
Voices of Photography 攝影之聲Issue 29 : 被攝影史──成為影像的台灣 History of the Photographed: Taiwan as an Image延續Voices of Photography 攝影之聲Issue 29 : 被攝影史──成為影像的台灣 History of the Photographed: Taiwan as an Image延續Voices of Photography 攝影之聲Issue 29 : 被攝影史──成為影像的台灣 History of the Photographed: Taiwan as an Image延續Voices of Photography 攝影之聲Issue 29 : 被攝影史──成為影像的台灣 History of the Photographed: Taiwan as an Image延續Voices of Photography 攝影之聲Issue 29 : 被攝影史──成為影像的台灣 History of the Photographed: Taiwan as an Image延續Voices of Photography 攝影之聲Issue 29 : 被攝影史──成為影像的台灣 History of the Photographed: Taiwan as an Image延續Voices of Photography 攝影之聲Issue 29 : 被攝影史──成為影像的台灣 History of the Photographed: Taiwan as an Image延續

Voices of Photography 攝影之聲
Issue 29 : 被攝影史──成為影像的台灣 
History of the Photographed: Taiwan as an Image




本期Artist’s Showcase單元,我們與藝術家葉偉立進行長篇訪談,呈現他這些年來以行動介入所構成的獨特影像場域,記錄其未曾間斷的勞作沉思。而在影像論述單元,本期新闢由影像研究者李立鈞執筆的科學攝影專欄,揭示平時隱沒在科學實踐中的「影像問題」,首篇從圖繪細菌與拍攝細菌在十九世紀引發的論爭談起,一探科學家對於攝影「客觀性」的認知辯證。謝佩君接續前期對於影像/視覺理論的引介,深入闡論歐美學界近年如何反駁過去以視覺機具作為現代性發展的線性觀點。黎健強探究香港攝影源流的連載系列,揭載「作為影像的香港」在1850年代末首次出現於可供西方觀眾賞玩的遠東立體照片。此外本期亦特邀黃建宏撰文紀念近期辭世的法國哲學家貝拿爾.斯蒂格勒,記述其影像哲理綿延的技術與時間之論。



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As we continue on the topic of the history of photography, we turn to our own photography experiences in this issue – our history of being photographed. It takes root in Taiwan’s colonial history, from the collection of anthropological surveys in the 19th century, to the acts of violence at the defence lines as they pushed on during the Japanese colonial era in the early 20th century, as well as the exhibition of the “Taiwanese” imagery and ethnicity at various expositions held during the Japanese colonial rule. These form the beginnings of a systematic effort to visualize Taiwan. How did we become the photographed, a scientific specimen, a totemic image? How did we become visually part of (or excluded from) the rectification process of nationality and culture, that continues to trouble us till now? The veiled history of such an image – the history of being photographed – guides the beginning of our journey of looking back at the “history of photography”.

With this, we attempt to cross-examine “history” and think through the control and disposition that led us into “becoming an imagery” and “going into the history of photography”, hoping to break free from the existing framework of “the history of the photograph(er)” and enlighten our awareness of the “history of the photographed”. We reckon this could allow us to discover the historical heritage of photography that is even more important to us and generate our very own alternative view of the history of photography.

The collection of imagery and essays in this series marks the complexity and conflicts in our historical experience of “being photographed”. We begin with the late anthropologist Hu Chia-Yu’s field research of Taiwan’s anthropology from the early years to the post-war period as we explore the knowledge-based development and contemporary meaning of imagery collection. Huang Han-Di traces the footsteps of Japanese anthropologists Torii Ryuzo and Mori Ushinosuke in their study of the Taiwanese indigenous peoples in the colonial era, detailing the historical impact that they had. Kao Jun-Honn takes a second look at the faint gaze in the eyes of those who had pledged allegiance, as captured in the many portraits of the “submissives” kept at the Governor-General’s office during the Japanese rule. Walis Nokan expresses his and his fellow people’s real perception of the history of photography as they had experienced it in his de-/anti-colonization writings. Matsuda Kyoko analyses the visual strategy of shaping “Taiwan” through the living displays at the Tokyo Colonization Exposition of 1912.

