shyly.

That actually made the green-haired man smile. “No worries Chopper.” Zoro then lifted him up and placed him on his shoulder.

Chopper giggled as he got a much better view of his surroundings from where he was perched at. Nami had invited him to go shopping for the crew’s Christmas gifts. He was actually surprised to find out that she managed to rope Zoro into coming with them and helping them out. He couldn’t help but be in awe at how she was able to do that.

Only Nami can do that to one of their formidable fighters.

He really wonders how she does it. More so, because instead of the usual grumbling Zoro does whenever Nami succeeds in making him to do something that he doesn’t want to… he was surprisingly tolerant of the navigator’s shopping expedition.

And he also doesn’t look like he loathes the idea of being Nami’s pack-mule for the day.

Chopper initially volunteered to help carry Nami’s shopping bags but Zoro dismissed the offer with a slight wave of his hand.

That had the reindeer doctor wondering. Zoro was being… nice to Nami.

And Nami wasn’t berating him or talking his ears off like she usually does.

The two weren’t even trying to kill each other with glares or words the whole time they were wandering in town.

What is going on?

Chopper straightened up from his position and Zoro looked at him questioningly.

Zoro and Nami had a weird yet working dynamics that was kinda hard to understand.

Maybe it’s because… it’s Christmas time? And they both decided for a truce to celebrate the holiday spirit?

If that’s the case then this is really the wonderful time of the year!

He was giggling again as he shook his head at Zoro.

“What is it Chopper?”

“Nothing,” the small doctor smiled. “Ne, Zoro. Your ear is cold.” 

“That’s because Nami is taking too long buying things.”

Nami—who was busy consulting the small notebook she pulled out from her coat pocket—swiftly turned towards them with a glare. “It’s not my fault you refuse to wear a knit caps or earmuffs!”


“I can’t have you freezing before we even finished shopping Zoro!” She complained as she stomped towards him. “You promised to help carry the stuff while I help you with your presents remember?”

“Forced is more like it.”

“Zoro you can borrow my scarf,” Chopper offered. “It’ll help warm you.”

“I’m alright Chopper.”

“Alright my ass,” Nami muttered as she rummaged through the bags Zoro is holding. She pulled out a beautiful midnight blue scarf, fixed him with a glare that promises nothing good for him if he didn’t let her have her way.

He silently conceded and let her wrap it around his neck, almost covering half of his face as Chopper watched them. Zoro didn’t bother protesting lest she decides to smother him with it instead.

Plus it actually felt nice. The scarf. Not the way Nami was wrapping it around his neck like a concerned girlfriend.

He inwardly winced at that thought.

He felt a weird twitch in his hand.

“There!” She announced, brushing his coat with her hands and straightening it. “You look pretty.”

“Shut up.”

She placed both of her hands on her hips. “We still need to finish our task today Zoro. I don’t want your ass turning into an icicle before we do!”

“Besides,” she continued. “We still need to buy your gifts for us! Don’t you want to give us something nice for a change? Everyone’s preparing something for everyone.”

Zoro grumbled something under his breath.

“How about saving your lives? That doesn’t count anymore?”

“You’re really that broke huh?”


Chopper watched their exchange with keen interest. Initially when he joined the crew, he thought they hated each other and was only being tolerant of each other’s presence because of Luffy.

But he realized that was not the case. They are just like that with each other. He come to understand that despite their heated exchanges, their callous words and sarcastic tones… they do care for each other.

Robin had said it before… sometimes words are not needed as action speaks louder.

Zoro is with Nami today, accompanying her as she did her shopping and going as far as carrying her bags for her. And knowing how the older lad prefers sleeping or training than a shopping trip to town… this is saying something to be honest.

And Nami was being absolutely tolerant of the swordsman. She didn’t nag him that much or got angry with him or even punched him like she usually does…

She even draped a scarf around his neck to keep him warm. A scarf he knows Nami had actually bought for Zoro as a gift.

The reindeer doctor felt warm and fuzzy all over. It was really nice to see his two friends who are always at odds with each other be nice to each other for a change.

What a very merry Christmas indeed!

Chopper fought back a giggle and Zoro threw a curious look his way again.

“What is it Chopper?”


“You keep on tittering. Is your stomach upset or something?”

“I’m ok Zoro it’s just…”

“Are you alright Chopper?” Nami asked, scrutinizing him. “Your face is kinda turning red. Are you cold?”

“No! No!” Chopper shook his head. “I’m just…”

Zoro and Nami exchanged concerned glances.

“I’m just happy that’s all!” He chirped. “It’s really a very merry Christmas!”

Zoro and Nami smiled at that. It wasn’t really a secret that they both have a soft spot for their youngest crewmate.

“Merry Christmas Zoro. Nami.”

“Merry Christmas Chopper.” Nami tiptoed and gave his blue nose a peck. Zoro in turn, patted his head again.

“Let’s go and finished this,” Zoro suggested.  “How many more stores do we need go?”

“Ok,” Chopper agreed. “Oh! There is that bookstore that Robin mentioned last night.” He pointed towards the building a few feet away from them. He clambered down from Zoro’s shoulder, jumping halfway and changing into his walk point as he trotted toward the store excitedly.

“You should know, the next stores we’ll be going are all Chopper’s requests.” Nami threw Zoro a look that clearly says ‘go on and try to complain’. Because she knew he wouldn’t and couldn’t.

Zoro glanced at Chopper who was ahead of them. He nodded as Nami started walking towards where the reindeer is.

Then she stopped and turned her head to look back at him.

Zoro raised an eyebrow at her.

Nami gave him a smile. That smile.

That damn smile that never fails to make his stomach feel weird whenever he sees it. The one damn reason why he is here with her instead of back in their ship, sleeping.

His felt hand twitched again… for the umpteenth time. It had been doing that all day.

And he realized now why.

He was fighting the urge to reach out and hold her hand in his like a goddamn love-struck sap all this time.

He’d been wrestling with that impulse from the moment they left the Sunny to go shopping in town.

Suddenly Nami was in front of him, standing on tiptoes again, this time to plant a kiss on his cheek.

Zoro sputtered. His face immediately turning to red from embarrassment.

And Nami laughed out loud. She knows how he easily gets flustered when she does something like this out in the open and for all to see.

He’s still not used to displays of affection. Well… they did decide to be together just recently.

Plus, he did have a reputation to keep.

Still that won’t stop her from trying to break that ever-stoic exterior of his every now and then.

“Thanks for today Zoro,” Nami grinned. “Even though I know this is more because I promised to lend you some money for your gifts, free of interest of course!” She winked at him. “I guess you should consider that my gift to you.” With that she spun around to follow Chopper.

But not before giving him that smileagain.

And he was lost.

He reached out and grasped her hand in his.

Nami stopped and looked back at him in surprise.

And Zoro watched her face slowly lit up.

It was the first time he had ever tried to hold her hand while they were outside.

And it was… exhilarating.

Her features softened as she stared at their hands then at his face. She gave it a squeeze, a silent gesture that she appreciated the effort he placed into it. And that if he wants to let go… she wouldn’t mind because she knows this is something new to him.  

But he held on tighter, clasping her hand as if it was the most natural thing in the world as he tugged her slightly to head towards where Chopper is.

