#— ru raves


ok guys im getting ready for my date so i’ll resume the game later <3

ok sorry for the pause i had to clean out my car </3 BACK TO THE GAME

omg hi guys i’m so sorry i didnt get to the game last night things got a little hectic BUT I WOKE UP EARLY before my date so i could try to get to some hehe so i’ll start answering those now !!

i want these so bad like u dont understand i just cried my eyes out for 20 minutes bc i have no money to get them im so upset genuinely

sakusa kiyoomi king of telling you “no” then promptly doing what you asked anyways and no i will not elaborate

everyday i think about dino’s “you say such nice things” and get my instant serotonin

yk the funniest thing ab that anon tho is the asexual comment. like tell me ur ignorant without telling me ur ignorant LMAO

yall better be careful bc one day i might just get fed up and deactivate <3

going on a double date tmrw w my bf and his brother and our mutual friend he likes and we have already decided it is absolutely our job the embarrass him the best we can


those viral pics of mingyu except its akaashi keiji

you see it too right
