#❣️ love talk





⋯ in the dark of the night [18+]

“the nightmare I had was as bad as can be” ♫

⇥ vampire! x reader ⋰ sexy scary

⌧ tw ⋰ murder, blood spilled & ingested, reader death mention, reader physical abuse mention, sacrilegious use of a religious object, corrupt religious figures, spider mention, snake mention

@ original pic credit ⋰ horrorpulpart ⋯ edit + recolor by me ❤️‍

❍ a/n ⋰ reader has a vulva and breasts, and is fem presenting/woman identifying. everything else is ambiguous

back at it again with another story inspired by an isisafrofairy mood board  plus all the sexy scary pulp art from this tag game, bram stoker’s dracula, castlevania, the sims 4 + wickedwhims, the witcher, and cell block tango from chicago

au set in some olden time before electricity and guns or something idk I never paid attention in history

[read on ao3] - 4448 words


they are merely fragments; jagged thoughts that seem to shatter when you try to piece them together.

The deafening silence.

Your heart thudding against your chest.

Those eyes dimming like cooling embers.

Something heavy in your hands that is dripping red onto the wooden floor.


His blood.

Splattered on your hands, pooling under his head.

I’ve killed him.

Then it’s you that shatters when all the pieces fit.

I’ve killed him. I’ve killed him. I’ve killed him. I’ve killed him. I’ve killed-

They will take everything from your family, ensure they are in worse conditions than the one that led to this, exile them from the town and-

They will have you stoned, or burned alive, or left in the desert to the mercy of the coyotes, or-

“Oh God oh God oh God oh God-” Breath abandons you, each word choked out with desperate gasps as the heavy weight drops from your shaking hands. There is a voice in the back of your mind demanding that you do something - escape into the night, hide the body, beg for divine help and forgiveness - anything. But there you stay, standing and staring at how your sacrifice for the ones you love has sealed all of your doom.

“Sweet of you to save me the trouble.“

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@challengeahellcat damn this was good

thank you thank you bby




⋯ in the dark of the night [18+]

“the nightmare I had was as bad as can be” ♫

⇥ vampire! x reader ⋰ sexy scary

⌧ tw ⋰ murder, blood spilled & ingested, reader death mention, reader physical abuse mention, sacrilegious use of a religious object, corrupt religious figures, spider mention, snake mention

@ original pic credit ⋰ horrorpulpart ⋯ edit + recolor by me ❤️‍

❍ a/n ⋰ reader has a vulva and breasts, and is fem presenting/woman identifying. everything else is ambiguous

back at it again with another story inspired by an isisafrofairy mood board  plus all the sexy scary pulp art from this tag game, bram stoker’s dracula, castlevania, the sims 4 + wickedwhims, the witcher, and cell block tango from chicago

au set in some olden time before electricity and guns or something idk I never paid attention in history

[read on ao3] - 4448 words


they are merely fragments; jagged thoughts that seem to shatter when you try to piece them together.

The deafening silence.

Your heart thudding against your chest.

Those eyes dimming like cooling embers.

Something heavy in your hands that is dripping red onto the wooden floor.


His blood.

Splattered on your hands, pooling under his head.

I’ve killed him.

Then it’s you that shatters when all the pieces fit.

I’ve killed him. I’ve killed him. I’ve killed him. I’ve killed him. I’ve killed-

They will take everything from your family, ensure they are in worse conditions than the one that led to this, exile them from the town and-

They will have you stoned, or burned alive, or left in the desert to the mercy of the coyotes, or-

“Oh God oh God oh God oh God-” Breath abandons you, each word choked out with desperate gasps as the heavy weight drops from your shaking hands. There is a voice in the back of your mind demanding that you do something - escape into the night, hide the body, beg for divine help and forgiveness - anything. But there you stay, standing and staring at how your sacrifice for the ones you love has sealed all of your doom.