The snow started to fall down softly on them as the temperature around them grew slightly colder.

But the soft smile on their faces and their joined hands were enough to warm them both up.


Chopper watched the two figures walking towards him amidst the falling white snow.

He had reverted back to his original form when he witnessed what happened earlier.

Chopper giggled and blushed when he realized what was really going on between his two friends.

Oh what a very merry Christmas indeed!


One-shot #: 26

Disclaimer: One Piece (and its characters) belongs to Eiichiro Oda-sensei.

Reminder: I have no beta-reader. Any grammatical and spelling errors are solely mine.

Warning: OOC possible. One shot.

Rating:T (Slight suggestions)

Note:I’m kinda on a scribble roll here.Well actually, I’m trying to lessen my files. This idea came from an SBS that I read a few years back. I already drafted this one-shot right after that and forgot about it.

Summary:All of a sudden he was standing directly in front of her, looking down at her with a glint in his grey eye that tells her he’s gonna get retribution.

“Alright. Wear this!”

Something suddenly hit Zoro’s face without warning. Cursing, he made a grab for it and an irritated expression appeared on his normally stoic face. He stared at the shirt in his hand before shifting half of his gaze to the orange-haired girl across him.


“Because,” Nami placed both of her hands on her hips before pointing at the clothes he hastily threw on before running out of the men’s quarters after he heard her screeching his name. “Everything on you hurts my eyes!”

Zoro looked down at what he is wearing and frowned. “Then don’t look!” He growled angrily before throwing the shirt right back at her face.

Nami let out a yelp when it hit her. She pulled the cloth away from her face before marching towards him.

“You are changing your clothes Zoro!” She forcefully shoved the shirt back into his arms, earning her a disgruntled ‘oi’. “I won’t have you walking with me like this one big, fashion disaster that you are!” She gestured from his head down to his toes with one hand. “Unless you are trying to be a tree, I don’t know how you can think that that green and brown color combination will work!”

“The hell I care about how I look!” The tall lad snapped at her.

There was a pause and navigator’s eyes narrowed into tiny, dangerous slits. And everyone who was outside the Sunny’s deck swore that at that very moment the sky turned dark and ominous as lightning flashed and thunder rumbled—a foreboding sign.

Zoro met Nami’s gaze directly, unflinchingly. Petty things like clothes don’t bother him at all. As long as there is something to wear no matter how ugly it is, he doesn’t give any shit about it.

Besides, like he’d let her have her way. Again. He already agreed to accompany her to town and be her pack mule for the day. And that was after she interrupted his post-lunch nap with all her shrieking.

Wasn’t that enough already?

“You. Are. Changing.” Nami hissed through gritted teeth, punctuating each word threateningly.

“No. I’m. Not.” Zoro answered back, folding his arms across his chest with a huff.

“You are changing,” Nami repeated tautly. “Or I swear I’m gonna call Robin and have her use her devil fruit powers to pin you down while I change your clothes for you!”

Zoro look astounded for a second. Did she just threaten him with Robin?

Now this is something new. Whatever happened to the usual debt threats Nami loves subjecting him to?

Regardless, like hell he’s gonna let the Hana Hana no mi user lay her multiple hands on him.

“Come on Nami, you can do better than that,” he snorted. “Now you’re using that gloomy woman to—”

Ara, how rude…” Robin cut him off suddenly as she entered the room.

Zoro stiffened despite himself. After all, the story of Franky’s first-hand experience from Robin’s power was enough to give any Mugiwaraman nightmares.

Even if that happened two years ago.

The archeologist glanced momentarily at the swordsman, her gaze piercing. Zoro did his best not to move or make another sound lest she breaks his neck.

Nami caught his reaction and a menacing smile appeared on her face. “Robin!” She exclaimed chirpily. “You’re just right on time!”

“Need help Nami?” With an ominous smile gracing her beautiful face, Robin inquired as she headed towards her side of the bed. “Is Zoro giving you trouble?”

Zoro glared scathingly at her. He opened his mouth to protest, but stopped himself right in time.

Nami eyes met Zoro’s as she answered smugly. “Yes he is!” Her gaze dared the green-haired man to contradict her.

It was Zoro’s turn to grit his teeth at her. But he still he held his tongue. He learned long ago never to butt heads with two women at the same time.

One is enough. And he already had his hands full with Nami. He didn’t need Robin joining the navigator in making his life more miserable in the ship. Though Robin is sensible most of the times… but she does have this weird affinity for scaring the shit out of her nakamasfor her own amusement.

“Need a hand?” Robin coolly asked as she busily perused the pile of books on her night stand.

“No she doesn’t!” Zoro fiercely stated.

“Yes I do!” Nami answered at the same time.

Both glared daggers at each other as Robin chuckled. Oh, she’s used to it by now. After all, Zoro and Nami’s never-ending disagreements are always a source of entertainment on their ship.

“I don’t see what the hell is wrong with what I’m wearing.” Zoro finally grumbled.

Nami scowled in answer. “Everything.”

He snorted. “It’s just clothes woman.”

“An awful choice of clothes!”

“Why the hell do I need to dress up Nami?” Zoro complained, his tone cranky. “You’re just gonna use me as your pack mule for the day. Why do I need to look good for that?”

“I want my mule to look dashing.”

He scoffed. “Then take ero-cook! He does it better.”

Nami raised an eyebrow. “Oh,” she mouthed, a bit exaggeratedly. “So you admit there is something Sanji-kun’s better than you at?”


And Robin fought the urge to giggle out loud. With the mention of their cook’s name, Zoro’s bound to hit the roof soon enough.

“Thatero kappa will never be better than me at anything!” Zoro exploded.

“That’s not true, Sanji-kun’sbetter than you at cooking!”

Robin can actually feel Zoro seething from the other side of room. Trust Nami to rile him up so easily. Though she knows that after so much resistance (and shouting) from Zoro’s part… it will still end up the way it usually does. Their swordsman catering to Nami’s whims regardless of how inane it is.

Well, it’s actually good since there’s no need for her to use her powers. With how strong Zoro is, she doubts if she’ll be able to hold him down long enough.

That would be tiresome. She thought with an inward sigh.

Guess it’s just Zoro’s nature to go and face the enemy head on even if there’s no chance of winning.

With her chosen book in hand, the older woman turned to watch her friends. They are still glaring and gritting their teeth at each other. Robin took it as her cue to exit the room.

Whatever happens between her two nakamasafter this, she’d rather not be caught across the crossfire no matter how amusing.

“Alright,” Nami suddenly sighed in a dejected manner, surprising Zoro when she gave up easily. “You can go and do whatever you want.”

Zoro stared at her in astonishment.

“I’ll just ask Sanji-kun to accompany me.” She began to tap a finger to her cheek as if she was thinking. “What was it that Luffy said?” Her brows furrowed as Zoro bristled, apparently aware of what was coming. “Oh! Worth a thousand men.” She threw a sugar-sweet smile at Zoro. “Guess that is so true after all.”

That was all it took for Zoro to relent.

“Damn it! I’m changing alright!” Zoro barked as he shot Nami a venomous glare while the girl gave him a triumphant smirk that could rival a shark’s.

