#venus in cancer


Venus in Cancer / Venus in the 4th House:“I have come ten thousand moons before her epoch, and she will come ten thousand moons too late. But she will understand!
There is only once in all the ten thousand moons that a soul like hers is born”



Ways they say “I love you”

♡  Venus in Aries
Bringing you alongside their adventures, asking if you feel safe, holding your hand when you are overwhelmed and can’t keep up, takes heed and respect of your advice 

♡ Venus in Taurus
Ensuring you always have a safe place to go, checking in to make sure you’re okay, being motherly - keeping you nourished and nurtured, attempting to take the stress of life from you  

♡ Venus in Gemini
Putting their phone away to give you their full attention, engaging in your opinions and subjects of interest, always has time to talk to you and remains eternally fascinated with your stories 

♡ Venus in Cancer 
Attempting to get themselves out of a bad or down mood when they are around you, ensuring that you are taking care of yourself, cooking your favourite meal when they can see you are struggling 

♡ Venus in Leo
Dressing up and beautifying themselves for you, playing up to your seductive vices, involving you in their interests and pleasures, trying to hug the sadness out of you, making a big celebration out of your birthday

♡ Venus in Virgo
Remembers your routine and schedule, and the little things that make you comfortable and content, pulling the blanket over you when you are cold, leaving the light on in case it gets dark

♡ Venus in Libra 
Considers your needs before making a decision, comments at length and emphasises your good qualities, talks about themselves in a pair - “we both had a great time”

♡ Venus in Scorpio
So protective that they would probably die for you, tells you secrets they have hidden from the world, refuses to let you settle for less than you deserve, comments about things you have never told them but they have observed, affectionate and responsive to you in their dark and down moods  

♡ Venus in Sagittarius 
Integrates you in their vision for the future - ‘when we travel here…’, ‘once we have done this…’, disagrees with your beliefs but respects them and explores them with you, can check in often out of fear you will run away 

♡ Venus in Capricorn 
Discusses your goals and desires at length and works with you to achieve them, considers your success as their success, affectionate and responsive to you when they have withdrawn 

♡ Venus in Aquarius 
Keeping you close when everyone else is kept at distance, being vulnerable and opening up about their feelings, recognising special and unique things about you and encouraging them to radiate 

♡ Venus in Pisces 
Knowing that you are in a bad mood before you know yourself, remembers your silent nuances and essentials - like how many sugars in your coffee, stays up late with you regardless of how tired they are 


This pairing is one of the better combinations in practice! Care and nurture will be a strong theme in this relationship. This is most likely to be a low-key relationship—perhaps not as exciting as some, but fertile in a quiet way. The physical and sensual aspects of love are important and emphasized in your relationship with this loyal and nurturing partner. Your partner’s mood swings in love may spark an occasional problem, and he or she might find your approach to love a tad dry at times. Both of you, however, crave security and dependability in partnership, and you are both very capable of delivering these things to each other. You and your Venus in Cancer lover come alive in a safe environment—exactly the kind of atmosphere you enjoy creating. You value the sincerity of your partner’s approach to love, and he or she senses your willingness to put effort into making your relationship work. You may find your partner lacking in the communication department, however, simply because he or she places higher value on non-verbal expressions of love. You need to understand that your partner is very sensitive to criticism, and what you might consider constructive criticism might result in some feelings of rejection. With understanding and tolerance, however, your partner can help you see the forest for the trees, and you, with your gentle ways, can stimulate your partner to open up a little more than comes naturally to him or her. More than likely, there is a lot of respect between the two of you, and a feeling of security that is enviable.

astrology for the week of sunday, august 2nd 2020

monday, august 3rd — full moon in aquarius

perfect time to let go of / get rid of things that no longer serve you. since aquarius is ruled by uranus, it is also important that we take action towards things we want to change [+ get justice]. think of this full moon as a recharge.

tuesday, august 4th — mercury enters leo

this is more about self expression and self care / focusing on ones self + our own goals rather than the collective / group of others. expressing yourself through communication. we have more confidence with the way we communicate, but should still work on hearing what others have to say.

friday, august 7th — venus enters cancer

lovely time to spend with family / nurturing others that you care about [with leo mercury we’re extroverted w communication + but w cancer venus introverted with expressions of love]. best time to think about what you really want from a love connection — we’re gentler when it comes to love. be gentle with yourself and others.

