#​if it’s gonna be like last year that is



mmmmm okay i need to rant a little bc i am seeing people shit on scott smajor about pride mcc already. i am so fucking pissed off at all the people who are like “you should be aiming for 100% lgbtq actually ” like shut the fuck up. he said 50% MINIMUM. and that’s likely bc of schedule conflicts and shit so every single lgbtq+ streamer who’s ever played mcc might not be available or even sign up. ALSO. STOP FUCKING ASSUMING PEOPLE’S IDENTITIES. there could be streamers participating who might seem “straight” but may actually be queer and just aren’t out yet. like for example, lizzie was in last year’s pride mcc but didn’t come out as bi until after the event. so it’s probably likely that there are people participating who may be out among friends, but not to the community, and that’s fine. people should be able to come out when they’re ready (unlike the fucking fiasco that was basically people forcing dream to come out before he was ready).

also can we take a moment and see how fucking shitty it is that people are being cruel and hateful to a GAY man for organizing a pride event for charity. like take a step back and look at how fucked up that is.

anyway tl;dr- stop fucking complaining about mcc pride and realize there are a lot of logistical things going into this, as well as recognizing that there could be closeted people in the event- or even just allies! shouldn’t the aim be support here? shouldn’t it be nice to see straight people supporting queer people? is it that fucking hard to believe? anyway, support scott smajor or die by my blade