“Very good Zoro!” Nami gleefully nodded in approval, reveling at the fact that she won against the him for the umpteenth time. “Do it now. I promise I won’t peek.”

Zoro’s glare was enough to rival the coldness of Aokiji’s devil fruit powers.

And Robin just shook her head slightly at the already expected outcome.

“I’ll leave you two here,” she said with a small smile. Zoro was growling as he removed his shirt. Totally unbothered by their presence. “And Nami,” Robin called out to get the mapmaker’s attention who’s attention was fixed quite intently at the now stripping swordsman. We’ll be docking at the island’s port in half an hour according to Franky’s calculation.”

“If you have time, you can check if he is right.” She suggested, moving towards the room’s exit. A disembodied hand appeared to open the door’s knob even before she reached it.

“That is… if you’re not busy trying not to ‘peek’ while Zoro changes his clothes,” she said with a sly wink at Nami before exiting.

“ROBIN!” Nami all but screamed at her friend as the disembodied hand gave them a wave before closing the door and vanishing in a swirl of pinkish-white petals.

But not before surreptitiously locking it.

Nami turned beet red at that. Trust Robin to insinuate that and give Zoro something to tease her about.

A discarded shirt hit her. She scowled and her attention returned to the former pirate hunter who was unbuttoning his pants.

She glowered at him. “Don’t just strip down to your underwear like I’m not even here you moron! You could learn some modesty you know.”

“I don’t wanna hear that coming from you.” Zoro retorted before throwing his pants at her.


“What? Don’t tell me you’re now being shy and all.” The grin on his face was vicious. “Besides, nothing here you haven’t seen before Nami.”

Blood rushed to her face at his statement. But definitely not because she was embarrassed or anything.

She didn’t answer and instead, grabbed the clothes she had picked for him earlier, throwing them at right at his face.

“Shut up and just get dressed Zoro. We’re wasting time!” She said with a huff. Kamiknows how he needs direction with what is appropriate to wear just as how he needs direction with which way to go.

“I swear, you, Luffy and Chopper needs all the help you can get when it comes to fashion,” she muttered exasperatedly, as Zoro finished changing his clothes. She gave him a glance over and nodded approvingly. “That’s a heck lot better. You don’t look much of an eyesore now.”

“Oh good,” Zoro drawled sarcastically. “If this gets you off my back then I’m all for it.”

Nami beamed at him. “Glad we finally came to some kind of an agreement. If I get to dress you, then it would be less complaining from me, ne?”

Zoro remained passive at her declaration. “Great,” he grumbled rather sarcastically. “So you get to dress me now Nami?”

“If it makes you look better, then yes of course.”

He cocked an eyebrow at her before a smirk pulled at the corner of his lips. “Guess I have to return the favor then.”

Nami blinked. And when she realized what he was pertaining to she shook her head vehemently. “Oh no, no, no! You don’t get to dress me Zoro! Not in this life or the next!”

All of a sudden he was standing directly in front of her, looking down at her with a glint in his grey eye that tells her he’s gonna get retribution. “You’re mistaken.” He said with a sneer.

He stole a glanced on the room’s door that Robin conveniently locked earlier.

“What do you mean?”  

“You get to dress me? Then I get to undress you.”

Addendum: According to SBS Volume 37: Luffy, Zoro and Chopper cannot dress up on their own. If they do, it’s because either Sanji, Usopp, Nami or Robin is with them. It has merit. Remember that blue tank top in Skypiea that made Zoro look so hot? We have Nami to thank for that.

And Zoro does not really care about clothes and all but it’s just fun to play with this fact.


Disclaimer: One Piece (and its characters) belongs to Eiichiro Oda-sensei.

Reminder: I have no beta-reader. Any grammatical and spelling errors are solely mine.

Warning: OOC possible. One shot.

Rating: T

Note:I had to get this out of my system especially after the recently released chapters. I need something like this to happen in my OTP universe.

Summary:Let’s see how the future world’s greatest swordsman will deal with this matter.

The aftermath of the fight had Chopper busy running back and forth, attending to the injuries of his crewmates.

Nami towered over a sitting Zoro. Her hand was grasping his chin quite forcefully as the other was busy cleaning the wounds on the side of his face.

It wasn’t really urgent nor necessary… but hell she needed an excuse to touch him right after the fight of their lives.

Zoro was glowering at her. And growling. And griping. She tightened her hold on his chin and he surprisingly winced slightly before scowling back at her.

“That will scar,” she murmured as she studied his injuries.

“Let it.”

She sighed and gingerly touched the slashes with her fingertips and Zoro was prompted to stop his usual biting remarks reserved for her as he took her action as a sort of truce between them.

He let his head lean slightly to her warm, soft palm.

“I’m ok Nami.”

She nodded. And her attention suddenly shifted towards the other room where their captain was yelling for food even in his half-asleep state.

Nami took a deep breath and was about to march towards where the rubber idiot was when she felt something heavy fell against her chest.


The navigator stared with wide eyes as green-colored hair suddenly filled her vision. She blinked. Once. Twice. But the image remained right in front of her.

Zoro had fallen asleep while sitting on bed…

…and his head had drooped down straight into her chest, nose first into her cleavage.

For a moment, Nami was unsure on what to do. There was a prickling sensation on her skin; spreading from her chest where Zoro was positioned, onto her arms and up her neck as her cheeks grew warmer and warmer by the second.

Oddly, Zoro seemed comfortable on where he is right now. He even snuggled closer, face burrowing deeper into her.

Yet Nami didn’t push him away, even if her head feels like it would explode from too much warmth.

Instead her arms went around him to cuddle him closer to her; relishing on this rare, hopefully not once-in-a-lifetime experience and how the former pirate hunter looked absolutely adorable snoozing against her breasts…

Usopp suddenly appeared in her line of vision looking downright surprised at what he’s seeing. Before he can open his mouth to speak, Nami glared at him menacingly, then at the door. A silent command for him to shut his trap and leave her alone with a slumbering Zoro resting against her.

The sniper immediately high-tailed it out of there with a hand clamped on his mouth. Probably to stop himself from laughing or screaming as he searched for his friends to blabber what he had seen.

Before Nami can go back to savoring the moment… Zoro’s arms suddenly went around her, pulling her closer before dropping down on the bed taking her with him.

“Zoro!” She yelped when they bounced on the mattress.

Yet Zoro remained asleep, his arms tightening around her as he enveloped her in a hug that there’s no way in hell she can get away from.

She made a face. He was using her as his own personal pillow.

But she didn’t mind. Not really.

Just think of all the belis she can charge him for this.

Plus it’ll be so much fun to see what’ll happen after he wakes up and finds her in his arms.

Let’s see how the future world’s greatest swordsman will deal with this matter.


One-shot #: 25

Disclaimer: One Piece (and its characters) belongs to Eiichiro Oda-sensei.

Reminder: I have no beta-reader. Any grammatical and spelling errors are solely mine.

Warning: OOC possible. One shot scribble.

Rating:T (Just light flirting stuff)

Note:Light teasing. PWP. And pure insanity I tell you. Just ending my quarantine with another one-shot. Because who knows when I can write and upload one again.

Summary:“Found the bunny.”      