“Sweet of you to save me the trouble.“

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I want more!!!!!!

more is coming!!!! (eventually) lol ty for reading bby



En el Mar Art

This made me think of @challengeahellcat❤️‍

yes!!! she is the moment ❤️‍




⋯ fright night [18+]

the first - and last - time you, coco, angel, gilly, ez, and letty walk y’all asses into a haunted house

⇥ coco cruz x reader ⋰ fluff? more like shenanigans  

❍ a/n ⋰ reader is ambiguous

based on all 4 (four) times I’ve walked my ass into a haunted house 

PSA!: do not ever threaten, harm, or endanger the workers or other people anywhere but especially in a haunted house type situation. if your ass can’t handle spooky shit stay ya ass home!!

this is also rushed but I needed it done and out of my head

[read on ao3] - 1577 words


@ pic credit ⋰ tvneon


It all started because of a little movie night.

Really it was just supposed to be you and Letty screaming at every jumpscare in “As Above, So Below,” and laughing at each other for freaking out. You know, some kinda-my-mom, absolutely-my-daughter bonding time.

Somehow, the three stooges plus the boyscout had ended up inviting themselves and hogging not only all the space on the couch, but also the bowls of popcorn. Then to top it all off, they started talking shit halfway through the damn movie.

“This shit is wack,” Angel announced before stuffing a handful of popcorn in his mouth.

“Right, like if they was all strapped, none of this would’ve been a problem,” Coco agreed.

“Nah, their asses shouldn’t have been down there in the first place.“ Gilly shook his head. “Even we don’t fuck with the dead after we dump ‘em.”

“Exactly,” the first two said like it was the gospel truth.

But they must have forgotten the kind of bullshit they be on, so you kindly reminded them, “Didn’t y'all have a shoot out in a graveyard?”

Then Letty had proved once again that she is your daughter by jumping in with, “And cut some dead dude’s finger off?”

“And try to get some decapitatedhead?”

“The last two were Angel.” EZ had thrown his brother under the bus with the ease that said Angel must have did something annoying earlier.

“Damn, tell me you’re a snitch without telling me you’re a snitch. Can’t tell y’all shit!” Angel said that all dramatically while getting up - but instead of storming out the house, he made his way to the kitchen to make more popcorn.

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✰ tagging ⋰

@isisafrofairy@likedovesinthewnd@blessedboo@blue-angel-wings@sesamepancakes@benshapirosdrybussy@krysiewithak@withmyteeth@minimel-fics@vikingstoner69@silverseamoons @amorestevens@naenae479

I freaking love these freaks, I want Coco sooo bad it’s not fair.

Why don’t I have a man that’s gonna threaten people!?!??

I’m sayin !!!!



⋯ fright night [18+]

the first - and last - time you, coco, angel, gilly, ez, and letty walk y’all asses into a haunted house

⇥ coco cruz x reader ⋰ fluff? more like shenanigans  

❍ a/n ⋰ reader is ambiguous

based on all 4 (four) times I’ve walked my ass into a haunted house 

PSA!: do not ever threaten, harm, or endanger the workers or other people anywhere but especially in a haunted house type situation. if your ass can’t handle spooky shit stay ya ass home!!

this is also rushed but I needed it done and out of my head

[read on ao3] - 1577 words


@ pic credit ⋰ tvneon


It all started because of a little movie night.

Really it was just supposed to be you and Letty screaming at every jumpscare in “As Above, So Below,” and laughing at each other for freaking out. You know, some kinda-my-mom, absolutely-my-daughter bonding time.

Somehow, the three stooges plus the boyscout had ended up inviting themselves and hogging not only all the space on the couch, but also the bowls of popcorn. Then to top it all off, they started talking shit halfway through the damn movie.

“This shit is wack,” Angel announced before stuffing a handful of popcorn in his mouth.

“Right, like if they was all strapped, none of this would’ve been a problem,” Coco agreed.

“Nah, their asses shouldn’t have been down there in the first place.“ Gilly shook his head. “Even we don’t fuck with the dead after we dump ‘em.”

“Exactly,” the first two said like it was the gospel truth.

But they must have forgotten the kind of bullshit they be on, so you kindly reminded them, “Didn’t y'all have a shoot out in a graveyard?”

Then Letty had proved once again that she is your daughter by jumping in with, “And cut some dead dude’s finger off?”

“And try to get some decapitatedhead?”

“The last two were Angel.” EZ had thrown his brother under the bus with the ease that said Angel must have did something annoying earlier.

