
⚜️ Half armour for foot combat, ca. 1515 Bargello Museum, Firenze (inv. M 756)⠀There is the upper ba⚜️ Half armour for foot combat, ca. 1515 Bargello Museum, Firenze (inv. M 756)⠀There is the upper ba⚜️ Half armour for foot combat, ca. 1515 Bargello Museum, Firenze (inv. M 756)⠀There is the upper ba⚜️ Half armour for foot combat, ca. 1515 Bargello Museum, Firenze (inv. M 756)⠀There is the upper ba⚜️ Half armour for foot combat, ca. 1515 Bargello Museum, Firenze (inv. M 756)⠀There is the upper ba⚜️ Half armour for foot combat, ca. 1515 Bargello Museum, Firenze (inv. M 756)⠀There is the upper ba⚜️ Half armour for foot combat, ca. 1515 Bargello Museum, Firenze (inv. M 756)⠀There is the upper ba⚜️ Half armour for foot combat, ca. 1515 Bargello Museum, Firenze (inv. M 756)⠀There is the upper ba⚜️ Half armour for foot combat, ca. 1515 Bargello Museum, Firenze (inv. M 756)⠀There is the upper ba

⚜️ Half armour for foot combat, ca. 1515
Bargello Museum, Firenze (inv. M 756)

There is the upper band of the breastplate engraved with the figures of the Madonna with the child and the saints Sebastiano and Barbara.
The armor may have belonged to Giuliano de’ Medici, Duke of Nemours.

Ph. by Andrea Carloni - Rimini

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⚜️ Полудоспех для пешего боя, ок. 1515
Музей Барджелло, Флоренция (инв.№ М 756)

На верхней полосе нагрудника выгравированы фигуры Мадонны с младенцем и святых Себастьяно и Варвары.
Доспехи, возможно, принадлежали Джулиано Медичи, герцогу Немурскому.

Фото: Андреа Карлони - Римини

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