

Okay, my last post about the concert

For the final concert on Sunday, I had the kindest section mates. There were 6 including me, and we were just so supportive. The girl behind me was a Minhyun fan too, so she’d reach forward and shake my shoulders and we’d scream together whenever Minhyun breathed. The girl to my left was an angel. She rubbbed my back the two times I sobbed into my lap, she fed me gummy bears, she helped me find my lightstick pieces when I waved it so hard that the top half poppped off, and she held and squeezed my hand at the very end as all 6 of us cried when the lights came on. Then before we left, we all turned to each other and said “블리님 수고했어요~.” (블리님 is how we refer to each other on the fan cafe based off our fandom name 워너블)

And ugh that ending…

At the end of the Saturday concert, they climbed up to the platform where their individual lifts were, did their final group greeting, and were lowered down together.

But Sunday’s concert, they did their final group greeting, and then had each individual member step forward, give a second final greeting and then walk back alone to their lift to be lowered away. At first, we thought they would walk back and wait for the other members to be lowered all together. You should’ve heard the scream of pain we unleashed when the first member was lowered alone. This continued, member by member, until the final member was left alone on the stage on his damn knees and shaking from his sobs.

Can’t imagine the devastation?

Here’s a picture:

The. Pain. I. Fucking. Felt.

I really want to put down all the emotions I felt yesterday saying good-bye. All that I’m left now with is this dull pain and an overwhelming sense of love and gratitude. It’s not over. I have a ticket to see the oldest member in his musical debut, I’m streaming and loving the second oldest’s debut single (that features another member!), I’ve joined my devil child Jinyoung’s official fan club, and, of course, I’m going wherever Minhyun goes. Another member is starring in a drama in June, and our youngest (who is Taiwanese) is also making his Mandarin drama debut. I plan on watching both. And when the other members come out with their post-W1 plans, I’ll be there for them too. They’re all going forth to do great things, I know, but nothing will replace the magic of all eleven of them together.