Strongest to Weakest Chakras:

Base - our most basic primal instincts, survival issues, foundation of physical energy, allows us courage and resourcefulness.

Heart - our ability to love, our joy and inner peace, sense of caring and compassion, allows us to realize that we are part of something larger than ourselves.

Sacral - our ability to accept others and new experiences, sense of abundance and sexuality, passion and pleasure center, center of physical feeling and sensuality, allows you to live in the present.

Solar Plexus - our self-worth and self-confidence, ability to be in control of our lives, our center of willpower, self-discipline and personal power, allows you to meet life’s challenges, perseverance and responsibility.

Third Eye - our ability to focus and see the big picture, our intuition and imagination, spiritual reflection and contemplation, our ability to internalize the outer world and externalize our inner world, access to our inner guidance, developing an objective wisdom.

Throat - our ability to communicate, self-expression and feelings of truth, accepting your originality, expressing your authentic voice, allows you to stand up for what you believe in. 

* Crown chakra not included as it is technically unattainable until a human being has reached full enlightenment.

VENUS IN CANCERThese people come into life fundamentally insecure. Their inner emotional reality is VENUS IN CANCERThese people come into life fundamentally insecure. Their inner emotional reality is VENUS IN CANCERThese people come into life fundamentally insecure. Their inner emotional reality is VENUS IN CANCERThese people come into life fundamentally insecure. Their inner emotional reality is VENUS IN CANCERThese people come into life fundamentally insecure. Their inner emotional reality is VENUS IN CANCERThese people come into life fundamentally insecure. Their inner emotional reality is


  • These people come into life fundamentally insecure. Their inner emotional reality is like a tornado of different emotional states that seem to come and go on their own terms. They can feel stable and secure in one moment, and highly insecure in the next.
  • Their basic needs are motivated by the desire to feel secure, to feel safe and stabilized. However, even when they are given love and nurturing, it’s never quite enough.
  • Each mood swing defines their reality at the moment it’s happening.
  • There is a fundamental desire to be taken care of, to be nurtured by someone whom they can trust.
  • It’s possible that is originated from some cataclysmic emotional event in which their ability to feel inwardly secure has been serverely compromised.
  • Cancer Venus has an inherent emotional expectation projected on relationships that others should somehow know just what the Venus needs without them actually verbalizing their needs. It’s a deep, silent expectation.
  • When unmet, these expectations can produce emotional behaviors that shock even the person with Venus in Cancer themselves. Behaviors that go from a deep, crushing silence to extreme displays of anger are common. These reactions are usually disproportionate to the event or circumstance that triggered them.
  • Cancer Venus relates to people on an emotional basis. They can naturally feel someone else’s emotional state, and the needs that such state produce, even when the other person isn’t verbalizing or actively projecting their emotions. They have an inherent ability to be compassionate.
  • When someone is going through emotional distress, Venus in Cancer naturally responds with real emotional caring, wisdom, support, nurturing, and love. They encourage others to let out their emotions.
  • The very essence of a Cancer Venus’ touch is warm, consuming, and reassuring; which reflects their own need to be reassured through touching and holding. They stablish trust through physical touch.
  • However, these people also have an inherent fear of being too vulnerable. Even verbalizing what they need or feel can be too exposing for them. In fact, when others ask how they’re doing, the answe is usually “I’m fine” even when they’re obviously not. It’s an instinctual response to their distrust of most people.
  • For those who are close and with whom there is trust, the best way to get a Cancer Venus to open up is through touch, combined with soft, soothing words.
  • Sexually, they need very strong touch, holding and kissing in order to feel sexually secure and trusting. Unless they feel emotionally safe, they’ll feel sexually insecure.

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Venus secret

How to attract boys based on their Venus signs

Venus in Aries: you need to keep him curious, so firstly, try to pay attention to this guy because everybody loves to be noticed and then all of the sudden be as cold as possible. He will be confused and curious why did you act like that so that’s the moment you become interesting for him.

☕Venus in Taurus: this guy loves visuality: big boobs, aesthetic face and trendy clothes. He’s looking for classic relationship with somebody kind, well-mannered and feminine so no smoking or swearing. This type is one of the easiest to get because you can gain his love by delicious food.

