

At the border between Slovenia and Croatia peculiar ritual with figure covered in greenery is known. Such figure is followed by several singers and together they form a procession that goes from door to door preforming songs and receiving various gifts. Nowadays, ritual is performed at st Georg’s day (Jurjevo) but it’s pre-Christian roots can be easily observed.

Zelen Juraj došal je, pisan Vuzam prošal je,
Iz zelene gore u to ravno polje.

Donesal je, donesal, pedalj dugu travicu,
Pedalj dugu travicu, lakat dugu mladicu.

Juraj nije svaki dan već u ljetu jedan dan!
Darujte ga, darujte Jurja zelenoga!

Green Gorge has come, colorful Easter has passed,
From the green hills into the plain fields.

He has brought, span* long grass
Span long grass, ell* long sapling.

Georg isn’t every day, it is a specific day of the year!
Bestow him, bestow the green Gorge!

*both are archaic measurements and those should be English equivalents. 

#zelenijuraj    #jurjevo    #đurđevdan    #slovenia    #croatia    #slavic ritual    