
白川郷(岐阜県)Shirakawago (Gifu Prefecture)Deemed a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1995, Shirakawago is a v白川郷(岐阜県)Shirakawago (Gifu Prefecture)Deemed a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1995, Shirakawago is a v白川郷(岐阜県)Shirakawago (Gifu Prefecture)Deemed a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1995, Shirakawago is a v白川郷(岐阜県)Shirakawago (Gifu Prefecture)Deemed a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1995, Shirakawago is a v白川郷(岐阜県)Shirakawago (Gifu Prefecture)Deemed a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1995, Shirakawago is a v


Shirakawago (Gifu Prefecture)

Deemed a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1995, Shirakawago is a village of very old houses (some hundreds of years old) with high-thatched roofs designed to prevent heavy snow from piling up. This style of architecture is called gassho zukuri (合掌造り), due to the high arch’s resemblance to gassho or hands folded in prayer (zukuri means built). The houses have all been well-maintained and are protected as historical and cultural landmarks of Japan.  

Shirakawago has been at the top of my bucket list for a long time now and I finally had the opportunity to travel there this past December. It was just as wonderful, if not more so, than I had hoped. I took so many photos which only capture a fraction of the actual beauty and charm of the place. I definitely recommend visiting here if you have the time as it is really a magical village. 

In addition to Shirakawago, my fiancé and I visited another village of gassho zukuri houses in Gokayama, Toyama Prefecture. After sorting through and picking the best ones I will be sharing those photos with you soon :)

EDIT: My photos ofgassho zukuri houses in Gokayama are now available for your viewing pleasure :) Go check ‘em out and let me know what you think!

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