In this issue’s “Artist’s Showcase”, we feature an in-depth interview with artist Yeh Wei-Li, showing our readers his unique field of imagery that extends from his art of intervention, a record of his neverending contemplation with regard to labor and art. Moving on to essays on visual imagery, we present a new scientific photography column by imagery researcher Lee Li-Chun, who unveils the “imagery problem” that underlies scientific practice, beginning with cognitive dialectics of “objectivity” of photography by scientists that stemmed from the debate sparked by illustrating and photographing bacteria in the 19th century. Hsieh Pei-Chun continues with her introduction to imagery/visual theory from an earlier issue, and explains in detail how Western academia has refuted the existing linear view of visual machinery as a modern development. Edwin K. Lai’s series on the origins and development of Hong Kong photography tells us about the first 3D photograph from the Far East that aimed to entertain a Western audience with “Hong Kong as an image” in the late 1850s. In addition, we specially invited Huang Chien-Hung to commemorate the French philosopher Bernard Stiegler, who had recently passed, and the continuous techniques and time that stems from his philosophy of imagery.

At the same time as we (run off our feet to) prepare for the publication of this issue, Voices of Photography is going into its 10th year, and what an incredible journey it has been. We sincerely thank all our readers for keeping us going, and express our heartfelt gratitude once again to all our friends and partners who have worked with us and given us the courage to overcome our difficulties to march on on this winding road.


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《攝影之聲》的Pooooooodcast首次試音。在迎接殘酷的評分和留言之前,感謝大家的收聽((( 收聽 Listen )))Apple PodcastsSpotify


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《攝影之聲》Podcast首播上線錄好一集製播生疏聲線緊張的pppooooodcast (結巴) ! 初次試音,請多指教~~~《攝影之聲》的首次播音,我們與人在新加坡的客座主編許芳慈越洋連線,一起聊聊


錄好一集製播生疏聲線緊張的pppooooodcast (結巴) ! 初次試音,請多指教~~~


首播現於Spotify放送,近期也將在Apple Podcasts上線。歡迎空中相會。

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Voices of Photography 攝影之聲Issue 28 : 沖繩專題The Okinawa Issue「亞洲當代攝影文化現場系列」是我們聚焦亞洲各地影像文化與創作實踐的系列計畫,嘗試透過Voices of Photography 攝影之聲Issue 28 : 沖繩專題The Okinawa Issue「亞洲當代攝影文化現場系列」是我們聚焦亞洲各地影像文化與創作實踐的系列計畫,嘗試透過Voices of Photography 攝影之聲Issue 28 : 沖繩專題The Okinawa Issue「亞洲當代攝影文化現場系列」是我們聚焦亞洲各地影像文化與創作實踐的系列計畫,嘗試透過Voices of Photography 攝影之聲Issue 28 : 沖繩專題The Okinawa Issue「亞洲當代攝影文化現場系列」是我們聚焦亞洲各地影像文化與創作實踐的系列計畫,嘗試透過Voices of Photography 攝影之聲Issue 28 : 沖繩專題The Okinawa Issue「亞洲當代攝影文化現場系列」是我們聚焦亞洲各地影像文化與創作實踐的系列計畫,嘗試透過Voices of Photography 攝影之聲Issue 28 : 沖繩專題The Okinawa Issue「亞洲當代攝影文化現場系列」是我們聚焦亞洲各地影像文化與創作實踐的系列計畫,嘗試透過Voices of Photography 攝影之聲Issue 28 : 沖繩專題The Okinawa Issue「亞洲當代攝影文化現場系列」是我們聚焦亞洲各地影像文化與創作實踐的系列計畫,嘗試透過

Voices of Photography 攝影之聲
Issue 28 : 沖繩專題
The Okinawa Issue






關於本期 About this issue

The “A Study of Contemporary Photography in Asia” series is a serial project that focuses on imagery culture and creative practice in various regions of Asia. Through this connection and a view that pans across Asia, we are trying to expand our understanding of the process of practice, visual experience, culture and the identifying coordinates of photography in Asia, and using such knowledge as a continuous reflection of imagery history and epistemology.

