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photo: MIYAGAWA river and railroad bridge, and 萱KAYA 


photo:  萱KAYA near my house 

We arrived at west riverside of Miyagawa river. It is a relatively big river with broad dry riverbed. As most of japanese rivers do, this river has many weed called Kaya萱 in its dry riverbed. kaya is a weed having a great vital power, having firm roots, and it becomes very tall. (Please take a look at the photo above. That is Kaya near my house KappaTei ). Even today we suffer from this weed when we make paddy field or garden.



photo: A huge tree by MIYAGAWA river. Kaya field and huge trees are ordinary scenery in ancient Japan   

When you travel Japan by Shinkansen you can see vast paddy fields. But please imagine the age of myth, the age of our ancestor’s arrival to Japanese islands. Most of plains must have been covered with this weed. Huge effort  must have been needed to fight against it and to make paddy fields.   That experience made our ancestor think out one Kamisama named KAYANOHIME NO MIKOTO. She is a goddess of all the weeds and grasses. One of my friend pointed that this goddess has the possibility to be not only the god of weed but god of irrigation.As I was inspired his opinion, I planned this trip.



Photo: In the grounds of   清野井庭神社KIYONOIBA JINJYA shrine 

My wife and I lost the way of pilgrims because today’s civilization has changed the scenery of this area. But on the other hand the civilization offers us a bridge. We went across the Miyagawa river on it on foot. We were going to visit several shrines, especially 清野井庭神社KIYONOIBA JINJYA shrine. There KAYANOHIME NO MIKOTO is enshrined.  

