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looking for the perfect holiday gift for you and/or a loved one? book a tarot or astrology reading with me

open as of: December 2020

below the cut will be any and all tarot and astrology services I offer. prices are listed in front of each service with a little description of what each reading/service entails. and of course feel free to dm with any questions you may have !! and dm to book a reading with me

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observations / notes on aquarius moons

[these are just observations of my friends w aqua moons]

- aquarius moons and talking about past/current emotional trauma with their friends as a way of venting and bonding

- but will still only talk about their feelings and emotions if they’re comfortable with you

- also, aquarius moons and talking about their current friends and how much they love them + past experiences with them

- i’ve noticed 5H aqua moons are a lot more quiet when it comes to their emotions - but a lot of their emotions have to deal with relationships and love

- 6H (aqua) moons are a lot more serving and continue to give when they know they shouldn’t, and end up hurt about it

#astrology    #astro notes    #astro observations    #aquarius    #aquarius moon    #5h moon    #6h moon    


The Art of Space gifs made by me :)

astrology for the week of sunday, august 2nd 2020

monday, august 3rd — full moon in aquarius

perfect time to let go of / get rid of things that no longer serve you. since aquarius is ruled by uranus, it is also important that we take action towards things we want to change [+ get justice]. think of this full moon as a recharge.

tuesday, august 4th — mercury enters leo

this is more about self expression and self care / focusing on ones self + our own goals rather than the collective / group of others. expressing yourself through communication. we have more confidence with the way we communicate, but should still work on hearing what others have to say.

friday, august 7th — venus enters cancer

lovely time to spend with family / nurturing others that you care about [with leo mercury we’re extroverted w communication + but w cancer venus introverted with expressions of love]. best time to think about what you really want from a love connection — we’re gentler when it comes to love. be gentle with yourself and others.

intro to the houses . astrology

a short and [hopefully] helpful guide to the twelve astrological houses 

[aries] the first house - house of self

this house represents your personality and characteristics. it’s your identity — your outer personality.

ex; if you have a 1H moon, you appear to be more emotional than others.

[taurus] the second house - house of resources / personal values

this house represents resources, material objects, money, possessions, values. your environment and how you may approach daily tasks and so on. it’s also ones view on their own self esteem / self worth. 

[gemini] the third house - house of communication / siblings 

this house represents ones way of communicating, whether it be through writing or spoken - intellect / thinking and early education. also represents your attitude towards / relationship with your siblings. short travel / neighbors. 

[cancer] the fourth house - house of home / family

this house represents private life, home / family. self care, emotional comfort and security. the mother and your childhood, traditions. 

[leo] the fifth house - house of pleasures

this house represents damn near everything under the sun [get it - leo is 5H.. leo is ruled by the sun.. ahaha]. this house is creativity and leisure, its self expression and your talents. it’s also romance, fertility, and your love affairs / children. 

[virgo] the sixth house - house of health / routines

this house is all about services to the self and to others. it’s work, habits, routines. self disciplines / improvements. health, fitness and illnesses. pets are also ruled under this house

[libra] the seventh house - house of partnerships

this is romantic partnerships, but also business partnerships. attractions and agreements and conflicts. opposite of the 1H, 7H is the house of others - it’s how you fit into others world. 

[scorpio] the eighth house - house of intimacy / transformations

this house governs death / rebirth, transformations and sex. also, loans and taxes, and your partners money. bonding and connecting. going towards growth and change. its a mysterious house to say the least. 

[sagittarius] the ninth house - house of philosophy

opposite of 3H, this house represents long distance travel and higher education [college, universities]. ones understanding, beliefs, morals, religion, etc. its culture and ethics. 

[capricorn] the tenth house - house of status / career

your public life / status, authority. correlates with the father. ones achievements and honor; goals for the long term. 

[aquarius] the eleventh house - house of friendship

your social life; groups/friends, humanitarian interests and social causes. acquaintances and who you associate yourself with. your hopes + wishes

[pisces] the twelfth house - house of subconscious

this house represents things that are unseen / undetected. its your dreams, spirituality, religion, psychic abilities and interests, secrets. it’s also healing, karma and privacy / solitude. old age and the after life

other terms 

ascendant [1H cusp]

how you’re perceived / first impression and your physical appearance. it represents your soul. 

ic or imum coeli [4H cusp] 

where you stand emotionally - the base of your personality [as shaped by family]. the self image and how you may perceive yourself. 

descendant [7H cusp]

the type of romantic partners you seek. the things that you want / need

mc or midheaven [10H cusp]

represents your individuality and your ego. your aspirations and ideals that you strive towards since it’s the 10H cusp, it also has to do with career and status. 

#my posts    #astrology    #witchblr    #astroblr    #astro blog    #witch blog    #witchcraft    #taurus    #gemini    #cancer    #scorpio    #sagittarius    #capricorn    #aquarius    #pisces    #houses astrology    