


When they say 젤리, they mean the chewy things (think gummy bears, jell-o, etc). If you say “peanut butter and jelly” you will get the most disgusted looks.

알바 comes from the German word “Arbeit” which means “job/work” but it is not the same as 일. You are still considered a 백수 even if you work part-time.

친구 doesn’t mean “friends” as in the people you are closest with; it means people who are 동갑. If you refer to a 후배 or 선배 as your 친구 it’ll cause at least minor confusion about everyone’s ages.

간식 just means “snacks” but many people include 떡볶이, 라면, etc in this category, things I originally thought were considered “meals.”

치킨 usually refers to fried chicken (or chicken with sauce like teriyaki chicken). It’d be weird to refer to things like 닭발, 삼계탕, 닭죽, etc as “치킨.”

아파트 are usually bought and owned (i.e. condos). They’re typically bigger and in high-rise 동, unlike 원룸/오피스텔. Just because you’re renting a place doesn’t make it an 아파트!
