#“i’ll just pretend to hate that i’m agreeing to it


That moment when you realize you’ve crossed the line of no return… and that now, no matter what you say or do, you’re gonna get wrecked… is there a better feeling than that?

Anyone who has met me in person knows that I am a very calm, laid back person. I am always happy to meet new people in the community, and be a friend. But… I’d be lying if I pretended there wasn’t a certain satisfaction in playfully pushing someone’s buttons (consensually), until they just decide you need a tickle whooping. So! If I am being sassy to you, or being a lil butt, odds are that I feel comfy enough with you that I want to see those tickle claws come out… and drive me crazy.

This has been my latest camfession. I will await penance… and continue to cause mischief until it catches up to me.