Venus in Gemini: his perfect type is somebody smart and talkative who can be a part of every conversation whether it’s about sports or computer science. Funny and always cheerful. If you want this guy likes you than forget about all sad things and be the most positive person in the room

Venus in Cancer: this type is looking for real feelings with somebody who is kind and caring just like a mother. You need to make him feel like home so always ask how is he and show other signs of care. Also you need to be small&cute so he would want to hug you.

Venus in Leo: you can’t get attention of this guy without fashion clothes and glam makeup. You need to be the most beautiful, the most generous and the richest person in the room (or at least you need to look like the richest), moreover, you should act like you’re the queen: good manners, controlling your speech etc.

Venus in Virgo: this guy isn’t looking for feelings so be prepared to it. You should be smart and tidy. Remember that every detail is important so don’t show up in front of him if your hair is messy or if you have a pimple. Erudition is the most important criteria to him so read some science or historical facts if you want to make a good impression

Venus in Libra: this guy is looking for a nice company. For somebody who is cute, charming and doesn’t think too much about routine problems. Friendly and knows a lot about relationships so will be able to find compromises. Just be positive, polite and don’t be too smarty or serious.

Venus in Scorpio: you should have a bunch of secrets so be quite and don’t talk to much. He wants a partner whom he can solve like a detective story, that’s why you should get his attention like in mystic series: keep looking at him all the time without saying anything.

⌛Venus in Sagittarius: he loves exotic so try to add something foreign in your look if your appearance is not unusual. However, it’s not as important as your knowledge and wisdom. If you have never thought about why do we live or stuff like that what you two would talk about? Good sense of humor is necessary too

Venus in Capricorn: he’s looking for somebody who can be really comfortable. If he has a normal job then he probably needs somebody who can be a good housekeeper and baby raiser, or if he has no job then he’s looking for somebody rich. Just be as serious as all Capricorns to get his attention

Venus in Aquarius: this guy has no ideal type he’s just looking for somebody who would understand him and can become a truly friend. The only advice I can give is to be yourself and have fun around because this type loves jokes.

Venus in Pisces: this is the most interesting Venus of all because there’re some levels of it. Mostly this placement is looking for a muse who will inspire him and in this case, you’ll never know what his muse is exactly. But as for different Pisces level he’s looking for somebody who will perfectly suits him so you need to be just like him.



Believeslove should happen at first sight; likes independent, go-getters; enjoys chasing and being chased

Arguing and friendly competition is an aphrodisiac

Attractslove by inspiring/encouraging suitors to pursue and “win” her/him

Flirtsby teasing and picking fights; 

Wantsto be #1 in the relationship (and in her/his partner’s life) or will lose interest quickly


Believeslove should come after a lot of long-term consideration; likes (and is impressed by) wealthy people

Rich, comfort foods, receiving massages, listening to music, and fragrances that smell like something edible (mmm vanilla!) are aphrodisiacs

Attractslove by being emotionally stable and having consistent habits

Flirtsby providing physical comfort

Wantsto feel secure in relationships and “know where this is going”


Believeslove should mean never having to say, “I’m bored”; likes quotable, multifaceted people who have lots of diverse interests

Verbal/written expressions of love are aphrodisiacs

Attractslove by being infinitely entertaining

Flirtsby sharing thoughts & feelings and assigning pet names

Wants24/7 communication accessibility in relationships; variety, unpredictability


Believeslove should be nurturing; likes people who need mothering (or who are mothering) and are appreciative of her efforts

Emotional bonding and cuddling are aphrodisiacs

Attractslove by making people feel cozy and sheltered; 

Flirtsby feeding and/or cooking for someone, remembering preferences, giving thoughtful tokens of affection

Wantsinterdependence in relationships


Believeslove should ALWAYS consist of romance, drama, fun, and loyalty; likes people who stand out in socially acceptable ways 

Receiving awe-inspiring gifts and positive, focused attention from an audience are aphrodisiacs

Attractslove by playing up strengths and downplaying weaknesses, and inspiring chivalry