Second in the series is the Okinawa issue that features Machida Megumi and Hsu Fang-Tze, both imagery researchers and curators, as our guest editors. This issue adopts a dual reading and editing process; a combination of essays and interviews brings readers through the complicated colonial history and the burden of empiricism on the island, taking a critical view of Okinawa’s imagery, and Okinawa as an imagined object while it struggled against hegemony.

Several centuries ago, there existed no “Okinawa”, but the Ryukyu Kingdom, a feudal kingdom in the Ryukyu Islands in the Pacific Ocean. After the invasion by the forces of the feudal domain of Satsuma, and subsequently by the Empire of Japan, the Ryukyu Islands were annexed and colonized, and in 1879, established as the Okinawa Prefecture. At the end of the Second World War in 1945, the U.S. forces occupied and ruled Okinawa for 27 years, sealing its fate in the strategic chain of islands in the Cold War era. Even when the U.S. forces “returned” Okinawa to Japan in 1972, the island, which only constitutes 0.6% of Japan’s total land area, houses more than 70% of the U.S.’s military facilities and bases stationed in the whole country under the US-Japan Security Alliance. To some parts of Okinawa, it almost feels like that the “post-war” era never ended, surrounding this subtropical island with a plume of smoke that rose from the collision between geopolitics and new imperialism.

In this series, we take a look at the layered composition of the life experiences and photography by Okinawan imagery practitioners Kuniyoshi Kazuo, Ishikawa Mao, Higa Toyomitsu and Ishikawa Ryuichi, as well as the complicated political consciousness that is birthed from this interaction. We also move our focus from the question of “how to represent” to “how to construct” the background of Okinawa and its history through the essays by Nakazato Isao, Okamoto Yukiko, Nakasone Kaori and Inoue Mayumo. Through such a redirection of focus, we see the need for a careful analysis as it shows us that imagery is not only generated from colonization, but also feeds back into the issue.

While putting this issue together, the world is being ravaged by the COVID-19 pandemic, intensifying power rivalries. We imagine that our readers in Taiwan and other areas, which belong in the first island chain alongside Okinawa, would feel even more relevance to the island (Okinawa), given our similar histories and political situations. As we feel inspired by Okinawa in many ways, we also become aware of the struggles that are happening around the world, whether it is one against totalitarianism and racism under the mask of nationalistic rhetoric, or the return of capitalism in the name of economic recovery. Until we put into action our words and resist, any dream of a “nation of great power” is but a nightmare for the history of humankind.

.現在於VOP Bookshop購買新刊的前50位讀者也將獲得海報喔!隨刊寄出,贈完為止!

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Voices of Photography 攝影之聲Issue 27 : 歷史與書寫專題Histories and Writings Issue自創刊以來,《攝影之聲》持續關注影像書寫、歷史與文化樣態Voices of Photography 攝影之聲Issue 27 : 歷史與書寫專題Histories and Writings Issue自創刊以來,《攝影之聲》持續關注影像書寫、歷史與文化樣態Voices of Photography 攝影之聲Issue 27 : 歷史與書寫專題Histories and Writings Issue自創刊以來,《攝影之聲》持續關注影像書寫、歷史與文化樣態Voices of Photography 攝影之聲Issue 27 : 歷史與書寫專題Histories and Writings Issue自創刊以來,《攝影之聲》持續關注影像書寫、歷史與文化樣態Voices of Photography 攝影之聲Issue 27 : 歷史與書寫專題Histories and Writings Issue自創刊以來,《攝影之聲》持續關注影像書寫、歷史與文化樣態Voices of Photography 攝影之聲Issue 27 : 歷史與書寫專題Histories and Writings Issue自創刊以來,《攝影之聲》持續關注影像書寫、歷史與文化樣態Voices of Photography 攝影之聲Issue 27 : 歷史與書寫專題Histories and Writings Issue自創刊以來,《攝影之聲》持續關注影像書寫、歷史與文化樣態Voices of Photography 攝影之聲Issue 27 : 歷史與書寫專題Histories and Writings Issue自創刊以來,《攝影之聲》持續關注影像書寫、歷史與文化樣態Voices of Photography 攝影之聲Issue 27 : 歷史與書寫專題Histories and Writings Issue自創刊以來,《攝影之聲》持續關注影像書寫、歷史與文化樣態