With a cheerful and dazzling smile, Luffy—the captain of the infamous Straw Hat Pirates—held out his hands to show off the beautifully decorated basket to his crew members.

Sanji cocked an eyebrow at him. “Seriously?”

“Yes!” Luffy exclaimed. “We’re gonna go hunt for eggs!” His already bright smile widened some more at the idea of an adventure.

This time it was Zoro’s turn to raise an eyebrow. “Wearing… that?” His lone eye scrutinized the rabbit costume the rubber man had on.

The younger boy nodded again, head bobbing up and down enthusiastically. “Usopp and Chopper are wearing the same!”

“Yes we are!” Usopp and Chopper yelled proudly, pumping their fists up in the air.


“What the hell is wrong with this island?“ The cook muttered under his breath with a slight shake of his head.

“More like what the hell is wrong with them?” Zoro grunted, folding his arms across his chest as he nudged his head towards the three.

It was one of those rare days when he and the idiot swordsman weren’t snarling insults at each other because there is a more pressing and absurd matter to attend to…

…like Luffy, Usopp and Chopper in bunny suits, holding colorful baskets to join the island’s ‘egg hunt’.

“Fufufu…” Robin laughed softly from her deck chair where she was relaxing. “It’s the island’s tradition. They are celebrating what they call Easter.” She explained as she flipped a page of the book in her hand.  

“By looking for eggs?” Zoro inquired with a frown as the three bunnies started singing a song about egg hunting.

“Yes,” Robin nodded. “We just so happen to arrive here right in time for that celebration.”


“No it’s not!” Usopp retorted looking aggravated at Zoro’s comment. “I recalled visiting an island once where hunting for eggs is considered a manly man’s sport! The one who finds the most wins the title of the most manliest man alive.”

Suge Usopp!” Chopper gasped.

“That is right,” the sniper crossed his arms over his chest haughtily. “And guess who won the title five years in a row?”

“You, of course.” Both Zoro and Sanji drawled, with the same expression on their faces that clearly says… they’re not buying Usopp’s obviously untrue and exaggerated story.

Robin stifled her giggles behind her hand as Usopp yelled his retorts at the two. Both Luffy and Chopper were looking at him with their eyes sparkling from amazement.

“Whoa you’re awesome Usopp!” Luffy commented.

“You really are strong!” The reindeer gushed.

“I know right!” Usopp answered with an approving grin and a thumbs up.

“But I will defeat you today!” The captain declared. “I will be the one to win the title of the most manliest man alive.”

“And you’d do that…” Sanji said in an almost bored tone. “By finding… a lot of eggs?”


Sanji sighed as he pulled out a packet of cigarettes from his pants.

“And you really need to wear… those costumes to hunt for them?” Zoro asked, still doubtful why they need to be in that.


“It’s tradition Zoro,” Usopp stated matter-of-factly. “You can’t find the eggs if you’re not in a bunny costume! You’re so ignorant.”


“Hey! Why don’t you join us too Zoro?” Luffy invited and Zoro almost blanched at that.


"Yeah!” Chopper chirped in. “Join us! The more the merrier!”

“Nope. I’m good.” Zoro answered almost instantly. Like hell he would don that stupid costume and then hunt for stupid eggs.

Best to just leave them to their crazy shit.

“Have fun.” He waved them off.

Sanji let out a ‘tch’ before taking a drag from his cigarette. Things seemed to get weirder and weirder these past few days. But somehow the idea that he’ll be free of the usual food stock raiders for the day feels too good to pass. “Alright then, run along rabbits. Go scour the island for eggs.”

“We will!” The trio chorused.

Sanji nodded at them. “And don’t you dare create any messes for us to clean you hear?”

“Eeeh…” a voice from behind them suddenly said. “Don’t worry about it Sanji-kun.“

And just like that the cook immediately swiveled around to face the newcomer.

"Nami-swaaan! Don’t you look dazzling in that ensemble, my sweet!” He crooned as his eyes automatically turned to hearts, kneeling down on one knee in front of the navigator.

“Thank you!” Nami beamed at him and winked. The chef instantly fell down the lawn deck in a swoon, blabbering about her beauty. She was wearing an outfit just like the one she had on when they went after him in Whole Cake Island. Only this time the corset skirt is frillier and more colorful as the layers sported different shades of pastel spring palette.

The puffed sleeves of her blouse are pulled down her shoulders, revealing them and she had put on a rabbit ears headband on top of her head.

Zoro glared at the prone figure of the blond before shifting his attention to Nami. “You going with them?”

Nami nodded with a scheming grin. “Heard something about money prizes.”

“Of course you wouldn’t let that pass,” the green-haired man smirked. His lone eye trailed up and down her form as he studied her. “And you’re supposed to be what? A rabbit as well?“


He jerked a thumb towards the three doofuses in their onesie costumes. “Why not wear the same as them?”

Nami narrowed her eyes at him as Sanji barked threats from where he was still lying down. Something about shutting his trap if he can’t say something nice to his precious Nami-san.

Zoro ignored him. Even as he started shouting insults that he is being the usual, unfashionable stupid marimo that he is.

“Because that is not cute.” The map maker huffed, placing her hands on her hips.

“Looks ok on them.” The grin that Zoro send her way was nasty.

She flipped her hair over her shoulder snootily. “Say one more word about what I’m wearing Zoro and I’ll make sure your next sentence is, “Please don’t charge me”.”

“Right. Don’t charge me… greedy witch,” he said monotonously, deliberately omitting the word please and adding an insult as well.

She gave him the evil eye.

“Now go and run along with your rabbit friends.“

"You can kiss your next island allowance goodbye Zoro,” Nami said in an overly sweet tone as she smiled evilly. “I’ll be splurging them for expensive lingerie later.”


“Byeeee!” Nami immediately pranced away from him to escape; pushing Usopp, Luffy and Chopper towards the ship’s ladder so that they could embark. Sanji was automatically back on his feet and on her side to assist her while nose bleeding about lingerie and the orange-haired woman.

“Damn it Nami! You come back here!” Zoro was yelling as he stomped to follow her.

“Have fun!” Robin called out to them, eyes never leaving her book and creating duplicates of her hand at the railing to wave at them.


It was around lunch time when Nami entered the crow’s nest. The first thing her eyes landed upon was the figure of a sprawled Zoro, unsurprisingly asleep on the floor.

She approached the thunderously snoring swordsman and nudged his side with her foot.

“Hey,” she prodded him awake. “Hey Zoro, wake up!”

The snoring stopped. And there was a grunt. Then a tiger-like yawn, followed by another grunt.

Nami rolled her eyes at his response. “Zoro!”

“WHAT?!” Zoro answered irritably. He opened his eye and blinked up at her. “Hunt’s done?” He asked groggily before turning to his side so his back was now facing her, not even waiting for her answer.

A frown appeared on her lips. What a rude and lazy ass. She poked him on the back with her feet. He merely grunted again and ignored her.

“They’re still hunting,” she explained, looking down on his prone figure disapprovingly. She doubt if he was listening. Sometimes, you might as well talk to a rock than Roronoa Zoro.

“The game is happening on the whole island,” she continued. “I went back to get reinforcements. So wake up and come with me!”

