

Idea from @/pennedbybuttercup //  which aesthetic™ color are you?


You, frankly, are a goddamn delight. You bring light with you wherever you go, and whether you’re aware of it or not, you’re the life of the party. Despite your flamboyant nature, you’re surprisingly soft. You give the sweetest gifts, and are probably the best amateur masseuse of your friend group. Those closest to you see this softness, and love you for it. Remember this when you are called “too much”: there is no such thing as too much of you. People who say those things are just too small to have the space for your light. Don’t tone it down, just find people who will treasure every piece of you.

//  Idea from @/pennedbybuttercup //  which aesthetic™ color are you?


You have a soft heart. Your home is full of little sentimental nick-nacks you’ve made, been given, or picked up on your travels, and anyone who enters is immediately put at ease by your comforting energy. Your friends know they can turn to you for a cup of tea and a tight hug, or, if necessary, a kick in the ass. At times, you find yourself tending to others more than you do yourself, and you often take on more than you can bear of others’ sadness. Just remember– you are worth the same kindness you show the people around you. They would want nothing less for you.

 Idea from @/pennedbybuttercup //  which aesthetic™ color are you?


You, frankly, are a goddamn delight. You bring light with you wherever you go, and whether you’re aware of it or not, you’re the life of the party. Despite your flamboyant nature, you’re surprisingly soft. You give the sweetest gifts, and are probably the best amateur masseuse of your friend group. Those closest to you see this softness, and love you for it. Remember this when you are called “too much”: there is no such thing as too much of you. People who say those things are just too small to have the space for your light. Don’t tone it down, just find people who will treasure every piece of you.

//  Idea from @/pennedbybuttercup //  which aesthetic™ color are you?


You are fearless, honest, and you stick to your guns. You pride yourself on your honesty, and on being true to your values even in difficult situations. Others admire your grit, and those who can handle it appreciate your bluntness. Your friendships are ride-or-die, and your loved ones would destroy the goddamn sun for you. To put it simply: you’re lowkey punk. Just remember that softness is not the same as weakness, and that it’s ok to be a little more forgiving– toward others, but also toward yourself.

Idea from @/pennedbybuttercup //  which aesthetic™ color are you?




You are fearless, honest, and you stick to your guns. You pride yourself on your honesty, and on being true to your values even in difficult situations. Others admire your grit, and those who can handle it appreciate your bluntness. Your friendships are ride-or-die, and your loved ones would destroy the goddamn sun for you. To put it simply: you’re lowkey punk. Just remember that softness is not the same as weakness, and that it’s ok to be a little more forgiving– toward others, but also toward yourself.