Voices of Photography 攝影之聲
Issue 27 : 歷史與書寫專題
Histories and Writings Issue






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Since its inception, Voices of Photography has always focused on the aspects of image writing, history and cultural forms. In 2019, we held a series of workshops on photography history narratives and a forum on history of post-war East Asian photography, at the Taiwan Contemporary Culture Lab in Taipei, Taiwan. We invited researchers in this field to join us, creating the opportunity to advance discussions on photography history research and awareness of imagery history. This issue features the manuscripts of our speakers at the event, which will serve as a reflection and reference for the photography and historical discourse in the eyes of our counterparts in Japan, South Korea and Taiwan.

Among them, Kaneko Ryuchi has redefined the position of independent photography galleries in the development of Japanese photography in the 1970s, revealing the creative pulses that transcended the mainstream and why it became an important chapter in the history of Japanese photography, waiting to be filled. Chen Chia-Chi takes a look at the trend of Taiwanese amateur photographers participating in photography contests in Japan in the 1960s, and the possible influence that Japanese photography magazines had on the culture of photo competition, thereby shedding light on an alternative platform through which folk exchanges happened between the Taiwanese and Japanese photography fields. Park Pyungjong details the controversy between realism and modernism in Korean photography following the end of colonial rule by the Japanese, and evaluates the dialectics and reflections surrounding Korea’s understanding of photography after the war. Toda Masako analyzes Japanese photography in the 1950s, the era of Japanese photographic aesthetics that was influenced by the trend of “subjectivism” in the international arena as the oppression of war gradually faded in time. Through archives and political consciousness buried deep in the core of the Taiwanese society since the Cold War era, Chang Shih-Lun examines the manipulation and governance mechanism of images, and issues with the construction and interpretation of the nationality in photography history.

When analyzed in combination with other disciplines such as optics, chemistry, political sociology, cultural studies, and even semiotics and psychoanalysis, the space for exploration of the ontology of photography is constantly stretched, moved, and reconstructed. Hsieh Pei-Chun analyzes the photographic writing process and the cross-domain visual theory since the last century while outlining the development of photography theories. This issue is the first in a series of discussions. Gu Zheng shares his own experience as a visiting professor on photography history at the University of Heidelberg, Germany, where he put forward a critical reflection on the boundaries of research in the field of photography history. Edwin K. Lai’s analysis of the series of historical inferences from when photography first came to Hong Kong comes to an end, presenting historical evidence of the rise of the “wet-plate method” in Hong Kong in the 1850s.

In addition, we have a special interview with Cheng Tsun-Shing, featuring never-before-published photographs and negatives that he had taken in the late 1970s. We explore the imagery metaphors that are born when silver salt and light meet, and the issue of the essence of photography that he constantly philosophizes. At the same time, we feature Kao Chung-Li’s new works of sound and projection installations, analyzing the ready-made audio-visual equipment and the technical philosophy behind the unique one-take “projector movie”, that is also the longest ever such film in history. The “Photobook Making Case Study” series also enters the “Design” chapter. In this issue, we interview Japanese designer Mori Daishiro and he shares his experiences in the area of graphic design.

Although the journey of publication is difficult, we have been striving to continue with the basics of data exploration, collation, and interviews with limited resources, as we slowly expand the photography culture and historical discourses of Taiwan and Asia and showcase them to the world. We would like to thank all our dear readers and friends for your utmost support. Let us continue to explore the unknown universe of images in the new year.