“Will not. I’d rather sleep.”

Nami settled down on the nest’s floor just behind him. This time she was prodding him with her finger, making sure her nail was digging into his skin.

“Stop that.”

“I will not.”

“Why aren’t you looking as well?” He grumbled petulantly as she continued poking his back.

“That’s what my three rabbits are for! I’m just there to oversee and secure the money prize!”

“You can’t make me join you.”

And Nami leaned forward so her lips were almost touching his ear. “Really?”

“Whatever you’re planning. It won’t work.” He declared smugly, even as he kept his eye closed.

She laughed softly, letting her breath tickle his ear. “You’re no fun.” She shifted closer, bending over so she could drape her body on top of him.

“You know… I’m not planning anything.” She whispered, letting her lips lightly touch his ear. “I’m just here to offer a ten percent deduction to your current… debt amount.” She let her hand slide inside his t-shirt, past his haramaki to caress the well-defined muscles there.

“I already told you that’s not gonna work.” Zoro’s eye was now open and looking at her. A smirk was on his lips. “And I don’t recall borrowing money from you onna.”

“You don’t?” Nami gasped exaggeratedly. “What about that time in Vert Island? You owe me belis for the cottage rent.”

Zoro’s brow furrowed. “Thought that was your treat?”

She mock-pouted. “Oh Zoro. When are you gonna learn that there are no such things as free or treat when it comes to me?”

“You really are a wicked witch.” The green-haired man groused. “And after I made sure you thoroughly enjoyed your stay there.”

Nami snickered. Zoro noticed that the bunny ears on her head actually made her look more mischievous. “Nothing’s free nowadays Zoro,” she pointed out. “Favor for a favor. I pay; you work your ass off.”

He snorted. “Next time, I’m just lying down and letting you do all the work. Whether you pay or not.”

She threw back her head and laughed again. “Do the hunt and maybe I’ll humor you.” She bent over and placed teasing kisses along his jaw and neck.

“In your dreams.” He sneered and she felt his arm snaked around her, his hand squeezed the back of her thigh before it slid up to do the same on one plump cheek of her behind.

That made her bite her lip even as she complained. “Tch! You’re a hard man to bargain with.”

A shark-like grin appeared on Zoro’s face. “Yeah.” He playfully slapped her ass before giving it another squeeze. “Offer a better deal Nami.” He said teasingly against her ear this time before nipping at the skin below it as his hand continued caressing her backside.

“Mmm… well what do you—”


They simultaneously turned their heads towards the voice.

Sanji was gaping at them from the nest’s entrance… his eyes wide as saucers. His face was so red. As red as the blood dripping down his nose as he took in the image of Nami’s perfectly shaped-derriere and her lacy thong as her ridiculously short skirt and position put them on display….

… along with the shitty swordsman’s hand on it.

Silence reigned for a moment. Then…




Both men growled the word at the same time as Nami disentangled herself from Zoro. She wasn’t even embarrassed at being caught. They weren’t actually keeping it from the crew after all.

But of course it would be better if Sanji was the last one to know.

Nami sighed heavily as she watched the two throwing death glares at each other.  

It’s the beginning of chaos.

The two attacked each other almost immediately. Sanji had leapt inside the crow’s nest, flaming legs and all as Zoro avoided him and made a grab for his swords.

And manage to hit the cook straight in the face with the sheathed end of his red katana.

Her mouth fell open as the Sanji collapsed down the steel floor. But she knew of course this was far from over.

In one swift move a grinning Zoro carted her towards the nest’s entrance. He enjoyed that, she knew. In a matter of seconds they were down the metal ladder while Sanji recovered, fumed and yelled expletives at his rival.

Using one arm to hold on to the ladder’s rung as his other was wrapped around her waist, Zoro swung slightly for leverage.

Nami’s eyes widened when she realized what he’s about to do.

“Zoro! NOOOOO!!!”

She screamed bloody murder when he let go and made the high jump down onto the Sunny’s deck.

Nami’s heart leaped to her throat. That was probably the reason why her scream stopped coming out of her mouth. Halfway down the long drop she could swear she felt her soul left her as her mind went blank.

She’s going to kill Zoro! Mark her words!

Somewhere above Sanji was still yelling threats and curses.

The swordsman landed on the deck as if it was just a natural thing to do.

Oh dear heavens. Roronoa Zoro will be paying for this stupid stunt of his for the rest of his life until his next and next and next!

“Zorooo!” Luffy greeted when he spotted the former pirate hunter on the deck. “Heey!” He bounded towards him, showing his now-filled with eggs basket. Chopper and Usopp were nowhere to be seen as the three most likely got separated. “Look, look I found a lot! Shishishi! I can’t wait to show it to Usopp. Whatcha got there?” He peered at the figure tucked under Zoro’s arm.

“Found the bunny.” Zoro answered nonchalantly.

“Oh that’s great! Shishishi!” Luffy chortled. He peered down again at the navigator who is still hanging motionlessly on Zoro’s arm.

Ne, Zoro?”


"Uhm… the bunny looks mad.”




One-shot #: 24

Disclaimer: One Piece (and its characters) belongs to Eiichiro Oda-sensei.

Reminder: I have no beta-reader. Any grammatical and spelling errors are solely mine.

Warning: OOC possible. One shot.

Rating: T

Note:This can be a companion story to Calm Before the Storm. I rarely write one-shots with an ongoing arc timeline but the story’s much better in Wano set-up. I originally tried a different setting but it didn’t work out.

Title is borrowed from the song Easy, Love by Tom West. It has nothing to do with the story plot but when I came across it, I immediately thought it suits this one-shot best.

Summary:Since when did falling for someone been so easy?

Nami silently observed from the upper deck of the Sunny as the samuraisofWano Kuni arrived from their journey from the Ringoregion.

If the merrymaking at Kuri beach—where a barbecue celebration (one of the many they had for the last few days)—was already loud and boisterous before… it turned to a total pandemonium once the group dismounted their horses to join the party.

Luffy was hollering from too much excitement; yelling Zoro’s name as he bounded towards the swordsman—who was getting off his own horse—so he could glomp him.

Her lips quirked in amusement. Idiots. Look how happy they both are to see each other.

It’s been days since the green-haired man traveled to the northern region to pay his respects to the samurai Ryuma who gave him Shusui. Few of the red scabbards went with him…

…along with Momo’s sister, Hiyori.

Nami pursed her lips at that. And it immediately turned into a frown when she noticed Zoro assisting the beautiful woman down from her own horse. Even with Luffy still entangled around him, his rubbery arms encircling the taller man’s torso, Zoro was still able to effortlessly lift Hiyori and set her down carefully on the ground.

Hiyori looked absolutely pleased. Her hands lingered on Zoro’s shoulders as Luffy continued cheering right at his ear.

Then Sanji decided to enter the scene to gripe and swear at his rival before taking the now-surprised Hiyori’s hands off Zoro to lead her towards the feasting table in a frenzy of popping hearts, nose bleed and drool.

Nami would’ve blown him some kisses for that. The look Hiyori threw on Zoro’s way didn’t escape her eyes yet the dense man was expectedly was oblivious to it; his attention was completely on his captain as he tried to pry him off his person.

