#☾ per se

❤ 3,426 likesperse.nori hello darlings, are you eating well? don’t skip meals or I’ll be very cross~❤ 3,426 likesperse.nori hello darlings, are you eating well? don’t skip meals or I’ll be very cross~


perse.nori hello darlings, are you eating well? don’t skip meals or I’ll be very cross~!
the weather is beginning to turn so please take care of your health. wear warm clothes, drink warm drinks, and eat yummy nourishing food!

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*. ☆ september — the new boy in town(mentioned:@rkvok​ )

Hosung hadn’t known what to expect when they were all gathered together but he certainly wasn’t expecting that. A ton of emotions rolled through him: surprise, disbelief, anger, stubborn disapproval. How dare they replace Hugo on such short notice? He had barely just left, the wound still fresh in all their hearts, and now they were just going to add someone new and pretend that their dynamic would still be the same. Yeah, way to go, CEO, well thought out plan right there.

It wasn’t the new kid’s—Moonbok—fault that he was being thrown into the deep end. Hosung was sure the room dropped by 10 degrees when he was introduced, the rest of the members to stunned to really say anything. Not that they could say anything other ‘okay, thank you’. It just felt so… disrespectful.

Too soon.

The atmosphere in the dorm was awkward to say the least and he was glad that he wasn’t sharing a room with the newbie. Hosung did feel a tiny (teeny tiny really) twinge of guilt as he gave Moonbok the cold shoulder, barely even looking at him the first few days. He just got so irrationally annoyed every time he saw him. How was he supposed to replace his best friend? He really hated how everything had been handled, his stomach feeling like it become the Gordian knot every time he thought about the whole situation, which was unfortunately rather often.

“You’llnever be Hugo.”

As soon as those words rolled off his tongue, Hosung felt a wave of guilt crash over him as he could see the pure hurt on the other’s features. Fuck. This wasn’t who he was. When had he become so bitterandmean? Hugo would definitely not want him acting like a complete and utter prick. But words could never be unsaid. He knew that Moonbok was struggling with the dancing and adapting to being on a team full of strong characters, and here he was making his life even more difficult.


Towards the end of the second week Hosung relented, determined to patch things up and let his misplaced anger go, so he quietly invited Moonbok to join him at their local convenience store. He treated him to some ramen and a drink, apologising for his behaviour as they ate, “I’m really sorry and deeply embarrassed to have acted in such an asshat manner. Also… I want you to know that I don’t want you to be Hugo, I want you to be PER_SE’s Moonbok, to find your own place in the team…” He smiled gently at his new teammate before leaning in to place a quick kiss on his cheek, a grin break across his features. 

“And that, my friend, is a true PER_SE welcome.”

rknetizens: * // [ NEWS ] HUI AND NORI FROM PER_SE STOP BY AT SBS POWER FM The boy group PER_SE have



The boy group PER_SE have recently released their third mini-album ‘SUNDIAL_’ and title song ‘O SOLE MIO’. Two of their members, HUIandNORI, stopped by today at SBS POWER FM to promote their latest release and share any funny stories on interesting tales of their idol life. You may find their albums on digital and physicals stores!


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novaent: ★  (페르세) PER_SE “O Sole Mio (오솔레미오)” Official MV superNOVAPublished on July 12, 20200:00 -


★  (페르세) PER_SE “O Sole Mio (오솔레미오)” Official MV

Published on July 12, 2020
0:00 - 3:32

(페르세) PER_SE “O Sole Mio (오솔레미오)” Official MV

If you like this video, please click “LIKE” and “SUBSCRIBE”.

#PER_SE #OSoleMio

This video is uploaded to NOVA Entertainment’s official YouTube page at 6PM on July 12th.

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*. ☆ july 17thsbs power fm (mentioned@rkhuidong@rkrxcky@rkhugo​)

There was nothing that Hosung liked more than being on a radio show—other than performing on stage and meeting fans of course. He’d long thought about becoming a radio host, if not having his own show then at the very least having his own segment. What exactly it was that drew him towards radio, a media that was almost a little bit outdated, Hosung couldn’t say. But there was just something so pleasing about turning on the radio and listening to the soothing tones of your favourite host and hearing the advice and nuggets of wisdom they imparted at times.

Hosung wanted to be that calming person who could make someone’s day better. There was so much stress in every day life… he wanted to be a healing oasis in the midst of the chaos.

The cameras caught his wave as he sat down next to Hui-hyung as he waited for the show to start. Being the youngest there he was content to let Hui take the lead on most questions, chipping in when needed and teasing him lightly throughout. It was easy to be clingy and affectionate even when he knew he’d get scolded in the van home about his verbal poking and prodding. 

The questions were relatively tame, many of them regarding their promotion, and easy enough to answer. Of course, Hosung liked to add a little flavour now and then (if he didn’t it’d be too boring and no one liked a boring story) but he never went overboard. Sure, maybe he hadn’t seen a ghost outside his practice room—in reality the ghost had been a pale faced Ricky passing by but that was too mundane— but like… who was going to call him out on it?

“And here’s the last question for this segment! Do you have any close idol friends? Or other celebrity friends?”

Hosung grinned and looked at their host as he nodded. “I mean, everyone in per se is my friend—even Hui-hyung—but I don’t think that’s the answer you’re looking for,” he chuckled. “My best idol friend, other than Hugo, is probably karma’s Doyeon. We’ve known each other since we were in primary school. She used to live near me actually. But lately we haven’t been able to meet since our schedules are pretty busy…” A wistful smile crept over his lips. Before he could fully comprehend what he was doing Hosung leaned in closer to the microphone and began to speak. “Kim Doyeon, are you listening? Have you eaten? It’s been a while since we last met, right? Anyway, listen to your unnies and take care of yourself. I miss you… Don’t get hurt, you hear? I’ll be mad if you do…”

It wasn’t until after he’d shut his mouth that Hosung understood the implications of his behaviour. Oh boy, his CEO was sure to have a field day with this one… especially if fans made a huge fuss about it. He hoped that they’d take his words at face value and not construct any elaborate theories over their relationship. But netizens were unpredictable at best.

novaent:            [ ★ ] NOVA ENT @novaent • July 6             [] #페르세 3rd Mini Album          


            [ ]NOVA ENT @novaent • July 6

            [] #페르세 3rd Mini Album
            #Per_se⛵ Photo Teaser 02
            #Nori (#노리)
            2020.07.12 6PM RELEASE

            #SUNDIAL_ #오솔레미오 #OSoleMio

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