#zoras domain


I don’t know when I’m finishing this so here’s a wip of a breath of the wild art. I figured I’d post it here

She never promised :(

Lovin’ the game so far! Amazing how much fun you can have with infinite running and no weapon breaking *stars daggers at Breath of the wild*


to be continued…

<<< Part-1 |   Next>>>

New to the comic? It starts here!

“Will be continued” I hated putting that in there but I didn’t wanna keep you guys waiting and I’m trying to upload ever month this year. Sorry the cut it off so abruptly. :/

So as you may have guessed this chapter is gonna be more about Mipha and Link. Breath of the Wild really left me wanting a deeper look into their relationship and even with the DLC stuff I wasn’t all that sanctified. 

Hopefully I can do it a bit more justice, and I hope you guys are enjoying the story so far. :) 

thank you guys so much for the love and encouragement :)

and an extra HUGE thank you to my Partrons!!!❤❤❤

* goshdarnbulbasaur  ✨

* Jesse  ✨

*KaiserLink1871 ❗❗❗

You guys are the greatest!! thank you so very VERY much for your support,I can’t stress enough  how fantastic you guys are!!!

if you wanna join or want to support the comic check out my Patreon here!


I update the comic and organize it better on my Patreon so give it a look if you wanna. ;)

Hope the see you soon!

-Amos :)

of course not!

just been away for a while is all. 

finally back into the swing of things guys so hopeful you’ll be seeing the comic some time by the end of the month. :)

I also see that there are quite a few inboxes I haven’t gotten to so I’ll try to answer those at some point too lol.

-Amos :)

 I have an art Youtube channel launching this week! I will be sharing it here on Friday! Read the co I have an art Youtube channel launching this week! I will be sharing it here on Friday! Read the co I have an art Youtube channel launching this week! I will be sharing it here on Friday! Read the co I have an art Youtube channel launching this week! I will be sharing it here on Friday! Read the co I have an art Youtube channel launching this week! I will be sharing it here on Friday! Read the co

I have an art Youtube channel launching this week! I will be sharing it here on Friday!

Read the comic from the beginning on Tumblr,Comicfury,WebtoonsorTapas!

New to the comic? Check out the Aboutpage!

❤︎  Many thank yous to my lovely patrons! You and your support help keep the comic going!  ❤︎

PatreonTriforce of Power ZineToP: Ghost Stories Zine

Post link
I am running a fundraiser for charities supporting Ukrainians until the end of March – show yoI am running a fundraiser for charities supporting Ukrainians until the end of March – show yoI am running a fundraiser for charities supporting Ukrainians until the end of March – show yoI am running a fundraiser for charities supporting Ukrainians until the end of March – show yoI am running a fundraiser for charities supporting Ukrainians until the end of March – show yo

I am running a fundraiser for charities supporting Ukrainians until the end of March – show your support, and get Triforce of Power zines as a “thank you”! Even just one dollar can make a difference. For more information, seehere.

Read the comic from the beginning on Tumblr,Comicfury,WebtoonsorTapas!

New to the comic? Check out the Aboutpage!
❤︎  Many thank yous to my lovely patrons! You and your support help keep the comic going!  ❤︎

PatreonTriforce of Power ZineToP: Ghost Stories Zine

Post link