She studied Zoro for a few seconds. He was being unusually nice… if not extra nice to the former oiran. Well… Hiyori was, after all, the reason why he got his hands on a new and more powerful sword.

And apparently, as Brook had gossiped to her and Usopp one drunken evening, it wasn’t just the sword. The musician had caught them in a rather… compromising position when he happened upon them in the hideaway hut back in Ringo.

Her frown deepened. The familiar sensation of something weighing down her chest came back again. Just like that night when she first heard the story.

Her hands twitched involuntarily and she didn’t notice that she was clutching the railing quite hard.

“Nami? Are you alright?”

The navigator whipped her head sharply towards the voice.

Robin was standing a few feet away from her with a questioning look on her face. She just emerge from the library and was holding a book in her hand when she spotted the younger woman so deep in her thoughts as she gaze at party below.

“Sorry,” Nami said in a sheepish tone, feeling weirdly guilty at being caught spacing out. “Got distracted for a second. What was that again Robin?”

The archaeologist smiled as she approached her, not bothering to repeat her question. She peered down below. “Ara, they’re finally back.”

“Yeah…” Nami followed her gaze. “We can now set sail… that is if our captain is finally done with all these feasts.”

Robin giggled. “I doubt that. Now that Zoro’s here, he’ll probably want to celebrate again.”

“Hmmm…” Nami smiled at her. “I don’t know why I bother with that thought when I already know what’s gonna happen.”

Fufufu… shall we join them?” Robin asked.

Nami brushed back a stray tendril of hair that escaped her pony tail and shook her head. “You go ahead first.”

Robin nodded. She patted Nami’s shoulder lightly before heading down the galley. From the looks of it something was bothering the navigator.

But for now it’s much better to leave Nami to her thoughts. She’ll eventually share whatever was on her mind when she’s ready.

OiiiiNami! Namiiiii!” Luffy was shouting from the shore, waving his rubbery arms enthusiastically to get her attention. “Look! Look! Zoro’s finally back!” He started tapping Zoro’s back with enough force to earn a death glare from the surly man as he growled for him to stop.

Nami rolled her eyes at their antics.

Zoro tilted his head to her direction and their eyes met.

They held each other’s gazes. Nami willed her face to remain expressionless as they continued their stare off.

Thekatana wielder raised an eyebrow at her, wondering why her reception was as cold as the northern region he had just recently came from.

And just like that, Nami tore her gaze away from him and turned on her heel disappearing from his sight.

Zoro was left confused. What just happened? She didn’t even bother to greet him and just stared straight at him like he was someone she didn’t know.

Did he owe her something?

Beside him Luffy stopped his antics and blinked, also baffled by Nami’s odd behavior.

Ne, Zoro. Did you do something?”


“So did you do something?” Usopp queried, raising both eyebrows as he regarded the swordsman beside him suspiciously.

They were sitting on one of the feasting tables, eating and drinking. The former pirate hunter just told him about what happened earlier.

“I just got back!” Zoro hissed at him, slamming the tankard he was holding down the table. “How can I do something when I’m not even here these past few days?!”

Usopp shrugged. “Maybe you did something before you left.” He suggested, stabbing another slab of meat with his fork and taking a hefty bite from it.

“Like what?!”

The sniper shrugged his shoulders again unable to give an answer. He had long ago learned that Nami’s temperament is as unpredictable as the New World weather. Sunny with a high chance of thunderbolts. No use trying to figure it out.

Oi Robin,” Zoro then turned towards the older woman who was sitting beside him. He nudged his head towards the Sunny’s direction. “What’s with her?”

Robin shifted her eyes towards the empty upper deck. Nami still hasn’t come down to join them and had probably barricaded herself inside the library. She shook her head apologetically. “I honestly do not know Zoro.”

“What did I do now?” Zoro grouchily asked no one in particular and Robin’s lips quirked up at his predictable reaction.

Ara… Are you saying you didsomething?”

“No.” Zoro snarled as he eyed her indignantly. “I didn’t!”

“Maybe she’s just in one of her moods?” Usopp interjected. “You know how she is.”

“She probably is.” Robin agreed. “Best to stay clear for now Zoro.”

Clicking his tongue against the roof of his mouth irritably, Zoro reached for a bottle of sake.

They were ok before he left. More than ok to be honest as he recalled their drinking session days before the raid in Onigashima.

So what happened?


The sound of the revelry was beginning to increase in volume indicating that it was starting to shift into full swing as cheers and singing filled the air.

Yet everything was lost on the orange-haired woman who was sitting by herself in the ship’s library. Her pretty brown eyes were fixed intently on the window just behind her mapping desk.

Oh she is in a mood alright. Ever since she realized what the heavy feeling that was settling inside her was.

ByKami, she’s jealous.

Yes indeed, she is.

She tipped her head back and groaned. What a nasty feeling.

And to think this was all because of that moronic, directionless swordsman.

She likes him. That she was sure now. That’s the reason why she was so down when she heard Brook’s story about him and Hiyori. And when he set off to Ringo with said woman in tow, not even bothering to ask if any of the Straw Hats wants to go with them.

And she’s not gonna even touch the scene she witnessed earlier when he assisted her down from her horse like he had been a gentleman all his life.

What else could have possibly happened to them? They’ve spent a lot of time together after all.

Zoro never mentioned anything about her that night she was drinking with him. And it’s not like she should be privy to it. What Zoro do or does is his own business.

She banged a fist on her mapping desk to stop the thoughts and winced when she realized that it was a damn rash action.

But the pain in her hand was nothing like the one wrenching her heart.

She smiled wistfully. And here she honestly thought there was something… between them.

Foolish, foolish thought! She chastised herself. How can she let herself be pulled in that moment with him!

And now… here she is.

Never mind that that was not the first time it happened and she realized it will not be the last.

She bit the insides of her cheeks. Now is not the time for this. She better straighten her thoughts and get a hold of herself. Some of her friends are pretty intuitive, they’d know at a glance that something’s up with her. She’s pretty sure Robin’s brilliant mind has already put two and two together.

Squaring her shoulders, she decided she’d come down to join the merriment after five more minutes.

Taking a deep breath to settle her nerves, she closed her eyes and…

The library door suddenly swung open; the heavy foot falls that followed it gave away who just entered.

Damn it! She’s not ready to face him yet!

She steeled herself when he crossed the room. She heard him grab a chair and set it down just beside her with a ‘thud’.

She didn’t even flinched at the sound. Normally she would be bitching about it. Complaining on how crass he is.

Instead she just kept quiet.

“What is it?” Zoro grunted; a bit peeved that she ignored his presence knowing full well why he was there.

“Nothing,” she answered after a few seconds, still not looking at him.

Zoro made a disapproving sound. He knows something is up. Nami cannot lie to him. He knows her too well.


She remained quiet. And it was so unnerving to him. Whatever it was, he was getting the idea that it was serious. She was usually upfront with whatever she was thinking.

The silence that hovered between them was intolerable. It was pushing him over the edge.

Then Nami turned her head towards him. A determined look was all over her face.

And her lovely, brown eyes.

“I’m jealous.”

Zoro blanked at that. He heard what she just said—loud and clear.

And yet his mind cannot process what she finally decided to divulge.