Flirtsby complimenting

Wantsemotionally-moving displays of appreciation and gratitude in relationships


Believeslove should involve making a commitment to take care of someone else; likes hard-workers who pay attention to details (conversely, is also attracted to flawed, disorganized partners that need fixing)

good hygiene, a neat appearance, and an orderly environment are aphrodisiacs 

Attractslove by handling all of the “dirty work” in a partner’s life

Flirtsby making analytical observations, self-deprecating humor, or offering self-improvement advice

Wantsto feel needed and useful in relationships


Believeslove should = 50/50 partnership + 24/7 romance; likes attractive, intelligent, and sociable people

The usual romantic clichés (such as rose petals on the bed and long, moonlit walks on the beach) are aphrodisiacs

Attractslove by being charming company, understanding and attentive

Flirtsindiscriminately for attention and popularity

Wantsequality, romance, and lots of attention in relationships; beauty, making plans as a couple 


Believeslove should be passionate, intense, and life-altering; likes to associate with powerful people whose sexuality comes in contradictory layers

A strong sex drive, instant chemistry, intensity, and loyalty are aphrodisiacs

Attractslove by keeping a mate’s secrets, developing an emotional bond, and not wanting to share the partner’s affection

Flirtsthrough seduction

Wantsto have control and trust in a relationship


Believeslove should bring happiness, great times, and good luck; likes outgoing, intelligent, independent, adventurous people

Visiting exotic places, meeting foreign people, exploring foreign cultures, and different accents are aphrodisiacs

Attractslove by being friendly, fun-loving, generous, and free-spirited

Flirtsthrough friendly conversation and making someone laugh

Wantsfreedom, honesty, few expectations, and undefined commitment in a relationship


Believeslove should make people keep their word; likes responsible, successful people who can help with achieving aspirations

Knowing what’s coming next is an aphrodisiac

Attractslove by being dependable and loyal; shows affection by honoring commitments and not leaving the relationship; 

Flirtsby getting straight to the point, assessing a potential mate’s value, and showing off their dry wit as they feel more comfortable

Wantsa solid commitment from the right person in relationships


Believeslove should be dessert with friendship as the main entrée; likes free-spirited, eccentric people who aren’t afraid to go against the status quo

Discussing new, inventive ways to have sex is an aphrodisiac

Attractslove by being friendly to everyone

Flirtsby sharing unusual ideas and opinions

Wantsa best friend, intellectually stimulating company and emotional detachment in relationships


Believeslove should be a perfect blend of an intuitive, spiritual bond and romance; likes nonjudgmental, creative people who think and communicate in imaginative ways

Dreamy kisses that cause tingles, foot massages, bubble baths, and mind-altering substances or practices are aphrodisiacs

Attractslove by being infinitely compassionate and seeing the best in people

Flirtsby developing and acknowledging a special connection

Wantsempathy, kindness, and sensitivity in relationships

Venus in CancerUnconscious ExpressionSelf-defeating habit: Oversensitivity and self-protection in so

Venus in Cancer

Unconscious Expression

Self-defeating habit: Oversensitivity and self-protection in social situations.

Result: Indulging in self-protection exaggerates your feelings of isolation. Self-absorption leads to withholding your ability to empathize with others on deep, personal levels for fear that such caring may be rejected. Feelings of inadequacy and withdrawal in relationships can then result.

You have a tendency to cling to private ideals of how people should respond so your feelings won’t be hurt and you’ll feel worthwhile. This expectation inevitably leads to experiencing others as being abrasive and unsympathetic to your subjective personal needs.

If you seek to manipulate other people’s emotions to gain attention and caring, you may hold back your ability to care for and nourish others.

Conscious Expression

By being willing to share your gift of sensitivity, you’ll develop a sense of other people’s situations. Then you can assist them by sharing the wealth of your loving emotional nature. In extending empathy to help others overcome their emotional hurt, you simultaneously realize a deep sense of social worth. 

When this ability to put people in touch with their sensitivities is brought forth, you are appreciated for your value. You experience an unshakable sense of self-worth when you encourage others to communicate their feelings respond with your unusual sensitivity.

When you give others confidence in their capabilities to achieve what they want, you confirm your usefulness and value. Emotional nourishment and security in all social relations become yours when love and nurturing is freely given to others and nothing is expected in return.

–Jodie Forrest, Spiritual Astrology

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