#…i cannot believe this has over 2k notes



there are no words to describe how much I adore the concept/trope of physical contact to warm someone up/keep someone warm:

  • Holding someone who’s shivering a bit tighter (they can’t stop the shakes, but they can give the comfort that someone else is there and trying their hardest to share their body heat)
  • That thing where someone drapes a blanket around someone’s shoulders and gives their arms a quick lil rub
  • when one person has chills and is just cold and miserable, and the other person finally can’t stand seeing them shake anymore and lets them huddle up next to them
  • when someone is soaked to the bone, and the other person rubs them dry with a towel and lets them curl into their side until they warm up
  • When someone hugs someone else and and vigorously rubs their back to generate some extra heat
  • That kind of hug where someone is clearly giving the warmth and the other person is curled up in their arms and stealing as much as they can