He opened his mouth to say something… to blurt out an expletive, a retort.

But nothing came out.

Nami was looking at him intently, watching him. She watched as his usually nonchalant expression cracked, his cool composure completely obliterated by that phrase.

His face slowly colored.

There was no other way than to hit him with the truth. She readied herself for his outburst.

Instead he surprised her by stammering and turning into a deeper shade of red.

A chuckle escaped her.

What an adorable idiot he is.

She riveted her gaze back to the window. This is more than what she expected.

Amusing as it may seem, the heavy feeling from earlier still hadn’t left her.

Beside her Zoro continued spluttering.

That should be enough to keep him at bay. Nami thought amusedly.

She heard him took a deep breath before finally muttering a ‘damn it’.

And he suddenly leaned towards her, reaching out to grasp her hand roughly in his.

It drew her attention back to him.

He was grumbling something under his breath. She couldn’t quite catch what it was because her heart was thumping wildly inside her chest and blood was rushing to her head.

Zoro held her hand in his even as he refused to look at her. His face was so red now that steam would probably come out of his ears in a matter of seconds.

For a moment, Nami honestly thought he would combust.

But he still didn’t release her hand. Instead he held it tighter.

Nami chewed on her lower lip fighting the smile that wanted to grace her lips.

Just like that… everything felt better now.

Drat. She’s so screwed.

Nobody said a word. They remained quiet with their hands linked.

“So…” Nami began, deciding to break the silence. “Is this your way of—”


“You didn’t evenlet me finished!”

“Just shut up.”

A hush fell between them again.

“So… you’re jealous?”

“Ugh. Shut up Zoro!”


Disclaimer: One Piece (and its characters) belongs to Eiichiro Oda-sensei.

Reminder: I have no beta-reader. Any grammatical and spelling errors are solely mine.

Warning: OOC possible.

Rating: T

Note:I’m going to deviate from my usual fluffy stuff. I was browsing my draft collection, because there is a lot of pending write-ups and this one’s been there for far too long… since 2017 to be exact. Procrastinate much.

This was originally planned as a two-chaptered fic. And I’m hoping I stick to that.

Summary:There was a weird sensation pulling at her midriff; followed by a loud, sucking sound before she was suddenly plunged into darkness. 

“Watch out!”

The shrill sound of Usopp screaming reached her ears. Nami watched, horrified, as each of her nakama evaded the eerie, almost dark purplish light that was heading towards them.

She stood, rooted on the spot. Her body failing to move even as her brain kept commanding it to shift out of the way or she’s going to take a direct hit.

Her brown-colored orbs widened with the realization that she’s not going to make it in time. Her hands tightened their grip on her weapon as the light advanced towards to her.

She heard Luffy’s voice shouting her name, as well as the wailing cry of their cook calling out for her. She didn’t understand why in that split second before the light hit her, her senses seemed to have become acute.

There was Robin’s loud gasp, Chopper bursting into tears, Franky screaming ‘strong right’ and Brook yelling Yahazu Giri.

Her ears picked up the sound of someone running towards her. Her eyes tried to search for the source of the sound. Somehow in the back of her mind, she already knew who was responsible for it.

She stared haplessly as Zoro tried to reach her in time to save her from the damning light. His face was taut with concentration as he tried to move faster towards her.

“Nami!” He shouted, one sword-less hand stretching out to her.

Surprisingly, she was able to lift her own towards him.

“Zoro…” she whispered his name, vainly trying to reach out to him.

 But he was too late.

The light hit her. It enveloped her whole body, her whole being—warm and unexpectedly soothing.

There was a weird sensation pulling at her midriff; followed by a loud, sucking sound before she was suddenly plunged into darkness.

The Straw Hat pirates stared, aghast, as their orange-haired navigator suddenly disappeared right before their very eyes.


​It was Monkey D. Luffy’s idea, as usual, to explore the unknown island where they just dropped anchor.

After two weeks of nothing but the ocean in their sight, the exuberant captain was at the end of his expectedly short rope to have his ‘land adventure time’—much to the chagrin of everyone who knows that Luffy’s so-called adventures usually ends with all of them knee-deep in trouble.

After the kaizoku bento was distributed, the crew separated into groups: one to survey the island, one to look for the town and restock their supplies and one to stop Luffy’s idiocy from rampaging. Brook volunteered to guard the ship and Sanji promised to relieve him once he’s able to get some food shopping done.

​All’s well until the survey and babysitter groups ran into some weird, crazy guy who has the strange ability to make anyone or anything disappear. How Luffy came across the downright creepy fellow while exploring the mountain’s forest… no one can answer. After all, said captain has an unusual knack for attracting trouble everywhere he goes.

It was a good thing though that for such a rather powerful ability, their enemy seems to be truly unaware of its true potential. For he was just randomly flinging purplish circle of lights, screaming that they leave him alone or he’ll make them all disappear with his power.

Usopp concluded that it was probably because the guy’s got too many loose screws in his head. After all, he was living hermetically in an isolated cave on top of the island’s mountain.

The others, sensing that something was amiss when both groups failed to return to the Sunny after a few hours and seeing the tell-tale signs of a battle going on up in the mountains made their way to the skirmish.

It should’ve been an easy battle, but someone had to deliberately irritate the hell more out of the enemy by dousing him with seawater.

Much to the crew’s amazement, the only effect of the water was to vex their opponent more as he hurled much larger circle of lights at them. This was not a devil fruit user as they had originally believed.

A surprised gasp came from Robin and she went on to explain that while visiting the town’s library earlier, she read something about an old island legend regarding an accursed man who has the power to make people and things disappear.

“Not a devil fruit Robin-chan?” Sanji asked as he avoided another light aimed at his direction.

Robin shook her head. “Unfortunately, no,” she answered. Behind her, Usopp and Chopper dove at the same time behind a bush to evade a light whooshing towards them. “And here I thought it was just a legend.” The excitement in her voice was evident despite them being under attack.

“So it’s a mystery power!” Luffy exclaimed excitedly, holding onto his hat firmly as he jumped randomly to escape the lights directed at him.

“You can say so, sencho-san” Robin replied smiling. She hid behind a tree as another round light whizzed past her.

“So how do we beat him?” Zoro growled. He launched a Pondo Ho towards one of the lights. Both his slash and the light dissipated out of thin air. He sidestepped to elude another and promptly collided with the navigator.

“Zoro!” Nami chastised him frowning. “Watch where you’re going!”

“Well don’t just stand there like tree woman!”

Marimo!” Sanji screamed at him. “How dare you hit Nami-swan!”

Uruse ero-cook!

“Shitty swordsman!” The cook seethed.

“I can’t believe you’re getting lost even here.” Nami snapped, fighting the urge to bonk his thick head with her Clima-tact. She roughly pulled at his green coat just as another light flew past the swordsman’s left side.

“Thanks but no thanks witch,” the green-haired lad scowled at her.

“Hey I just saved you! Gratitude please!” Nami retorted. Another light soared towards them and Zoro wasted no time in grabbing her around the waist and pulling her behind a tree.

“Now we’re even.” He muttered condescendingly as they hid behind the trunk. Nami huffed in response and they watched as Franky leaped at the bushes beside them, hollering ‘super’ as he dodged an attack sent towards him.

