#zoro x sanji


Punk… High school…. kinda AU

I don’t even know how to describe this HAHSHAHAHHSHAHA I just wanted to mess with their outfits a bit

Ok ok, if you wanna hear some of my thoughts about this AU, keep reading ❤️:

Ok so, hear me out, Sanji, third son of a rich family with a strict father, is told to maintain his reputation at all costs. So, when he is Chat Noir, he doesn’t have to worry about being that straight flawless model he always pretends to be. And Ladybug was the one who told him that he was free, which made his life change.

That’s why he’s so flirty around him in his disguise but then when he goes back to his normal life he’s like “haha look at me I’m so straight-”

It’s kinda like:

Sanji: Ladybug? Yeah cool man, he helps us and all, I think it’s pretty neat. Nothing extraordinary tho


And Zoro has been having a crush on Sanji since almost a year, but he just doesn’t know how to flirt or how to express his feelings correctly. So he gets frustrated and the only way he knows to have Sanji’s attention is getting him on his nerves, which works surprisingly well.

But, they don’t fall for one side of their personalities tho, Sanji does like Zoro, but he denies it to himself. So he falls in love with Ladybug because he reminds him of a person he already loves.

And Zoro does like Chat Noir. But he treats Zoro like Sanji treats women, and that pisses him off because he remembers that his long time crush is straight and out of his league. That’s why he feels some kind of rejection towards Chat Noir.

Anyways, this is just me thinking too much about a dumb AU I’m way too invested in

I was listening to one of my favorite songs and I just couldn’t resist—

I had to

Miraculous Ladybug X Zosan

Ok but like, seriously, I’ve thought of too much lore for this dumb AU idea, send help—

Sometimes I try to draw some angst, but I can’t, I live for the fluff

Listening to Call Me By Your Name and doodling some subtle Zosan


Rough, colour fanart of Zoro and Sanji from One Piece. Zoro is startling Sanji with a kiss, his left arm looped around his shoulders while his right hand eases an unopened bottle of wine from Sanji's grip with a love heart. Zoro's expression is calm while Sanji seems quite surprised, his arms frozen and his eyes wide as he is kissed, not (yet?) returning it, blush on his cheeks and ears.ALT

“Thanks, cook.”

The zosan comic is gonna take me a million years most likely so I wanted to draw something Finished For Once to tide me over LMAO. This has “first kiss” vibes but I don’t know what the context would be