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冬陽裡曬曬SHOUT特輯IV關於 About


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黃亞歷 | 生活偽像:「聲音眼」及其悖謬工作坊【請點此報名】電影,構築在聲音與視覺的關係之中,此關係也同時對於聲音及視覺提出了分歧或逆反的視角。當我們以電影為基底觸及影像敘事時,聲音扮演何種位置?電影黃亞歷 | 生活偽像:「聲音眼」及其悖謬工作坊【請點此報名】電影,構築在聲音與視覺的關係之中,此關係也同時對於聲音及視覺提出了分歧或逆反的視角。當我們以電影為基底觸及影像敘事時,聲音扮演何種位置?電影黃亞歷 | 生活偽像:「聲音眼」及其悖謬工作坊【請點此報名】電影,構築在聲音與視覺的關係之中,此關係也同時對於聲音及視覺提出了分歧或逆反的視角。當我們以電影為基底觸及影像敘事時,聲音扮演何種位置?電影黃亞歷 | 生活偽像:「聲音眼」及其悖謬工作坊【請點此報名】電影,構築在聲音與視覺的關係之中,此關係也同時對於聲音及視覺提出了分歧或逆反的視角。當我們以電影為基底觸及影像敘事時,聲音扮演何種位置?電影

黃亞歷 | 生活偽像:「聲音眼」及其悖謬工作坊




時間 | 2019/11/09(六)、 2019/11/10(日),每日14:00至17:00
地點 | 空總C-LAB「CREATORS空間102共享吧」(台北市大安區建國南路一段177號)


今年最後一個工作坊啦,限額20名,別錯過囉 !

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攝影史敘事.亞洲論域系列論壇:戰後東亞攝影史Narratives of Photography History.Asia Discourse Forum Series: The History of

Narratives of Photography History.Asia Discourse Forum Series:
The History of Post-war East Asian Photography




This series of forums takes a look at current research into the history of photography in Taiwan and Asia, focusing on the development trajectory of photography in Asia, the contemporary significance of the history of photography, and the creative narrative perspective of the historical treatise on photography. A multifaceted reflection of the interregional geographic and historical links serves as an expanded reference in the understanding of photography history in Taiwan and Asia. At the same time, the forum will facilitate the establishment of international exchanges on research perspectives, experiences and resources.

These forums will begin with the post-war development of photography in East Asia. Guest speakers from Japan, South Korea and Taiwan will share their research, done through a multi-faceted historical framework and research writing strategies, and talk about the development process and cultural phenomena of Asian photography in the post-war era. They will also put forward their reflexive speculations on “what is the history of photography” and the methodology of research in photography history.

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Voices of Photography 攝影之聲 Issue 26 : 末日棲居 Dwelling in the Apocalypse 關於本期 More infoVoices of Photography 攝影之聲 Issue 26 : 末日棲居 Dwelling in the Apocalypse 關於本期 More infoVoices of Photography 攝影之聲 Issue 26 : 末日棲居 Dwelling in the Apocalypse 關於本期 More info

Voices of Photography 攝影之聲
Issue 26 : 末日棲居
Dwelling in the Apocalypse

關於本期 More info

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Voices of Photography 攝影之聲​
Issue 31 : 技術邏輯 Technologic​


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時間|2/9 ~ 2/14,11am~8pm​


Voices of Photography 攝影之聲

和大家分享我們的線上新單元 「冊架仔 (tsheh-kè-á)」!

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牯嶺街書香創意市集 Guling Street Book & Mart

日期 Dates | 12/25(Sat.) 10:00-20:00, 12/26 (Sun.) 10:00-17:00​
地點 Venue | 台北市牯嶺街 Guling Street, Taipei
「攝影之聲」 攤位編號S4​



張世倫 《現實的探求──台灣攝影史形構考》​

Reclaiming Reality:​
On the Historical Formation of Taiwanese Photography​
by CHANG Shih-Lun​






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