If I ever live alone it’s gonna look like the backrooms because of how minimalistic I am.




don’t get me wrong i love seeing aroace rep bc im also aroace but i wish there was a character that was just aromantic without the ace.a non-sam aro or alloaro.bc a lot of aroace characters their asexuality overshadows their aromanticism SO much and it’s like creators are scared to make a character that’s strictly aro meanwhile there’s no problem making characters be ace and not aro

yeah that’s literally the thing that made me make this post</3

lilith was said to “not like being courted”(paraphrased) and courting referes to romance yet everyone was labeling her as aroACE???? even though there wasn’t anything about her asexuality? people just automatically associate aromanticism/lack of romantic attraction with asexuality and it’s so fucking tiring

and as for jaidenanimations she didnt spend the majority of her video explaining aromanticism and her experience with it and go as far to say she prefers it over her ace identity for you all to highlight her asexuality and don’t talk about her aromanticism unless it’s also alongside ace lol

[ID: Tags reading “ # this makes me think of: # a) when that jayden YT came out and literally 75% of her video was about her aromanticness and how she valued that more # all anyone could seem to comment was ‘yay ACE!” or 'yay aroace!’ but idk if i saw outside of my own tumblr talk of being like 'yay aro!’ # and b) the toh character Lilith Clawthorne was named aroace by word of god via an uncanon dialogue letter and the letter is just…. aro # and yet her comments here on tumblr are mostly 'yay ace character!!!’ shes not even canon imo until that letter gets read in the canon.“ /End ID]

#arophobia    #aromantic    

Feeling lonely today anyone want to share their SoT headcanons or something?

[ID: Four pride icons featuring Sea of Thieves characters. The first icon shows DeMarco Singh in fro[ID: Four pride icons featuring Sea of Thieves characters. The first icon shows DeMarco Singh in fro[ID: Four pride icons featuring Sea of Thieves characters. The first icon shows DeMarco Singh in fro[ID: Four pride icons featuring Sea of Thieves characters. The first icon shows DeMarco Singh in fro

[ID: Four pride icons featuring Sea of Thieves characters. The first icon shows DeMarco Singh in front of the alloaro flag. Second icon shows Belle in front of the aroace flag. Third icon shows Sir Arthur Pendragon in front of the demiromantic flag. Last icon shows Captain Briggsy in front of the non-SAM aro flag. End ID.]

All your faves are aro.

Post link
#sea of thieves    #pride icons    #aromantic    #arospec    #headcanon    #pirates    

Sea of Thieves characters that give me gender envy:

  • Servant of the Flame
  • Belle
  • Sir Arthur Pendragon
  • DeMarco Singh
  • Any of the Ashen Lords

Once I figure out how to edit videos I’m gonna make a smash or pass tierlist video for Sea of Thieves and hope Rare doesn’t find it.

#sea of thieves    #shitpost    
gayrathbone: I’m not sorry


I’m not sorry

Post link
#undescribed    #sea of thieves    #shitpost    


Fun sea of thieves idea: Board people’s ships and demand that they give you their pronouns.

Thank god, they didn’t make the Ancients british.

#sea of thieves    #shitpost    



So apparently it’s time for another self dx info post because people are gross



  • self diagnosis isn’t looking at one post and going “hey thats me, im autistic”
  • self diagnosis includes research and introspection
  • self diagnosis of multiple disorders is reasonable - comorbidity is common (see: autism and ADHD, ADHD and SPD, many personality disorders with each other, though more than one is rarely diagnosed due to overlapping traits)
  • self diagnosis doesn’t take away resources from anyone
  • the only people who don’t take a disorder seriously “because of” self diagnosis don’t take it seriously anyway
  • the DSM is available online
  • it doesn’t matter if they’re wrong - if they’re self diagnosing it’s because they had a problem and the resources and coping mechanisms within ____ community helpedthem. 

re: doctors

  • many doctors refuse to diagnose
  • a lot of these reasons are racism and sexism
  • some traits/symptoms are internal and are therefore not seen by doctors
  • doctors diagnose based on behavior. people self-dx based on.. behavior.

re: racism, classism, sexism

  • many poc (especially black people) are diagnosed with “being {race}”
  • many people who are perceived as girls won’t be diagnosed because {sexist reason such as ‘girls cant get autism’ - yes thats a real reason people have been denied diagnosis}
  • going to a professional is expensive. it doesn’t matter if you were “obviously _____” or not - it’s expensive.

hey just so everyone knows: this post has over 1,000 notes and 2 people were jerks. 2.


speaking of future izzy. if we get izzy with a cane and permanently walking with a limp, i’m gonna lose it





I love shipping as much as the next guy but sometimes, they’re just friends.

[ID: A image of the aro flag with the text “they’re friends” and a photoshopped hand holding a gun on it. End ID]

I thought I’d add this

[ID: An image of the alloaro flag with the text “they’re friends with benefits” and a photoshopped hand holding a gun on it. End ID]

#alloaro    #aromantic    #guns cw    #cw guns    


Men’s tits: ☺️

Men’s tits (hairy): ️️

Holidays are always so lonely :( longingly staring at my friends offline icons like a widow.

spiderscribs:From the background, you can hear meHighest billing, makes a killing, they revere meT


From the background, you can hear me
Highest billing, makes a killing, they revere me
That beautiful mask you wear is all I desire
So you be the spy,
And I’ll be the liar

[ ID : A drawing of the Servant of the Flame from Sea of Thieves. Their mask is cracked in half to reveal a skeletal face beneath their red hood. The image is primarily black, with red lineart, accented with white, red, and gold. The Servant’s eye is a red gem, and a crack crosses the center of their face horizontally. A gloved hand holds the broken mask into place. ]

Post link

Izzy Rathbone

being way into their captain and also hating everyone


i will never forgive David Jenkins for this scene

“oOohHhH DaDdy… Daddy✨”

also the face he makes after he realises that he was way too convincing



the anticipation during the first thirty minutes of a columbo episode. like where is columbo. where’s my best friend columbo


I’ll probably never post my nsft art but maybe I’ll post some of my writing. Obviously with a warning and under read more.


hugely underdiscussed variable in the summer-lover versus summer-hater debate is region.

reblog this and put in the tags: where you live, which season you prefer, and why