“Damn, tell me you’re a snitch without telling me you’re a snitch. Can’t tell y’all shit!” Angel said that all dramatically while getting up - but instead of storming out the house, he made his way to the kitchen to make more popcorn.

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Okay the fact that I can see this all SO GODDAMNED CLEARLY in my head!!!

And also, please excuse me while I never refer to these men as anything other than “the Fools” again.

there’s no other way to describe them tbh ‍♀️

lol thank you for reading love



⋯ walls [18+]

your new neighbor is nice (and hot), but if he keeps fucking someone through the wall while you’re trying to sleep, you might have to kill him

⇥ ez reyes x reader ⋰ humor with a smutty tease

❍ a/n ⋰ reader is ambiguous

this is fully patched ez who finally moves out that damn trailer and starts feelin’ himself a lil bit

inspired by my own realization last night that my neighbors are notdoing home renovations every afternoon 

also coco really gonna send me back to the streets, this the third time I put his stories on hold for another man

[read on ao3] - 663 words


@ gif credit ⋰ angels-reyes


Your new neighbor has been nothing but nice, always greeting you and making small talk whenever you run into each other. He even helped you bring in groceries when you tried - and failed - to Hercules it and carry all the bags in one go.

So you didn’t plan on bringing up the issue; at least not until you figured out how to talk about it without sounding like a hating-ass prude. But when he comments that you seem exhausted during one of your usual run-ins, all the frustration from the last two weeks just pours out.

“Honestly, it’s you and whoever you’re fucking that’s been keeping me up. I’m not tryna get in the way of you getting your nut or nothing but could y’all do that on the other side of the apartment? I swear you’re tryna break my bedroom wall down.”

EZ - you remember being dazzled by his smile when he first told you his name - looks lost, like he has no idea what you’re talking about.

Awkwardness builds the longer he just stands there blinking at you, and it has you second guessing whether you’re completely out of pocket for saying anything at all.

“Forget it,” you sigh, ready to just end the conversation and get some rest before he starts knocking some boots tonight. “I’ll just find earplugs or something. But if you bust down the wall, you’re paying for repairs.”

He finally says something before you can retreat to your apartment. “Oh wait - I think you’re hearing me work out.”

You give him a look that says ‘Yeah, you’re working something out alright’, and he laughs. His smile makes your head go empty for a second, just like it did the first time you saw it.

“No, seriously,” he explains, “I work out when I can’t sleep and I guess the equipment is hitting the wall. I don’t hear anything since I always have my headphones in.”

Ohhhh. Now it makes sense why you only ever hear his groans and no one else’s. And yes, you have listened in while getting yourself off, swirling your fingers to the rhythm of the bangs. If he was gonna keep you up, you deserved to get orgasms out of it too.

But that thought, and the fact that you just exposed yourself for jumping to the wrong conclusion, has your face heating up with embarrassment.

“Well now I feel real stupid,” you admit before giving a little wave and saying, “Have a good life.” You turn to leave this whole situation behind, hot neighbor included. It shouldn’t be that hard to avoid him until one of y’all moves, right?

His hand gently wraps around your wrist to stop you. “No, no, no - I’m sorry for interrupting your sleep. I’ll move the equipment so it won’t be a problem anymore.”

The sincerity in his voice gives you the courage to turn around and face him. His eyes are just as charming as the rest of him, and they hold your gaze as you think of something to say that won’t embarrass yourself even more.

“Thanks, I appreciate it,” is all you come up with, but he smiles like you told him the best news.

A different kind of tension builds as you stand there looking at each other, pretty much holding hands at this point. The attraction is obvious, but you don’t make a move since you’ve made enough of a fool out of yourself for one day.

Thank god EZ takes the cue, his smile turning a little devious as he steps closer.

“I can come over and check your walls if you want. Make sure I haven’t worn ‘em out.”

That sends heat to your core and your breath hitches as you imagine all the ways you want to wear him out. You must let out a gasp because his stare dips to your lips as he licks his own.

Looks like it’s gonna be another night of no sleep.


