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The Arcana: Main 6 as “What happened next?” contestants

Well it’s time for my shitty headcanons again! Here we go again…

I’m pretty sure that most of you don’t even know about this show, but idc. If you are russian speaker then I’m 100% positive you know about “What happened next?” show.

Briefly: the show involves 6 people: a guest, a host and 4 participants. The guests tell their story not to the very end and ends it at the most interesting moment, and 4 participants must continue this story by guessing the true ending or simply making a funny ending.

So what’s about The Arcana as “What happened next” participants? Now you can see that life imitates art!

NadiaasNurlan Saburov

The authorities. A little arrogant. Fucking tired of everything. Like stupid blondes. Try to manage it all around, but do not very succeed.

LucioasAlexei Scherbakov

The assholes. They can’t shut up for a second. They have 1.5 brain cells for both. Have a gorgeous hair. Both were dropped down while they were children, so now they are a little fucked up. Fashion is their profession.

MurielasIlya Makarov

Both are huge as a mountain. Introverts. Don’t like talking too much. Can cook delicious food.


They love to sing but they have no voice at all. They like sudden dances on unsuitable surfaces. They are constantly embarrassed, but they try not to show it. Like to drink a lot.


Softies. They remember all the quotes from all the books that they have read in their entire life. They like to eat delicious food. You can trust them with your secrets. They can cheer up anyone.

AsraasEmir Kashokov

Fucking smarties. Looks like a cinnamon roll, but can kill you. Thieves: Asra took over the MC shop, and the Emir took the Reptiloid’s place in the show. They comfort everyone.


Goat LucioasSergei Detkov

Aggressors. “Haters gonna hate”. Everyone is fucking tired of them. Everyone is happy after they disappeared. They look like they are dead not only inside but also outside.