“Ok this is getting way too long!” Sanji complained.

“Took the words right out of my mouth, swirly!” Zoro sneered, drawing out another katana. Nami backed away from him as the he stepped out of their hiding place.

“Did not, baka kenshin!” The cook yelled back.

“Usopp,” Nami called the long-nosed sniper. “Long-range attacks!”

Usopp nodded. With their enemy’s ability, it poses a much lesser risk to hit him with flying attacks rather than meet him head on.

“Luffy, Sanji-kun!” Nami warned both the cook and the captain not to attack the enemy.

Hai, Nami-swaaan!”

“But Namiiii…” Their captain childishly protested. Bored from jumping too much, he landed beside the navigator with a pout.

Nami pulled his ear. “Baka! What are you going to do if you get hit with that light and you disappear?!”

“Let the others attack him first Luffy,” Robin said, appearing behind them suddenly. Crossing her arms in front of her, she said, “Franky!”

“Aaww!” Franky, who felt hands pushing him up, jumped from the bushes where he landed earlier, striking a super pose to indicate the he’s a-ok.

“Brook!” Sanji bellowed, not seeing the skeleton anywhere near the vicinity.

“Right here Sanji-san,” Brook answered, way up on one of the trees near them.

“Damn it you idiot where you hiding there all the time?!”


“Chopper where are you?!” Nami looked around hoping the doctor did not get hit by those troublesome light their enemy was bombarding them.

“Here Nami!” The little reindeer raised a hoof; hopping down from where was currently perched atop of Usopp’s head. He hopped down to stand beside the sniper.

With all the Mugiwara crew accounted for. It was time for a counter-attack.

“Weapons left!” Franky hollered just as Usopp simultaneously released one of his Kabutobombs.

“Zoro!” Nami yelled.

“Way ahead of you woman!” The swordsman answered, placing Wado Ichimonji between his teeth. He released a much powerful version of his previous Pondo Ho.

The concurrent attack hit their enemy head on. There was an explosion and an ear-piercing scream of pain as smoke filled the spot where the man was standing.

Usopp winced. “Ooops. I think we overdid it.”

“Super overdid it.” Franky agreed.

Sanji nonchalantly shoved a cigarette into his mouth as he studied the scene. “Yeah you all did.” He muttered with a flick of his lighter. “He’s just a normal human being and you all went all out to attack him.”

“Shut up shit cook,” Zoro snarled at his direction. “Better than just standing there and doing nothing.”

“Say that again shit head!”

“Both of you shut your traps.” Nami immediately stepped between the two men. “Now is not the time for yapping at each other.”



The others ignored them and continued staring at the still smoke-filled area, waiting.

Out of the blue, another light flew towards their direction, bigger than before.

“Everyone scatter!” Luffy commanded, stretching his arm towards a random tree limb and making a grab for one of the nearest crew member, who unluckily was Usopp.

The crew scattered out instantly. “Heeeelp!” The sharpshooter screeched as he was lifted mid-air.

“Kyaaaah!” Nami shrieked.

“Move! Move! You’ll get hit!” Zoro’s voice reached her ears and she bounded towards her left blindly. She felt his arm grabbed her by the waist, hauling her up and tucking her under his arm. Nami was in too much panic to even care that he was lugging her like a sack of potatoes.

“Nami-swan!” Sanji squawked when he saw the green-haired dumbass carelessly carting off his favorite lady brusquely. “Put her down you boorish, moronic marimo! Nami-swaaaan! Come into my arms so that I can protect you! Ack!” He nearly tripped when he accidentally collided with Brook, who landed beside him, when he tried to dodge the light.

“Ah Sanji-san. You must not lose concentration lest you get hit!” The skeleton reminded him as he swept the cook into his bony arms and effortlessly leapt towards another tree.

“Brook! You shitty skeleton! Put me down!”

“Yohohoho! No.”

“Nami-saaaan!” He yelled again when he and the musician landed safely on a sturdy tree branch.

“Somebody shut him the hell up!” Zoro roared from somewhere down.

Urusai!”Nami can be heard screeching after. “Can’t you see we are in the middle of battle?!” She, along with Chopper (whom she didn’t see earlier was also tucked under Zoro’s other arm), are hiding with the swordsman behind a thick group of trees. As for Robin and Franky, she failed to see where they took cover.

“LEAVE ME ALONE!” Their enemy was screaming as he continuously launched purplish lights at them. Nami squeezed Chopper towards her, ducking her head lower as the reindeer hugged her back just as forcefully.

“Careful! He is going out of control!” Franky cautioned from afar, exactly where, no one can pinpoint.

Nami heard Zoro made a tch-ing sound as he carefully peered from behind the tree trunk to observe what was happening. From up a random tree Usopp was complaining, “Ouch! Don’t push me! Luffy!”

Then he yelped. The light hit the tree where he and Luffy were. Luckily, the rubber man was able to swing himself to the safety of another but had forgotten to take Usopp with him.

The sharpshooter did not hesitate to dive down the ground before the tree they were at disappeared completely.

Everyone held their breath as Usopp was suddenly rolled towards the refuge of some thick shrubbery by Robin’s bloomed arms.

“Robin!” A sob can be heard from under the foliage. “Thank you!”

“You’re welcome.”

Shi shi shi! Sorry Usopp.” Luffy apologized sheepishly as he leapt down to where Usopp was lying prone.

Temee Luffy! You idiot, you forgot me!”

“Everyone look out!” Robin cautioned as another light surged towards them.

One by one the trees and shrubberies were disappearing as the purple light hit them.

“Damn it!” Zoro suddenly swore when this time it was their hiding place that vanished. He grabbed Nami’s arm, roughly yanking her up.


“Move Nami!” He pushed her forward. “Chopper head towards those trees!”

Hai!” Chopper jumped from Nami’s arms and change to his heavy point. He grabbed the navigator and made a dash towards where Zoro was pointing.

“Chopper! You could’ve change into your walk point!” Nami protested.


“Too late! Just go! Go!”

From behind them, Luffy was now telling off the enemy.

Oi ossan! Stop throwing those mystery lights on us!”

But the man was oblivious. He was only focused in eliminating them out of his sight.

“That’s it! Gomu gomu no…

“Luffy stop!” Almost everyone shouted.


Luffy’s rubber fist collided with the man’s face, sending him flying a good four feet away.

“LUFFY!” They all gaped as the man lay sprawled on the ground, seemingly unconscious.

“Yosh!” Their captain declared with a nod, crossing his arms and looking absolutely pleased with himself.

“Well that put a stop to—” Brook’s voice trailed off when the man stood up, looking totally unaffected by Luffy’s punch.

Usopp let out a whimper. “Is it me or he looks angrier than ever?”

No one answered. Because no one can.

For the man suddenly let out an enraged scream as huge purple orbs appeared all around him. He swung his arm with all his might, casting all of them towards the pirates.

“WATCH OUT!!!” Usopp screamed.


Zoro stared at the empty space in front of him.

His hand was still extended, his fingers still poised to grab the woman who was not there any longer.

Just a few inches more…

Yet he was not able to reach her in time.


Somewhere from behind him, their captain screamed.