© challengeahellcat/clearvinyl

⇦ masterlist ⋰ part two: you know your walls will remember me ⇨

lmao i love when ez has an actual place because ain’t nobody trying to post it open in a trailer park ‍♀️ but I was so embarrassed for her at first for jumping to that conclusion but let’s blame it on her sleep-deprived brain.

“I can come over and check your walls if you want. Make sure I haven’t worn ‘em out.” well shittt, you ain’t gonna ask me twice! let’s go RIGHT NOW

he’s not even in a trailer park, he’s parked right outside the clubhouse so all the Mayans be in your bussin it open business

and she sure did get that dick



⋯ boo! [18+]

trick or treating with the loves of your life

⇥ dad!angel reyes x reader ⋰ fluff

❍ a/n ⋰ reader is implied to have a vulva but is otherwise ambiguous

listen the baby fever agenda is real and it’s out here. this adorable video is exhibit a, your honor.

also this is rushed but I needed comfort and didn’t want to overthink it too much

[read on ao3] - 779 words


@ gif credit ⋰ giphy


“She couldn’t have been a Lilo and Stitch kid?” Angel complains, definitely thinking he could be in some swim trunks as Lilo’s sister’s boyfriend or something. That costume would’ve been a thousand times more bearable in Santo Padre’s eighty degree heat.

But knowing how much your daughter adores her dad, if she was Lilo there was no way in hell Angel wouldn’t be Stitch - which meant, “You still would’ve ended up as a blue furry-“

“Would you stop calling me a furry!”

“- and I’d probably still would be the one-eyed green comic relief.” Because for some reason your daughter thought youwere the funniest parent, and while you usually gloat about it, right now it’s biting you in the ass.

“Yeah, but not the blow up doll version.”

“Stop calling me a blow up doll!”

“Don’t start no shit, won’t be no shit.”

“Watch ya mouth!” You whisper-yell, watching all the kids running around.

“Oh I’m sorry. I meant if you don’t want sugar honey iced tea, don’t pour it in ya cup,” Angel says, wobbling that big ol’ head of his in the way that makes you wanna both smack and kiss him. Too bad your movement is too restricted right now to do either.

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I want a baby with Angel

This was so adorable I loved it

when will get come give us some 100 proof baby juice

lmfaooo thank you love !!



⋯ boo! [18+]

trick or treating with the loves of your life

⇥ dad!angel reyes x reader ⋰ fluff

❍ a/n ⋰ reader is implied to have a vulva but is otherwise ambiguous

listen the baby fever agenda is real and it’s out here. this adorable video is exhibit a, your honor.

also this is rushed but I needed comfort and didn’t want to overthink it too much

[read on ao3] - 779 words


@ gif credit ⋰ giphy


“She couldn’t have been a Lilo and Stitch kid?” Angel complains, definitely thinking he could be in some swim trunks as Lilo’s sister’s boyfriend or something. That costume would’ve been a thousand times more bearable in Santo Padre’s eighty degree heat.

But knowing how much your daughter adores her dad, if she was Lilo there was no way in hell Angel wouldn’t be Stitch - which meant, “You still would’ve ended up as a blue furry-“

“Would you stop calling me a furry!”

“- and I’d probably still would be the one-eyed green comic relief.” Because for some reason your daughter thought youwere the funniest parent, and while you usually gloat about it, right now it’s biting you in the ass.

“Yeah, but not the blow up doll version.”

“Stop calling me a blow up doll!”

“Don’t start no shit, won’t be no shit.”

“Watch ya mouth!” You whisper-yell, watching all the kids running around.

“Oh I’m sorry. I meant if you don’t want sugar honey iced tea, don’t pour it in ya cup,” Angel says, wobbling that big ol’ head of his in the way that makes you wanna both smack and kiss him. Too bad your movement is too restricted right now to do either.

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Okay…can we talk about this!? The fluff, banter&hint at an Halloween after party (featuring only Angel & his woman). ALL OF IT was simply amazing. The Reyes Family dressed up as Sully/Kitty, Mike Wizowski & Boo — DRESSED TO THE MAX! GOING BIG & then EZ gets away with the minimal effort. Baby girl being a hustler! I expect nothing less from the spawn of Angel‍♀️. The encouragement from Mama & the plan to go to the bougie houses. I loved this!

thank you thank you bby
